Sozaiya Kanayama - Nagoya

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sozaiya Kanayama

住所 :

1 Chome-2-21 Kanayamacho, Atsuta Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 456-0002, Japan

Postal code : 456-0002

1 Chome-2-21 Kanayamacho, Atsuta Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 456-0002, Japan
Keiko Sugiyama on Google

定食メニューがあり、1人でちょっとご飯食べたい時にとても良いです!!2回リピしました! いま現在はランチから夜まで食べれると思います。 1000円以内のメニューはほんとにありがたい!! すき焼きは木曽路の下割りを使用してるそうで 私には少し甘めでしたがとても美味しかった〜 たまたま通りがかって看板をみて 勇気を出して入ってよかった。笑笑 このご時世、入り口のドアが開放的だといいですね。 また来ます、ご馳走様でした!!
There is a set meal menu, which is very good when you want to eat a little bit by yourself! !! I repeated it twice! Right now I think I can eat from lunch to night. I really appreciate the menu for less than 1000 yen! !! It seems that sukiyaki uses the lower split of Kisoji. It was a little sweet to me, but it was very delicious ~ I happened to pass by and saw the signboard I'm glad I got the courage to enter. LOL I hope the entrance door is open at this time. I will come again, it was a treat! !!
芳賀正勝 on Google

I think it's a good value. There is a word that is worthwhile in Nagoya's popularity. I think it's a good shop. I think that the store can be created well by individual small groups. Thick pillars are also used for the lumber of the store, and fine lumber that seems to have been relocated from somewhere is used.
笹森ちゃむ on Google

19時50分ラストオーダー。20時閉店 19時20分頃から行き、思う存分 小学校時代からの幼なじみ?と食べました?
Last order at 19:50. Closed at 20:00 I went from around 19:20 and ate as much as I wanted with my childhood friend ? from elementary school ?
MACHIKO on Google

店内お洒落で居心地が良かったです。 ランチタイムの来店でしたが、コーヒー100円!持ち帰りのすき焼き丼弁当、とても美味しかったです。 また今度は飲み会で来店したいです。
The inside of the store was fashionable and cozy. I visited the store at lunch time, but coffee was 100 yen! The take-out sukiyaki rice bowl lunch was very delicious. I would like to come to the store again this time at a drinking party.
イ.テ. on Google

特筆すべき点はないが、メニュー構成や価格等まずまずバランス取れた居酒屋。 定番焼酎の黒霧といいちこの一升瓶があるのはいいね。
There is nothing special to mention, but the izakaya has a fairly well-balanced menu structure and prices. It's nice to have a bottle of Iichiko, the classic black fog of shochu.
J. Gunq on Google

Margaret Lee on Google

Located 30 seconds from Kanayama Station. High value dinner set and beer. Good beef and sashimi quality. Staff tried very hard in communicating in English but pictures always work ten thousand times more effectively than words. Big thumb up!
Duckbutcher on Google

Solid stuff, just the sort of thing you want from an izakaya. Great atmosphere, a good variety of stuff on the menu and inexpensive beer. Our orders were taken care of pretty quickly, which was surprising as they were quite busy. It’s literally round the corner from the station too which makes it incredibly convenient. Worth a look!

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