安田大納言 - Takasago

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー



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Contact 安田大納言

住所 :

Sonecho, Takasago, 〒676-0082 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87978
Postal code : 676-0082
Webサイト : http://www.yasuda-dainagon.com/
街 : Hyogo

Sonecho, Takasago, 〒676-0082 Hyogo,Japan
澤井正義 on Google

The red bean paste is delicious.
上野直也 on Google

なんでもおいしい。 この時期(5月頃)からの若あゆがおすすめ。
Everything is delicious. Waka Ayu from this time (around May) is recommended.
うめ猫 on Google

基本“アンコ”が苦手な私 でも、ここの生菓子のアンコは凄~く好き♪ 週一でも通いたいのですが…店員さんが愛想なくて恐い。。。
I don't like the basic "Anko", but I really like the sweets here. I want to go there once a week ... I'm scared because the clerk doesn't love me. . .
近藤弘美 on Google

お土産でいただきました。 こしあんあっさりでとても美味しかったです。
I got it as a souvenir. It was light and very delicious.
高砂瀧 on Google

Not sweet and easy to eat ❗ Good for tea confectionery ?
Zeus Titan on Google

The taste that I have been accustomed to since I was a child. I think it's good to evaluate it objectively. My wife, who has been married from another place, also likes it and buys various things.
Ishida Midori on Google

You can make a reservation. We also have seasonal products. Ichigo Daifuku in spring, scrap cherry blossoms in summer, rice cakes in autumn, and bean paste in winter, the bean paste in this shop is very delicious. Old-fashioned "Antama" is the best ?
kasupy S on Google

あん玉という、程よい甘さのこし餡を包んで揚げた物は、年中売っていて、このお店の名物です 秋祭りにはこれでしょ?と地元のソールフードです 5個入りが600円で売っていますが、もちろん1個から買えます 今度は、他のも買ってみようと思います
Andama, fried rice with moderate sweetness, is sold all year round and is a specialty of this shop That's it for the autumn festival 5 pieces are sold for 600 yen, but of course you can buy from 1 This time I will try to buy other ones

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