Souyagien Fishing Center - Yamato

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Souyagien Fishing Center

住所 :

1021 Kamisoyagi, Yamato, Kanagawa 242-0029, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 242-0029
Webサイト :

1021 Kamisoyagi, Yamato, Kanagawa 242-0029, Japan
Yu Ma on Google

It was good that there wasn't a rainbow trout nearby. I wanted to give you the experience of eating what you caught. Only the bait fee, but the rainbow trout I caught is a purchase. It was 3000 yen per kilo, but it was 2400 yen for three animals. Cooking is about 1500 yen. Rice and miso soup are 200 yen each. Since it is a purchase, it is not possible to fish around, so in that case it is a carp. Next time I would like to challenge carp. Even if I said that I would eat inside when cooking, even if I bought potatoes, I had to wait outside. Isn't it okay to eat it? It is a minus of.
とーちゃん on Google

夕方前から家族で利用しました 駐車場は砂利ですが 50台くらい?停められる そこそこ広い感じでしたが ほぼ満車で中に入っても けっこー人はいました 釣れる魚種は 金魚、ニジマス、鯉の3魚種で 金魚は帰りに釣った中から 1尾お持ち帰りでき、 ニジマスは釣ったら買い取りで その場で下処理、調理も してくれるようです (どちらも有料) 鯉は釣ったらリリースのようです 今回は金魚を選び 竿を借りて練りエサをもらい 釣りスタートです? 竿を垂らした瞬間から どんどん寄ってきて 初心者でしたが テンポよく釣れる感じです ただ練りエサのつけ方が下手なのか 小さくつけることができず エサを針ごと飲ませるのは 難しい感じでしたが 沈ませておけば なぜかいつの間にか かかってるので なんだかんだで 1人10〜20尾くらいは 釣れてました? 1時間で竿のレンタル、エサ付、 1尾お土産付きで1000円なら 十分楽しめると思います ただ真夏の炎天下だと 日中は厳しいかもなので 帽子などの日除け持参か 少し涼しくなってからが おすすめかもです☀
I used it with my family before the evening The parking lot is gravel About 50? Can be stopped It was a fairly wide feeling Even if it is almost full and goes inside There were some people The fish species you can catch With three species of goldfish, rainbow trout, and carp Goldfish from the one I caught on my way home You can take one fish home, If you catch rainbow trout, buy it On-the-spot preparation and cooking Seems to do (Both are charged) The carp seems to be released when caught This time I chose a goldfish Borrow a rod and get food for kneading It's fishing start ? From the moment you hang the rod Come closer and closer I was a beginner It feels like you can catch at a good tempo Is it just that I'm not good at feeding kneaded food? I can't attach it small It ’s the food that you drink with the needle It was difficult If you sink it Why Because it depends Somehow About 10 to 20 fish per person I was able to catch it ? Rod rental in 1 hour, with food, 1000 yen with 1 souvenir I think you can enjoy it enough Just under the scorching sun of midsummer It may be tough during the day Do you bring a hat or other awning? After it gets a little cool It may be recommended ☀
しんでぃ on Google

釣り初心者や子供でも楽しめる!コイに餌やりもできる。ものすごいサイズのコイやチョウザメたくさんいて巨大な口をパクパクさせる姿は見もの。 釣りも金魚は子供でもかなり楽しめるし、帰りに金魚を持って帰らせてくれるので、子供も満足。ビニール袋に入れてくれるけどバケツや金魚入れの容器は必須かな。 駐車場も広いし、受付のおじいちゃん優しいし、自然を感じながら楽しめる。 驚いたのが、近くに軍の基地があるので、巨大な戦闘機が飛び回っているので、好きな人は面白いかも。距離はかなり近いです。 2時間もいたら存分に楽しめる場所。
Even beginners and children can enjoy fishing! You can also feed the carp. It is a sight to see a lot of carp and sturgeon of tremendous size and a huge mouth. Even children can enjoy fishing and goldfish, and they will bring the goldfish home with them, so children will be satisfied. It will be put in a plastic bag, but a bucket or a container for goldfish is essential. The parking lot is large, the receptionist is kind to the grandfather, and you can enjoy while feeling the nature. To my surprise, there is a military base nearby, and huge fighters are flying around, so it may be interesting for those who like it. The distance is quite close. A place where you can fully enjoy yourself if you have two hours.
Kaz Naka on Google

ニジマス釣りと金魚釣りをしました。ニジマスはエサのついた竿を入れた瞬間に釣れますが、釣れたニジマスは1kgあたり3,000円で全部買い取る必要なので要注意です。私は4匹釣って2,600円でした。お店の食堂で焼きと揚げで調理してもらい食べましたが美味しかったです。調理代は確か1,600円ぐらいでした。 金魚釣りは1時間1,000円で1匹持ち帰りできます。エサの食いつきに合わせて早めに引くと、うまく釣れるようになり、12匹ぐらい釣れて楽しかったです。金魚は持ち帰りなしでも大丈夫でした。 大人も子供も楽しめると思います!
I did rainbow trout fishing and goldfish fishing. You can catch rainbow trout the moment you insert a rod with bait, but be careful as you need to buy all the caught rainbow trout for 3,000 yen per kg. I caught 4 of them and it was 2,600 yen. I had it cooked and fried in the cafeteria of the shop and ate it, but it was delicious. The cooking fee was about 1,600 yen. You can take one goldfish fishing home for 1,000 yen per hour. If I pulled it early according to the bite of the bait, I was able to catch it well, and I enjoyed catching about 12 fish. The goldfish didn't have to be taken home. I think both adults and children can enjoy it!
tomomi yuki on Google

10歳の息子と行きました。 初めての釣りだったので金魚釣りを選択。(他はコイ、ニジマスです) 料金は1時間で1,000円です。ピンポン球くらいの練り餌を受け取り、竿を選んで開始です。 池に座ると金魚たちが餌を狙いに集まって来るので、米粒くらいに整形した練り餌を針につけて垂らすとすごい勢いで餌だけ取られます。 初めはおっかなびっくりとしていたのですが5分くらいで慣れて、その後は餌の付け方や垂らし方のコツを得たのか1時間で20匹くらい釣り上げました。 食堂も中にあり、手洗い場には石鹸もあるので安心して遊ばせることができました。 金魚は一匹持って帰ることが出来るようです。
I went with my 10 year old son. I chose goldfish fishing because it was my first time fishing. (The others are carp and rainbow trout) The fee is 1,000 yen per hour. Receive the bait about the size of a ping-pong ball, select a rod and start. When you sit in the pond, goldfish gather for food, so if you attach a paste that is shaped like a grain of rice to a needle and hang it down, only the food will be taken with great force. At first I was surprised, but after about 5 minutes I got used to it, and after that I caught about 20 fish in an hour, maybe I got the knack of how to feed and hang. There is also a dining room inside, and there is soap in the restroom, so I was able to play with peace of mind. It seems that you can bring one goldfish home.
Y C on Google

The pond is divided into carp, rainbow trout, and goldfish, and you can fish in each. My family did carp fishing, but it was in a state of eating. Goldfish fishing is popular. Still, it's not that I can't sit down, and I'm surprised that there is such a place near Yokohama. I really recommend it.
yasuko u on Google

大和いずみの森の近くです!50台までの無料駐車場があります。 釣り堀は金魚、ニジマス、鯉と分かれていて今回は初心者向けの金魚釣りをやりました。 1時間1000円で小1と小6の息子で8匹釣れました。釣れた金魚は1匹持ち帰りが出来ます。 食堂と売店は昭和の雰囲気を醸し出していました。
It is near Yamato Izumi no Mori! There is free parking for up to 50 cars. The fishing pond is divided into goldfish, rainbow trout, and carp, and this time I did goldfish fishing for beginners. I caught 8 small 1 and 6 small sons for 1000 yen per hour. You can take one of the goldfish you caught with you. The cafeteria and shop created the atmosphere of the Showa era.
神奈川大好き on Google

子どもの頃からある草柳園 当時、泉の森ではなく 水源地と呼ばれていた時代に よく遊びに来ていました 鯉の餌やりも、とても楽しかったです よく餌をねだってあげてたこと 思い出しました 子供会でニジマス料理も食べに来たことあったな。。懐かしい お子様連れの方も多くて 親子で楽しい一時ですね あ、ニジマスは釣ったら購入なんですよね(1キロ3000円) 釣り過ぎ注意ですよー笑
Kusanagien that has existed since childhood At that time, not Izumi no Mori In an era when it was called a water source I used to come to play Feeding the carp was also a lot of fun I used to beg for food I remembered I've come to eat rainbow trout dishes at a children's association. .. Nostalgic There are many people with children It's a fun time for parents and children Oh, you buy rainbow trout if you catch it (3000 yen per kilo) Be careful not to fish too much!

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