soi cafe

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact soi cafe

住所 :

Minamihoncho, Minami Ward, 〒336-0018 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88789
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–4PM
Sunday 9AM–4PM
Monday 9AM–4PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 9AM–4PM
Thursday 9AM–4PM
Friday 9AM–4PM
街 : Saitama

Minamihoncho, Minami Ward, 〒336-0018 Saitama,Japan
Harumi Sakakida on Google

Use lunch. I didn't have a reservation, but I happened to be vacant and lucky. Reservation is recommended. You can choose the sauce for chicken hamburger steak. A fluffy type hamburger. The homemade ginger ale was also delicious. I like a little more dry. There were many kinds of desserts, and they all looked delicious. I want to come to tea time this time.
となりの5月 on Google

リラックスできるカフェ 友達と10時前に行くと、1組だけ先にいました。ソファ席が2つとテーブル席があります。入り口に消毒とテーブルに透明のパネルがありコロナ対策をしています。 メニューはモーニング、ランチ、夜で分かれているようです。朝からスイーツを食べれるお店は貴重だと思います!プリン目当てにカフェに行くと、午後からの提供のお店がよくあったので。スイーツを頼むときは1ドリンク制で、50円引きしてくれます。 メニューの写真は全部撮らなかったのですが、朝行ってモーニング以外のメニューも見れます。ランチを食べにまた来たいと思えたので他のお店もやったらいいなと思いました。 お店は都内から京浜東北線で行けるので、アクセスも良いと思います。都内のカフェとは雰囲気が少し違って、落ち着いてて静かなのですごく良かったです。 ショーケースにあったスイーツ全部美味しそうでした!次はランチしに行きたいです!
Relaxing cafe When I went with my friend before 10 o'clock, there was only one pair ahead. There are two sofa seats and a table seat. There is a disinfection at the entrance and a transparent panel on the table to prevent corona. The menu seems to be divided into morning, lunch and night. I think a shop where you can eat sweets from the morning is valuable! When I went to the cafe for pudding, there were many shops that offered it from the afternoon. When you order sweets, you can get a 50 yen discount for one drink. I didn't take all the pictures of the menu, but I can go in the morning and see the menus other than breakfast. I wanted to come back for lunch, so I thought I should open another shop. The shop can be reached from Tokyo on the Keihin Tohoku Line, so I think it's easy to access. The atmosphere is a little different from the cafes in Tokyo, and it's calm and quiet, so it was really good. All the sweets in the showcase looked delicious! I want to go for lunch next time!
bolero on Google

カフェご飯って、やっぱり中途半端な味なんだなぁ…と改めて実感したお店です。 期間限定のドリアを食べましたが、鶏ごぼうご飯をドリアにした味で、給食のお盆みたいのにのってました。和洋折衷の創作のようですが、玄人が作らないと不思議な味になるんですね。 1階が美容院で窓が開いている為か、美容院の匂いが食事中にしてきました。
Cafe rice is a restaurant that made me realize once again that it has a half-baked taste. I ate Doria for a limited time, but it tasted like chicken burdock rice and it was like a lunch tray. It seems to be a mix of Japanese and Western styles, but if it isn't made by an expert, it will have a mysterious taste. Perhaps because the first floor is a cosmetology shop and the windows are open, the smell of the cosmetology shop has been eating.
りんごスター on Google

テイクアウトのみ利用ですが、お洒落な外装と店内で目を惹かれました。 ラムレーズンのバターサンドと、コーヒーゼリー☕️美味しかったです。 店内でlunchをしたいけど、土日はいつも混んでいて入れません(..)
It is only used for take-out, but I was attracted to the stylish exterior and the inside of the store. The rum raisin butter sand and coffee jelly ☕️ were delicious. I want to have lunch in the store, but it's always crowded on Saturdays and Sundays so I can't enter (..)
大戸省吾 on Google

南浦和駅から徒歩5分ほどのお店。 美容室と併設されていて、2階がカフェです。 ホットサンド660円が格別に美味しいですし、プリン520円も美味しかったです。 接客も丁寧です。
A 5-minute walk from Minami-Urawa Station. It is annexed to a beauty salon, and the cafe is on the second floor. The hot sandwich for 660 yen was exceptionally delicious, and the pudding for 520 yen was also delicious. The customer service is also polite.
0702 ももんが (‪ももんが0702‬) on Google

土曜日のランチに利用。 ハンバーグの味付けは薄味で、付け合せの食材もヘルシー。デザートも手作りで甘さ控えめでおいしかった。 コロナ対策で90分までの時間制。換気のため窓を10センチ程開けていて、窓の近くで寒かったのでコートを着たまま食事。 横と後ろの席に大学生のゼミ仲間らしき男女4人の別グループがおり、厚いアクリル板があるものの食事をしながら大声で話したり笑ったりで、こちらも久し振りに友人に会っていたが、アクリル板が厚い事もあってお互いの声が聞こえず。 せっかくの食事もストレスを感じる事に。 こういう場合はスタッフに静かにしてもらうように注意してもらえるのだろうか? 曜日や時間を選んだ方がいいです。
Used for lunch on Saturday. The hamburger is lightly seasoned, and the ingredients to accompany it are healthy. The dessert was also handmade and the sweetness was modest and delicious. Time system up to 90 minutes for corona measures. I opened the window about 10 cm for ventilation, and it was cold near the window, so I ate with my coat on. There is another group of four men and women who seem to be university student seminar friends in the side and back seats, and although there is a thick acrylic plate, they talk loudly and laugh while eating, and I also met a friend for the first time in a while, but acrylic Because the board is thick, we can't hear each other's voices. I feel stressed when I eat. Will the staff be careful to keep quiet in such cases? You should choose the day of the week and the time.
Sahey P. on Google

Oh.... this lunch plate was soo good.
Kotaro “Kotaro666” Kamashima on Google

Lovely cafe, minutes walk from Minami Urawa station. Stumbled across it by pure luck. Amazing architecture, very warm interior. Coffee is fantastic, so are the cakes. Red Velvet cake is the one I went for and it was a dream. Not overly sweat like the original. Highly recommended!

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