Spnns America-mura - Osaka

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

About Spnns America-mura



Contact Spnns America-mura

住所 :

ブルータスビル 1F 2 Chome-11-30 Nishishinsaibashi, Chuo Ward, Osaka, 542-0086, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 542-0086
Webサイト : https://www.spinns.jp/

ブルータスビル 1F 2 Chome-11-30 Nishishinsaibashi, Chuo Ward, Osaka, 542-0086, Japan
quniyan on Google

The entrance stairs are steep ~
開響介 on Google

店員さんの対応も丁寧で商品の場所がわかりやすく買い物がしやすかったです^ ^
The clerk's response was also polite, the location of the product was easy to understand and it was easy to shop ^ ^
Norishige on Google

探していた古着が安く見つかりました。古着も新品もあり、トレンドのアイテムもあります。 さらに上にはカフェもあって休憩可能!アメ村での穴場ですね!
I found the used clothing I was looking for cheaply. There are old clothes and new ones, and there are also trendy items. There is also a cafe above, so you can take a break! It's a little-known spot in American Village!
339mon (339mon) on Google

It's in a prominent place, so it's on the 1st floor, so you can see the inside of the store a bit from the street, so it's a very easy-to-enter store. I think that it is worthwhile because the shop interior is wide and the number of products is large.
おみやげ on Google

女性スタッフさんの対応が丁寧です。顔を覚えてくださっていて、たまにお店に行ってお会いした際には、毎回笑顔で気さくに対応していただけるのが、いつもすごく嬉しいです。客層はやはり若い方が多く、店内は大体混んでます。一人で入る時は毎回勇気がいるので(笑) 平日の昼下がりなど割と空いてる時間帯にお伺いしてます?アクセ、小物類が充実していて、服も古着から新品まで幅広く取り扱っていて、楽しくお買い物出来ます☺️最近はお店に行く事が少なくなりましたが、またアメ村に遊びに行く時は是非、立ち寄らせていただきます!
The female staff is polite. He remembers his face, and every time I go to the store and meet him, I'm always very happy to have a smile and a friendly response. Many of the customers are young, and the store is generally crowded. Every time I enter alone, I have the courage (laughs), so I visit during the afternoons on weekdays, which is a relatively free time ? There are plenty of accessories and accessories, and I handle a wide range of clothes from old clothes to new ones. , You can enjoy shopping ☺️ Recently, I haven't been to many shops, but when I go to American Village again, I will definitely stop by!
hitoki M on Google

古着がとにかく可愛い! アメ村に古着屋さんは多いけどここいっとけば間違いない。 店員さんもイケてる。
Anyway, old clothes are cute! There are many second-hand clothing stores in Ame Village, but it's definitely worth mentioning here. The clerk is cool too.
かあ on Google

以前は2階が古着エリアだったと思うのですがこの前見たときは1階に古着エリアがありました。2階の古着エリアは広くて好きだったのですが...。 ここでアクセサリーや古着、普通の服も何度か買わせていただいてます。若者にはピッタリの店。 SPINNSのロゴも大きくて分かりやすいと思います。
I used to think that the 2nd floor was a used clothing area, but when I saw it the other day, there was a used clothing area on the 1st floor. I liked the used clothing area on the 2nd floor because it was large. I also buy accessories, used clothes, and ordinary clothes several times here. A store that is perfect for young people. I think the SPINNS logo is also large and easy to understand.
ふくしまわたる on Google

古着の品揃えが断トツで多かったですね! アメ村の古着屋さんをいっぱいまわってきましたが 他の所よりも値段を安く付けている感じ! それなのに内容や状態が良い物が多い!! また利用したいと思います!
There were a lot of old clothes assortment! I went around a lot of used clothing stores in Ame Village, Feeling that the price is cheaper than other places! However, there are many things in good content and condition! ! I want to use it again!

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