Specified Waste Landfill Information Center Riprun Fukushima - Futaba District

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Contact Specified Waste Landfill Information Center Riprun Fukushima

住所 :

Kamikoriyama, Tomioka, Futaba District, Fukushima 979-1131, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Postal code : 979-1131
Webサイト : http://shiteihaiki.env.go.jp/tokuteihaiki_umetate_fukushima/reprun/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM

Kamikoriyama, Tomioka, Futaba District, Fukushima 979-1131, Japan
南波佐間哲次 on Google

Specified waste landfill information building. The facility of the Ministry of the Environment will explain in detail about waste disposal. You can also enjoy with parents and children. If you make a reservation, it is free to pick up from Tatsuta Station and Kashioka Station.

福島県双葉郡富岡町にある国の施設です。 特定廃棄物埋立処分事業について、情報を紹介しています。 施設内は特定廃棄物埋立処分事業を紹介している常設展示室と、体験イベントを行う会議室があります。 施設の後方のモニタリングフィールドでは、実際に空間線量測定、水質調査、土壌中放射能濃度簡易測定などのモニタリング体験が出来る参加型イベントが開催されるそうです。 特定廃棄物埋立処分事業とは? 福島県内の既存の管理型処分場を活用して、放射性物質汚染対処特別措置法に基づき、国が責任を持って、放射性物質に汚染された廃棄物(10万Bq/kg以下の特定廃棄物)等の埋立処分を行う事業です。 (リンプルふくしまパンフレットより)
It is a national facility located in Tomioka Town, Futaba District, Fukushima Prefecture. Introducing information about the specified waste landfill disposal business. The facility has a permanent exhibition room that introduces the specified waste landfill disposal business and a conference room that holds hands-on events. In the monitoring field behind the facility, a participatory event will be held where you can actually experience monitoring such as air dose measurement, water quality survey, and simple measurement of radioactivity concentration in soil. What is a specified waste landfill disposal business? Utilizing the existing managed landfill site in Fukushima Prefecture, the national government is responsible for waste contaminated with radioactive materials (specific waste of 100,000 Bq / kg or less) based on the Act on Special Measures Concerning Radioactive Material Contamination. ), Etc. is a business to dispose of landfills. (From the Rimple Fukushima Pamphlet)
ちびにゃん on Google

すごく丁寧に詳しく説明して頂きました。 廃棄物を一緒くたに埋め立ててると思ってたら全然違かったです。 情報公開が徹底していました。 知りたいこと以上にいろいろわかってとても良かったです。 こんなに面倒くさいことをさせてる東京電力への反感が高まりました。
He explained in detail very carefully. It was completely different when I thought that I was landfilling the waste together. Information disclosure was thorough. It was great to know more than I wanted to know. The antipathy toward TEPCO, which is making such troublesome things, has increased.
akihiro “あきちゃー” 勝呂 on Google

You can see, touch, and touch the real thing, such as projection mapping and images on a tablet device, so you can experience an experience that is hard to find elsewhere.
Masashi Yamaguchi on Google

福島原発事故の廃棄物処理について説明してくれる施設です。現在緊急事態宣言が出ている東京都、沖縄県からの見学者はお断りしているそうで、8/2~拡大される地域の方は明日以降お断りする場合があるとの事。 解説内容は一般的な説明よりは踏み込んでいるが、どちらかと言うとはたらくくるまが好きな男の子とかが喜びそう。
It is a facility that explains the waste treatment of the Fukushima nuclear accident. It seems that visitors from Tokyo and Okinawa prefectures who are currently declared a state of emergency are not allowed, and those who will be expanded from August 2nd may be refused after tomorrow. The content of the explanation is more in-depth than the general explanation, but it seems that boys who like working cars will be happy.
naomi yonekawa on Google

福島県の抱える課題、現状がとてもよくわかる場所です。 正しい知識、情報を知る為にもこの場所にたくさんの方が訪れることを願っています。
It is a place where you can get a good idea of ​​the issues facing Fukushima Prefecture and the current situation. We hope that many people will come to this place to know the correct knowledge and information.
fuko matsuda on Google

福島を知る旅の初めに立ち寄りました。 館内は綺麗で、絵や写真や実物を用いて廃棄物処理の流れが説明されており、タブレットによるARで情報が得られたり、簡単なゲームなどもあって、子どもも楽しく学習できる場所になっています。 スタッフの方がとても丁寧に説明してくださり、廃棄物処理場の見学もさせていただきました。 見学の際は坂を上って少し高台のようなところに行くので、歩きやすい靴がおすすめです。遠くに第二原発も見えました。 もう少しでこの埋立場は役目を終え、そのあとはモニタリングが続くようです。ただ、中間貯蔵施設のものは、終末処理場に移さねばならず、行き先はなかなか決まらないようです。 あの日から10年以上が経ちましたが、まだまだ沢山の人が除染や廃棄物処理に携わっていることを知りました。 見学の際に頂いた冊子がとてもよくできていて、帰ってからもゆっくり復習ができました。
I stopped by at the beginning of my trip to get to know Fukushima. The inside of the building is beautiful, and the flow of waste disposal is explained using pictures, photos, and the real thing. Information can be obtained by AR with a tablet, and there are simple games, so it is a place where children can enjoy learning. I am. The staff explained very carefully and we also visited the waste treatment plant. When you visit, you will go up the hill to a place like a hill, so shoes that are easy to walk in are recommended. I could see the second nuclear power plant in the distance. It seems that this landfill will soon finish its role, and monitoring will continue after that. However, those in the interim storage facility must be moved to the terminal treatment plant, and it seems that the destination is difficult to decide. It's been more than 10 years since that day, and I learned that many people are still involved in decontamination and waste disposal. The booklet I received during the tour was very well made, and I was able to review it slowly after returning.
Ruix V on Google

Waste wasn’t landfilled, it was released into the ocean!!!!!!

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