株式会社 和みの杜

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社 和みの杜

住所 :

Sootome, Sakura, 〒329-1414 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Webサイト : http://www.nagomino-mori.com/
街 : Tochigi

Sootome, Sakura, 〒329-1414 Tochigi,Japan
稲見直人 on Google

村松仁司 on Google

cocononpapa2010 on Google

我妻智幸 on Google

Baked potatoes and dried potatoes were delicious
オバマたこ焼き on Google

It feels like the Koyu place will grow in the coming era.
mooon sumo on Google

じゃがいもとさつまいもを植えている畑でいちご狩りさせてもらいました! 終わりの時期とは思えない程甘くてたくさん採れて、子供たちも嬉しそうでした(^^) 懐っこい犬とヤギがお出迎えしてくれます♪
I was allowed to hunt strawberries in the field where potatoes and sweet potatoes are planted! It was so sweet that I couldn't think it was the end of the season, and the children seemed happy (^^) A nostalgic dog and goat will welcome you ♪
石井仁美 on Google

先日さつまいもの苗植えといちご狩りをさせて貰いました。 さつまいもは、苗の植え付けの仕方などを丁寧に指導していただきました。 秋の収穫が楽しみです。 いちご狩りは、ハウス内の密を避ける為に1ハウス2家族までで、一列間空けて入るようにとの事。そして、この一列両側全部採って良しという事で、約1時間でいちごの段ボールの箱いっぱいになりました。子どもたちはいちご狩り楽しみにしていたので完熟の美味しいイチゴをその場で頬張って幸せそうでした。お持ち帰りしたイチゴはこの後どうしようかな?と嬉しい悩みです?
The other day, I was allowed to plant sweet potato seedlings and pick strawberries. For sweet potatoes, they carefully taught us how to plant seedlings. I am looking forward to the autumn harvest. Strawberry hunting should be done in a row with up to 2 families in 1 house to avoid crowding in the house. And it was okay to take all of this row on both sides, so in about an hour the strawberry cardboard box was full. The children were looking forward to picking strawberries, so they seemed happy to chew on the spot with delicious ripe strawberries. What should I do with the strawberries I took home after this? I'm happy to worry ?
宮澤美萌 on Google

We rent a large field in the child-rearing circle and cultivate various things. Thank you for your kindness and for teaching me in detail how to grow potatoes and sweet potatoes. We also picked strawberries, and the children were delighted with the sweet and delicious strawberries! The dried potatoes are also delicious and children love it. I look forward to working with you.

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