Soleil Hill Auto Campground - Yokosuka

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Soleil Hill Auto Campground

住所 :

4 Chome-3850-2 Nagai, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 238-0316, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 238-0316
Webサイト :

4 Chome-3850-2 Nagai, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 238-0316, Japan
かずにぃ on Google

The free site on Saturdays and Sundays is in a refugee camp. The toilet is far away and there is no heated toilet seat. Overhead, the black kite is always aiming for human food. It's good for children to play, but I wonder if there is a repeat as a campsite.
PON D. on Google

8月の土日にフリーサイトで1泊利用しました。 土日は競争率が高く、予約サイト「なっぷ」でキャンセル待ちしてようやく予約できました。 大きな遊具や水着で入れるキレイな池、観覧車などの施設がたくさんあり子供は朝から晩まで楽しそうでした。 フリーサイトは予約がいっぱいでも、写真のように隣との間隔は割と離れていて広々していました。 ただ受付開始からドンドン埋まっていくので、フリーサイトで良い場所を取るなら11時必着となります。 売店では薪や炭、その他の小物類を買えますし、レンタル用品も充実しているので何か忘れても安心です。 サイトは平坦な芝生で障害物もなく建てやすいです。 ただ海沿いに面していることから南風の影響をモロに受けやすいのと、日差しを遮る物がほとんどないので注意してください。 施設内にある温浴施設が500円で利用できるのはうれしいです。 通常来園者は駐車料金一日1000円ですが、キャンプ場利用者は料金に含まれているので、実質無料で二日間駐車出来てお得です。 二日目もそのまま公園で遊んでいくことができます。 チェックイン後、事務所に言えば一度だけ無料で出庫することが出来ます。 夜風が強く、テントがバサバサうるさくて眠れませんでしたが(嫁と子供は爆睡)キレイで施設も整ったキャンプ場なので、ぜひまた行きたいです。
I used it for one night on the free site on Saturday and Sunday in August. The competition rate was high on Saturdays and Sundays, and I was finally able to make a reservation after waiting for cancellation on the reservation site "Nap". There were many facilities such as a beautiful pond where you could put in big playsets and swimwear, and a Ferris wheel, so the children seemed to enjoy themselves from morning till night. Even though the free site was full of reservations, it was spacious as shown in the photo, with a relatively large distance from the neighbors. However, it will be filled up from the start of reception, so if you take a good place on the free site, you must arrive at 11 o'clock. You can buy firewood, charcoal, and other small items at the shop, and there are plenty of rental items so you can safely forget something. The site is flat grass and easy to build without any obstacles. However, please note that because it faces the sea, it is easily affected by the south wind, and there are almost no obstacles to block the sunlight. I am glad that the hot bath facility in the facility can be used for 500 yen. Normally, the parking fee is 1000 yen a day for visitors, but since campsite users are included in the fee, it is a good deal to park for two days virtually free of charge. You can continue to play in the park on the second day. After check-in, you can leave the office for free only once. The night breeze was strong and the tent was so noisy that I couldn't sleep (my wife and children were sleeping), but it's a beautiful and well-equipped campsite, so I definitely want to go there again.
FARM GOTO on Google

施設自体が子供向けなのでキャンプも子連れ、ファミリーキャンプが多いです。 ぽつぽつとパリピな感じの若い方も居ますが消灯時間を過ぎると管理棟の方が注意してくれます。 管理棟のすぐ脇あたりに設営しないとサイトから海は見れません。 写真にのせた山の上からの景色やトレーラーハウスの裏から下に降りて海岸からの景色は最高でした!
Since the facility itself is for children, there are many camps with children and family camps. There are some young people who feel like they are fluffy, but after the turn-off time, the administration building will warn you. You cannot see the sea from the site unless you set it up right next to the administration building. The view from the top of the mountain on the photo and the view from the coast down from the back of the trailer house were amazing!

家族向け、ソロ、誰でも楽しめるキャンプ場。レストラン、温浴施設、遊園地もある。海が臨めて富士山も見える。夏はひまわり、冬は菜の花の群生が富士山をバックに美しい。キャンプ管理棟にはキャンプ道具の有料レンタルやカートの無料貸し出しもある。キャンプスペースのトイレは仮設トイレのみで男女別に1つずつ。水場も少し遠くBBQスペースと共有。洗剤あり。 サイトは芝でペグが打ちやすいが、反面緩みやすい。この日は風が強いと予め聞いていたので30cmのペグで固定した。丘にあり海に囲まれているため強風にさらされることがある。風が強く吹いているのにほとんどの人が焚き火をしていて、あちこちから火花がすごい勢いで飛んでいた。あまりの風にテントから避難してバンガローに移ったりや車中泊していた人もいた。
A campsite for families, solos, and anyone can enjoy. There is also a restaurant, hot bath facility and an amusement park. You can see the sea and Mt. Fuji. Sunflowers in the summer and rape blossoms in the winter are beautiful with Mt. Fuji in the background. There are also paid rentals of camping equipment and free rental of carts in the camp administration building. There are only temporary toilets in the camp space, one for men and one for men. The water place is also a little far away and shared with the BBQ space. There is detergent. The site is turf and pegs are easy to hit, but on the other hand it is easy to loosen. I had heard in advance that the wind was strong on this day, so I fixed it with a 30 cm peg. It is located on a hill and surrounded by the sea, so it may be exposed to strong winds. Most of the people were on a bonfire even though the wind was strong, and sparks were flying from here and there with great momentum. Some people evacuated from the tent and moved to bungalows or stayed in the car due to the wind.
ふじ on Google

キャンプで利用させていただきました。 フリーサイト側のトイレは簡易で男女ひとつずつでした。 手洗い専用の水道の排水が詰まっていたので残念でした。 日中はとんびが常に狙ってくるのでテント内でご飯かタープ下でご飯です。 風が強かったので、風対策必須です。オートサイトは炊事場もトイレも近いので、利用はオートサイトがいいと思いました。
I used it at the camp. The toilet on the free site side was simple, one for men and one for men. It was a pity because the drainage of the water supply for hand washing was clogged. During the day, the black kite is always aiming, so either in the tent or under the tarp. The wind was strong, so it is essential to take measures against the wind. Autosite is close to the kitchen and toilet, so I thought it would be better to use it.
おーっとっとっ on Google

子供連れ、ファミリーキャンプにはもってこい! 海沿いの高台にあるため、気象状況次第では風が強くて、夜中にペグを打ち直してる人あり、車に避難する人ありと様々でしたが、穏やかな日にはとっても良いですよ。 空は広く、景色も良いし、お風呂も気持ちが良く、息子のお気に入りキャンプ場です。 ワイルド、自然を求めるキャンパーさん達には今ひとつ物足りないかも。
Perfect for families with children! Because it is on a hill by the sea, the wind is strong depending on the weather conditions, and there are various people who re-strike the pegs in the middle of the night and evacuate to the car, but it is very good on a calm day. The sky is wide, the scenery is good, the bath is comfortable, and it is my son's favorite campsite. It may not be enough for campers who seek wildness and nature.
Jay Brownrigg on Google

My family and I loved this place. Beautiful views, great grounds and awesome onsen.
Jack Liu on Google

I came here on a sunny spring day and it was beautiful. Flowers of different colors all over. There are places where you can get food to eat as well as snack. There is a small lake nearby where you can ride on swan boats (or a koala boat) for a small fee. A good spot for spending a weekend.

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