Sonei Kunohe Ski Area - Kunohe District

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sonei Kunohe Ski Area

住所 :

Dai 18 Chiwari-41-6 Ibonai, Kunohe, Kunohe District, Iwate 028-6502, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 028-6502
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–4PM
Sunday 9AM–4PM
Monday 9AM–4PM
Tuesday 9AM–4PM
Wednesday 9AM–4PM
Thursday 9AM–4PM
Friday 9AM–4PM

Dai 18 Chiwari-41-6 Ibonai, Kunohe, Kunohe District, Iwate 028-6502, Japan
ネコゴン on Google

It is a quiet ski resort in the forest. I am happy because the time ticket is cheap.?? The barn was rough in some places, so I was pretty much beaten (^ ^;
ふじサン on Google

孫達と楽しんで来ました✌️ 子供達が楽しむ、練習すのには、いいスキー場です。 その他の施設(休憩所)等あれば良いですね!
I enjoyed it with my grandchildren ✌️ It's a good ski resort for kids to enjoy and practice. It would be nice if there were other facilities (rest areas)!
まぐまぐろーす on Google

It's a small and cute slope, but the facilities are not old enough and the slopes are not enough for young people, and it is too narrow for families and beginners. This year, there was little snow and the snow quality was a little tight. Meals and desserts are not the highlights.
智恵子 on Google

初めて行った場所ですが、近所だったら毎週孫を連れて行ってると思います! 孫も自分の家の庭かのように、何度もリフトで上に行ってはスイスイ降りて来ていました。 私は1才の孫と休憩室で皆の滑りを見てましたが、できれば、1階にあったらよかったなと思いました。
This is the first place I went, but if I was in the neighborhood, I would take my grandchildren every week! My grandchildren also went up and down by lift many times, as if they were in the garden of their own house. I saw everyone slipping in the break room with my 1 year old grandson, and I wish I had been on the ground floor if possible.
H U on Google

今日は親子割引があり二人で6時間券で1700円で滑ることが出来て、とてもお得でした。 夕方からはリフト無料サービスがありましたが11時くらいから四時まで滑りましたので満足できましたので無料はまたの機会があれば利用したいです。
There was a parent-child discount today, and we were able to skate for 1,700 yen with a 6-hour ticket, which was a great deal. There was a free lift service from the evening, but I was satisfied because I slipped from about 11 o'clock to 4 o'clock, so I would like to use the free lift if there is another opportunity.
DAISUKE S on Google

平日夕方から3時間券。親子で貸し切りでした。 良い練習ができました。
3 hour ticket from the evening on weekdays. It was reserved for parents and children. I had a good practice.
S S on Google

We are indebted to skiing in winter and park golf in summer. I think the ski resort is perfect for children's practice, but adults can get full with a two-hour ticket. The sled is also quite interesting!
T Tak on Google

コスパがよく、ウィンタースポーツを気軽に楽しめます。 集中して練習するにもよいスキー場です。 初心者コース2本、ちびっこゲレンデ、中級者コース1本、上級者コース(非圧雪)1本。 小学生から高校生ぐらいの利用者が多い。スキーとスノボは7:3ぐらい。 お父さんやお母さんが子供にスキーを教えていたり、子供同士で遊んでいたり、和気あいあいとしていました。 ・九戸インターから車で10分。途中混む場所、難所もなくアクセス良好 ・リフト券が非常にお得で目的を決めて集中して滑れば2時間(1100円)でも十分 ・食堂がリーズナブル。通常メニューの他にカレーパン、肉まんなどあり。 ・自販機の飲み物も通常価格で安心。 ・食堂の2階はスーパー銭湯の休憩所のような座敷になっていて乳幼児連れでも安心。 ・リフトは1本はぐれる心配なし。子供だけで滑らせていてもリフト周りだけ見ていればいいので安心。 ・適度にすいているのでたくさん滑れる。ドロップするタイミングがとりやすい。人にぶつかる心配があまりない。 ・リフトに乗る際、足元がベルトコンベヤー方式になっていてリフト前で転ぶなどの心配がなく安全。 村営のスキー場でほのぼのした感じでよいスキー場です。 ビッグゲレンデに行くのも楽しいですが気軽に楽しみたい、集中して練習したいという方に必要十分なスキー場です。 八戸ナンバーの利用者もかなり多かったです。 カラマツコースの序盤はグラトリの練習によさそうです。 ダイナミックコースはカービングの練習に最適でした。
Cospa is good and you can easily enjoy winter sports. It is a good ski resort for intensive practice. 2 beginner courses, little ski slopes, 1 intermediate course, 1 advanced course (non-compacted snow). There are many users from elementary school to high school. Skiing and snowboarding are around 7: 3. Dad and mom taught skiing to their children, playing with each other, and having a friendly atmosphere. ・ 10 minutes by car from Kunohe Interchange. Good access without crowded places and difficult points on the way ・ If the lift ticket is very profitable and you decide the purpose and concentrate on skiing, 2 hours (1100 yen) is enough ・ The dining room is reasonable. In addition to the regular menu, there are curry bread and meat buns. ・ Drinks from vending machines are also safe at regular prices. ・ The 2nd floor of the cafeteria is a tatami room like a resting place for a super public bath, so it is safe even with infants. ・ There is no need to worry about one lift coming off. Even if only the child is sliding, you only have to look around the lift, so you can rest assured. ・ Because it is moderately squeezed, you can slip a lot. Easy to drop timing. You don't have to worry about hitting people. -When you get on the lift, your feet are on a conveyor belt, so you don't have to worry about falling in front of the lift. It is a ski resort run by a village and has a warm feeling. It is fun to go to the big slopes, but it is a necessary and sufficient ski resort for those who want to enjoy it casually and want to concentrate on practicing. There were quite a lot of users of the Hachinohe number. The early part of the larch course looks good for Gratley practice. The dynamic course was perfect for carving practice.

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