空町カフェ 保護猫カフェ猫待ち - Nishio

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 空町カフェ 保護猫カフェ猫待ち

住所 :

Soramachi−37, Heisakacho, Nishio, 〒444-0305 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 444-0305
Webサイト : https://m.facebook.com/soramachi37/%3Flocale2%3Dja_JP
街 : Aichi

Soramachi−37, Heisakacho, Nishio, 〒444-0305 Aichi,Japan
Tomo S on Google

There were many cats of about 10 and I enjoyed it. I went to the spring break weekdays, but there were always two or three pairs. There are many cats and customers, so it can not be said that the cleaning is perfect. Because the hair was flying in the air, I think it is better to bring a mask to the person who cares. You can park around 5 cars around your house. Matcha tea was very ordinary. I felt that some cats were tired, and I also felt that it would be better to take a day off for cleaning and other sanitations every day.
長坂美奈 on Google

前回は猫も人もいっぱいで、混んでいたけど、今日は大人3人子供2人でゆっくり猫と触れあえました。 7歳と4歳の息子たちが触っても大人しくしていたり、おもちゃにじゃれてくれたり、人慣れしているコや、なんか騒がしいのが来たなと高い場所から様子を見ているコなど、いろんな猫ちゃんがいて面白い。 子供たちも毎回、また行きたいと言っています。猫好きにはたまらないお店です。
Last time there were a lot of cats and people and it was crowded, but today we had 3 adults and 2 children and slowly touched the cats. My 7-year-old and 4-year-old sons are quiet to the touch, they play with toys, they are accustomed to people, and they are watching from a high place when something noisy has come. It's interesting to see various cats. Children also want to go again every time. It's an irresistible shop for cat lovers.
- Tora - on Google

初めて嫁さんと行きました! 家にも一匹飼ってますが、とても皆可愛かったです! 一部の人が猫カフェさんの内装やサービスについて クレームみたいな文面でコメントしてますが、 200円という良心的な値段で上等過ぎだと思います。 二人で2000円入れましたがまだ足りないくらいだと思いました。 これからも頑張って下さい。
I went with my wife for the first time! I have one at home, but they were all very cute! Some people talk about the interior and services of cat cafes I comment in a text like a complaint, but I think it's too good at a reasonable price of 200 yen. I put in 2000 yen for two people, but I thought it wasn't enough. please keep trying your best.
itou chiharu on Google

The entrance fee is 200 yen. In the process of searching for TNR and foster parents of outside cats, you can see familiar cats. I only had big cats this time, but I like kittens so I'll go there again in spring.
彩子 on Google

おむつが外せないネコ、普通に歩けないネコ。食の細いネコに持病があるネコ。みんなとても可愛いけれど、手のかかるコがいるのも事実。飼ってみてわかるけど大変です。そんなネコ達をお世話していることにほんと頭が下がります。 お近くのネコ好きな方はぜひ行ってみてください。 ほんの少しネコの役にたてた気がします。
Cats that cannot remove diapers, cats that cannot walk normally. A cat with a sickness in a cat with a thin diet. Everyone is very cute, but it's also true that there are some tricks. It's hard to understand if you keep it. I'm really sick of taking care of such cats. If you like cats near you, please go there. I feel that it has helped the cat a little.
千春 on Google

この日は機嫌の悪いネコちゃんが。前は、画像撮っても何ともなかったのに、昨日は撫でようとすると顔を背けたり、後ずさりしたりする子まで‥ 奥のケージに居た子が外に出たかったのか、ずっと鳴いていて切なかった。出してあげたかったけれど、猫待ちのやり方があるのだから‥と自分を納得させるしかなくてツラかった。
A cat in a bad mood on this day. Before, I couldn't do anything even if I took an image, but yesterday, even a child who turned away or backed up when trying to stroke ... Perhaps the child in the back cage wanted to go out, I was sad because he was crying all the time. I wanted to put it out, but I had no choice but to convince myself that there was a way to wait for the cat.
kaz proto-13 on Google

I went there for the first time. You can raise more than 200 yen and put it with your cat for an unlimited amount of time. You don't have to ask for a drink. There are more than 10 protected cats.
ヒロタタダシ on Google

Good, Very good!

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