Soseikiko Books - Otake

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Soseikiko Books

住所 :

3 Chome-12-20 Yumi, Otake, Hiroshima 739-0612, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 739-0612

3 Chome-12-20 Yumi, Otake, Hiroshima 739-0612, Japan
Kazumasa Mitogawa on Google

It looks like it's going to collapse ?
ダートジャンキーカズ on Google

Old-fashioned used bookstore.
市ヶ谷有咲 on Google

When I was worried about what to buy while looking at what I'm selling and feeling nostalgic, I was suddenly told that "If you don't buy it, go out early."
fujiki on Google

昔ながらの古本屋といったイメージです。 品揃え豊富で、掘り出し物が見つかるかも!?
It is an image of an old-fashioned second-hand bookstore. With a wide selection of items, you may find bargains! ??
キートンセロー on Google

It's hard to walk around the store because the books are lined up in the store, but the product lineup is wide and I was able to get the books I wanted.
Haruka Minami on Google

古書店ですが、古書の他にいろいろなグッズが置いてあります。 ただ、お店が小さいため目当ての品を探すために店内をくまなく探検することが必要かもしれません。
It is an old bookstore, but there are various goods in addition to the old book. However, since the shop is small, it may be necessary to explore the inside of the shop in order to search for a target item.
純さん歩 on Google

歴史書が足の踏み場もないほど多々ありました 昭和から平成にかけてお世話になった女優に再会できる喜び
There were so many history books that there was no foothold The joy of being able to meet the actress who was indebted from Showa to Heisei
関谷泰穂 on Google

面白そうと思って来たけど、どこになにがあるのやら…本を管理できてる様子もなく値段設定も基準がまったくわからない。 品数はすごく豊富だけど、2度と行かないと思います。
I thought it would be interesting, but I wonder where it is ... I don't seem to be able to manage the books, and I don't know the standard for pricing at all. The number of items is very abundant, but I don't think I'll ever go there again.

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