
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ホビーステーション秋葉原駅前店

住所 :

Sotokanda, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0021 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : http://old.hbst.net/shop/new_akihabara/index.html
街 : Tokyo

Sotokanda, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0021 Tokyo,Japan
Tenjo Nana on Google

A store that never says that you are a female customer. Do you think you won't buy this one, or do you operate based on that belief? Furthermore, when I go on weekdays, it is a very unpleasant shop with flowers blooming in the private language of the staff.
Rei T on Google

The location is good and the assortment and prices are reasonably good. The staff who responded by phone and at the store regarding the purchase were energetic and refreshing, but at the store, it is better to respond silently and mushy when asking for products at the cash register or showcase. It was very disappointing that there were several people.
こしあん on Google

今日(2022. 1/8)行ってきました。本店よりシングルが安いものもあり本店よりマシなので☆3です
I went today (2022. 1/8). Some singles are cheaper than the main store, so it's better than the main store, so it's ☆ 3.
ryo ryo (ryo ryo) on Google

ここの2000円ポケカクジを30口ぐらい買ったがあたり一覧にあるあたりを1枚も引かなかった。 1万円帰ってきたかどうか怪しい。 まじでここで買わん方がいい。闇
I bought about 30 2000 yen Pokekakuji here, but I didn't draw any of them in the list. I doubt if I have returned 10,000 yen. You should really buy it here. darkness
山田太郎 on Google

買い取り安すぎ。 ここで15000円言われたカードが、駿河屋では22000円で買い取ってくれたぞ? ノリで値段決めすぎ。
It's too cheap to buy. The card that was said to be 15,000 yen here was bought at Surugaya for 22,000 yen, right? The price is set too much with glue.
Masa TANIKAWA on Google

ベイブレードのパーツはここで。 甥っ子との対戦のためにベイブレードを始めたわけですが、大人の財力で対応するのは大人気ないので、おこづかいでちょこちょこ買い足す事でそれでも戦えることを証明したい、という事情がありました。そんな訳で中古パーツを買える場所を探してたのですが、これが意外とないのですねぇ。 まあ、メーカーとしても新しいセットを買えって事なのでしょうが、小銭で楽しみたい層にとってはパーツ単位でお手頃価格で売っているこのお店はありがたい存在です。メルカリとかでも売ってないことはないけど、ここに比べるとだいぶ高いかもです。 先日はクリスマス限定なのか、「超Z確定くじ」なる福袋的な商品があり、一つ購入しました。売りの超Zレイヤーはハザードケルベロスでしたが、それ以外にも旧レイヤーが5つ、新旧のディスクが10枚、フレーム2つ、ドライバーが5つも入って2000円と、色々実験するにはお得なセットでした。ちなみに旧レイヤーには「シャドーオリハルコン」というレアモノ(あまり強くはなさそうですが)も入っててお得感が高いです。
Beyblade parts are here. I started Beyblade to play against my nephew, but it is not very popular to deal with it with the financial strength of adults, so I wanted to prove that I could still fight by buying more and more. That's why I was looking for a place to buy used parts, but this is not surprising. Well, as a manufacturer, I think it's possible to buy a new set, but for those who want to enjoy it with small change, this shop that sells parts at a reasonable price is appreciated. It's not that Mercari isn't sold, but it may be a lot more expensive than here. The other day, maybe it was limited to Christmas, there was a lucky bag-like product called "Super Z Confirmed Lottery", and I bought one. The super Z layer for sale was Hazard Cerberus, but in addition to that, there are 5 old layers, 10 old and new discs, 2 frames, 5 drivers for 2000 yen, which is a great deal for various experiments. It was a set. By the way, the old layer also contains a rare item called "Shadow Orichalcum" (although it doesn't seem to be very strong), which is a great deal.
Ivan Bai on Google

A good card shop that stocks almost all current card games.
J Kim on Google

Best second hand shop I've been to in akiba.

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