(株)長木屋石油店 善通寺西SS - Zentsuji

1.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (株)長木屋石油店 善通寺西SS

住所 :

Yoshiwaracho, Zentsuji, 〒765-0061 Kagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 765-0061
Webサイト : http://www.idemitsu.co.jp/index.html
街 : Kagawa

Yoshiwaracho, Zentsuji, 〒765-0061 Kagawa,Japan
山田健 on Google

ぼったくりのお店!! 全てにおいて高過ぎる! 客に値段も言わずあれもこれも代えた方がいいと言って出光では考えられない値段を払わされた。この投稿にいいねが沢山ついているということはかなり被害者がいると思われる❗
A rip-off shop!! All too expensive! The customer paid a price unthinkable at Idemitsu, saying that it should be replaced without saying the price. The number of likes on this post suggests that there are quite a few victims ❗
SAひでとち on Google

マジで行ったらダメ!! たいして同意もしてないのにボンネットを開けられ、エンジンが焼け付く臭いがしたなど脅すようなことを言って同意をとり作業をはじめる。 車の知識のない人や県外の車を食いものにする恐ろしいスタンド。 ほんまはよ潰れてほしい。
It is useless if you go seriously! ! I was able to open the bonnet even though I did not agree so much, and I started to get consent by saying something that threatened me, such as the engine smelled like burning. A horrible stand to eat people without car knowledge or cars outside the prefecture. I want you to be crushed.
Setuo Sadahiro on Google

If you put gasoline here, I think that it is good to start a scooter, so I think it is good, but it seems the same because gasoline is unified, but only high-octane gasoline has a little individuality in each gasoline company It looks like ?
sentaa piraa【大黒柱】 on Google

高知から行ったその帰りに香川のガソリンが安かったので寄ったのですが他店ではレギュラー130〜140円のなか170円程でした。値札も無くボッタクリです。 潰れれば良いのに。
Kagawa's gasoline was cheap on the way back from Kochi, but in other stores it was about 170 yen among regular 130-140 yen. There is no price tag and it is a bottakuri. I wish I could crush it.
ツカモトの中身 on Google

It seems that the opening time is late for passing cars on Route 11. About 20 years ago I went to put in my mother's car's gasoline, but after all oil change, even though I did not ask for a bonnet I was told that the engine was bad because I opened it myself, and it was wasted and wasted I remembered that it was expensive ...
丸亀太郎 on Google

ここは地域で最も価格の高いガソリンスタンドです。 他店より¥20/L以上割高です。 なぜだか分かりませんが、特に希望しているわけでもないのに、給油代金を電卓で計算し、領収書は手書きのものを渡されます。こちらから言わなければ、給油明細書を出してくれません。また、店頭価格は表示されていません。 念のため、店員にガソリンの売値を聞くと、給油量によって価格が変わると言われました。
This is the most expensive gas station in the area. It is more than ¥ 20 / L than other stores. I do not know why, but even though it is not particularly desired, the refueling fee is calculated using a calculator, and the receipt is handed in handwritten. We will not issue a refueling statement unless you say it from here. Also, the over-the-counter price is not displayed. To be on the safe side, when I asked the salesperson about the selling price of gasoline, it was said that the price would change depending on the amount of fuel supplied.
のの on Google

絶対行かないで!!!!!ぼったくり! 頼んでもいないのに、ボンネットを開けられ、オイルが無くなっているから交換しないといけないと言われました。先日オイル交換したばかりですし、お願いしているところが決まっているのでとお断りしましたが、これではエンジンが焦げつく、これではだめだの一点張りで、断る暇もなく作業されました。 エレメントの交換も半ば強制でされてしまい、合わせて6620円も請求されました。一般の価格帯よりもはるかに高いです また、給油の方は、ガソリンが溢れ出しており、 それについて一切報告も謝罪もありませんでした。 頭にきたので、Googleマップの口コミ評価を見ると同じ被害に遭われている方が大勢いらっしゃいます。 こんなにひどいガソリンスタンドは初めてです。 とても不快な気持ちになりました。 ぼったくりにもほどがありますし、なにより強制的に作業を始めるのはいかがなものかと思います。
Never go! !! !! !! !! Rip-off! Even though I didn't ask, I was told that I had to change it because the hood was opened and the oil was running out. I just changed the oil the other day, and I refused because I had decided what I was asking for, but this burned the engine, which was useless, and I had no time to refuse. The replacement of the element was also forced in the middle, and a total of 6620 yen was charged. Much higher than the general price range Also, for refueling, gasoline is overflowing, There were no reports or apologies for it. Since I came to my mind, many people are suffering from the same damage when looking at the word-of-mouth evaluation of Google Maps. This is the first time for such a terrible gas station. I felt very uncomfortable. There are some rip-offs, and above all, I think it's a good idea to forcibly start work.
yuka kishi on Google

母がぼったくりにあいかけ、また、不安を煽られました。 頼んでもないのにボンネットを開けられ(恒例?)、ミッションのオイルがないと、また、母が今は急いでいると言うと、事故に遭っても怖くないのか?という脅し。 不安になった母は夕方に車を買った店に寄ったそうですが、全然問題は無く、ミッションのオイルは早々変えるものでもないそうです。 ガソリンの値段も異様に高く、酷く落ち込んでいました。 地元にこんな心無い店がある事が悲しいです。絶対行くべきではありません。
My mother rip-offs and was anxious. If I could open the hood without asking (as usual?), I didn't have the oil for the mission, and my mother was in a hurry now, wouldn't she be afraid of an accident? Threatening. My mother, who became anxious, stopped by the shop where she bought the car in the evening, but there was no problem at all, and the oil for the mission did not change as soon as possible. The price of gasoline was also unusually high, and it was terribly depressed. It's sad that there is such a heartless store in the local area. You should never go.

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