Spice Eight - Sendai

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Spice Eight

住所 :

5-14 Yagiyamakasumicho, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0831, Japan

Postal code : 982-0831
Webサイト : https://www.instagram.com/spice_eight/

5-14 Yagiyamakasumicho, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0831, Japan
Hirase Satoru on Google

This is the second place in Sendai to use spice curry. I ordered three kinds of peanut toppings. The peanut topping was interesting. Maybe it's because I also have a shot bar at night. I chew more often than usual.
Masayuki Etoh on Google

Although it is a small shop, the lighting and music are bright and calm. A healthy and gorgeous plate to look at. Impressed by the taste.
あやし眼科クリニック on Google

The naan with cheese and bacon was voluminous and delicious.
砂糖佐藤 on Google

再訪。 エビのレッドカレーがおいしかった。 レモンのピックル、家で作れたらいいなあ。 ----- 先日友人と伺いました。 全部盛り、おいしかったー。 個人的には辛いカレーが好きなので、ダルはちょっと物足りなくて三種で良かったかも。 全体的にバランスがとても良いと思うカレーで、ぺろりと食べれてしまったのが恐ろしい(笑) ピーナッツの隣にあった、酸味のある…黄色いねっとりとした、ほんのり梅のような味のするのが密かにおいしかった。 あれは何だったんだろう…。
Revisited. The shrimp red curry was delicious. I wish I could make a lemon pickle at home. ----- I visited with a friend the other day. Everything was delicious. Personally, I like spicy curry, so maybe I wasn't satisfied with the dull and I should have used three kinds. It's a curry that I think is very well-balanced overall, and it's scary that I ate it completely (laughs) Next to the peanuts, it had a sour taste ... It was secretly delicious with a yellow, sticky, slightly plum-like taste. What was that….
kuro okei on Google

よもや よもや 八木山の坂を上がり待ってました!スパイスエイト様 Instagramのfollower様が絶賛していたカレー屋さんです。 サラダの自家製ドレッシングが激ウマ! ドレッシング購入したいなぁー メインのカレーは 見た目からインパクトアリ!副菜混ぜ混ぜしいただきます。 スパイスの発汗作用で冬なのに汗がでてくる 現状此方のお店を超えるカレーには巡り合っておりません! 中毒になるほどクセになるカレーです! また、お伺いさせていただきます!
Yomoya Yomoya I was waiting up the slope of Mt. Yagi! Spice Eight It is a curry shop that Instagram followers have praised. Homemade salad dressing is super horse! I want to buy dressing The main curry is an impact ant from the appearance! Please mix the side dishes. The sweating action of spices causes sweat even in winter Currently, we do not have any curry that exceeds this shop! It's a curry that makes you addicted! In addition, I will visit you!
佐藤です on Google

美味しい!小麦粉を使っていないからか、たっぷり食べたあとでも胃が重くならないほどです。 バスマティライスは糖質が少ないとの事で、米の旨味はないのですが、カレーと一緒にサラサラと食べられます。 レモンチキンカレーは安定の旨さ。ダルカレーは豆のドロッとした感じが苦手な人はいるかも。個人的には麻辣が辛さとこってりのバランスが良かった! 全体ではスパイスの組み合わせ方で味は大きく変わると納得。 店舗もこじんまりと駐車場3台との事なので、開店に合わせて訪れる方が良いような気がします。 また伺いたいお店です(^_^)v
delicious! Perhaps because it doesn't use flour, it doesn't make my stomach heavier even after eating plenty. Basmati rice is said to be low in sugar, so it doesn't taste like rice, but it can be eaten smoothly with curry. Lemon chicken curry is stable. Some people don't like the dullness of beans in dal curry. Personally, Mala had a good balance of spiciness and richness! Overall, I am convinced that the taste changes greatly depending on how the spices are combined. The store is small and has 3 parking lots, so I think it's better to visit when the store opens. This is the shop I want to visit again (^ _ ^) v
0314 PICO on Google

おしゃれなお店です。 決して便利な場所ではないですが、こういう立地が逆に魅力的ですよね。 カレーはとても丁寧に作られている印象です。子供連れで行きましたが、子供にも親切でした。 カレーは何種類かあり、チキンと、エビの、あいがけ(2種盛り)にしました。ご飯はパラパラ系の本格的なものです。 美味しいのですが、カレーはガツガツ食べるのに慣れてしまってる私たちには、どうも少し物足りなく感じてしまいました。 本格カレーにこだわりのある方こそ、行っていただきたいお店だと感じました。
It's a fashionable shop. It's not a convenient place, but this kind of location is attractive. The curry has the impression that it is made very carefully. I went with my children, but they were kind to me. There are several types of curry, and I used chicken and shrimp as a sashimi (2 types). Rice is a full-fledged para-para type. It's delicious, but the curry feels a little unsatisfactory to us, who are used to eating it stuffy. I felt that those who are particular about authentic curry should go to this restaurant.
Hiromi Ishimori on Google

I was curious to see it in a magazine. The small store is full soon. Lunch time is always full. I had the impression that the ventilation was inadequate. It seems better to stagger the time well. I like curry, but I didn't like curry because it had a lot of sugar. Spice curry has less sugar if it doesn't use flour, so I'm actively eating it. Please keep the curry and rice smooth here. It had a light texture. Mala Keema Curry was delicious. It was 1000 yen for 2 kinds. I'd be happy if there was a little more curry (I had more rice). At the end, it is recommended to mix and eat everything.

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