Sports Authority - Kumagaya

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sports Authority

住所 :

ビッグベアーSC 1067 Dai, Kumagaya, Saitama 360-0804, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Postal code : 360-0804
Webサイト :
Description : Chain providing a range of athletic apparel, equipment & accessories, plus outdoor recreation gear.

ビッグベアーSC 1067 Dai, Kumagaya, Saitama 360-0804, Japan
ねこ on Google

ゴルフ用品も扱っているので重宝します 敷地内にケーズデンキ・トイザらス・大勝軒・スタミナ太郎・宝くじ売り場もあるから結構遊べる
We also handle golf equipment, so it's useful. There are K's Denki, Toys "R" Us, Daishoken, Stamina Taro, and lottery counters on the premises, so you can play a lot.
原島昇 on Google

Located on the second floor of K's Denki. Since there are many types of sneakers, I compare the price with the net and decide to buy it by actually wearing it. The wear is expensive, but the ones are good.
Osamu Nishide on Google

大型のスポーツ用品専門店で、熊谷市の郊外、国道17号バイパスと国道407号の「代」交差点角の商業施設2階にある。取り扱う商品は、野球、サッカー、テニス、ランニング、ゴルフ、自転車、アウトドア・キャンプ用品など多岐に渡る。 スポーツオーソリティでは頻繁に割り引きセールがあって10%や15%オフになる事が多いので、LINE会員などになり、セール情報を入手する事をお勧めします。 アウトドア用品ではスノーピークのショップインショップがあり、主要な商品が揃っていて購入時にはスノーピークポイントも付与される。
A large sporting goods specialty store located on the second floor of a commercial facility in the suburbs of Kumagaya City, on the corner of National Road No. 17 Bypass and National Road No. 407 at the "dai" intersection. We handle a wide variety of products including baseball, soccer, tennis, running, golf, bicycles and outdoor/camping equipment. As sports authorities often have 10% or 15% off on discount sales, we recommend that you become a LINE member and obtain sales information. For outdoor products, there is a Snow Peak shop-in-shop, and major products are available, and Snow Peak points are also given when purchasing.
パパイヤンβ版 on Google

ノースフェイスの服をかなり取り扱っていたので、高評価 お店に活気があるとなお良いかなと思います 来て楽しいお店だといいな
He handled a lot of North Face clothes, so he was highly evaluated. I think it would be even better if the store was lively I hope it's a fun shop to come to
Kawara “Sarai” Aketo on Google

You can buy sports clothing here.
由貴 on Google

Thank you for your kindness in dealing with the damage to the product. It was a birthday present from the children, so I was really happy to have it on that day. I am very grateful to the people who responded to the customer service. On my way home, I was very happy with the words "Happy birthday."
杉田しんちゃん on Google

品揃えは申し分ないです!? お店の中も広いしスポーツで必要なスタンダードな物はだいたいここにあると思います!? 駐車場も広くアクセスも良いと思います!? そこだけを見ればよいところでした!✨ けど店員さんの対応がイマイチ・・・ 自分を対応してくれた方だけがそうなのかもしれないけどなんというかただ業務を流しているだけで気持ちを込めて対応していないのが見てすぐわかりました こんないいお店で働けてるのにもったいない気がします!?
The assortment is perfect! ? The store is large and I think that the standard items needed for sports are usually here! ? I think the parking lot is wide and easy to access! ? I only had to look there! ✨ However, the correspondence of the clerk is not good ... It may be the case only for those who responded to me, but I immediately realized that I was just doing business and not responding with all my heart. I feel like it's a waste to work in such a good shop! ?
絵を描く人 on Google

1月末頃、スキーブーツお安く購入しました。スポーツオーソリティモデルのブーツで、柔らかいのが不安になりましたが、使用してみると悪くなかったです。レースはできませんが、形にはなります。初心者にもオススメ。歩きやすい。 店員さんも親切でした。ブーツ安いのがあったので、子供のも購入し、親子で楽しくスキーできました(*^^*) スキーウェアも豊富でした。
Around the end of January, I bought ski boots at a low price. I was worried that the boots of the Sports Authority model were soft, but it was not bad when I tried using them. You can't race, but it will take shape. Recommended for beginners. Easy to walk. The clerk was also kind. Since the boots were cheap, I bought children's skis and enjoyed skiing with parents and children (* ^^ *) There was plenty of ski wear.

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