Sohara Natural Park - Kakamigahara

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sohara Natural Park

住所 :

1 Chome Soharakitayamacho, Kakamigahara, Gifu 504-0801, Japan

Postal code : 504-0801

1 Chome Soharakitayamacho, Kakamigahara, Gifu 504-0801, Japan
佐藤順 on Google

On the last Saturday of October, I heard trekking, the deep blue sky, and the barking of wild birds up to the Gongenyama observatory, and it was very good ?? There were carp and kingfishers in the pond at the foot of the mountain ❗️
野村亜希 on Google

美しいカワセミが2羽姿を見せていたため、カワセミを撮影するカメラマンがたくさんいました。山の麓ということもあり、自然が本当に豊かな公園です。他の公園と違い遊具もなく、ボールや縄跳びなどで遊ぶ人も少ないのですが、子どもが植物や虫、鳥や魚などのようすを学ぶにはとてもありがたい、貴重な場所です。 公園を山の方に登っていくと伊吹の滝があり、権化山へのトレッキングコースにも繋がっています。このあたりにはドングリ、くぬぎ、栗、シダーローズなども落ちていて、工作で使う自然の素材を探すときにも大変便利です。
There were many photographers shooting the kingfisher because two beautiful kingfishers were showing up. As it is located at the foot of the mountain, it is a park with abundant nature. Unlike other parks, there are no playsets and few people play with balls or skipping rope, but it is a valuable place for children to learn about plants, insects, birds and fish. If you climb the park toward the mountain, you will find Ibuki Falls, which leads to a trekking course to Mt. Gongen. Acorns, oaks, chestnuts, cedar roses, etc. are also found around here, which is very convenient when searching for natural materials to be used in crafts.
mo ku on Google

There were many cameramen around the pond. Are you shooting waterfowl? There are no playsets in particular, but it is a large park. Go north on the road on the west side of the park and go through the Tokai Hokuriku Expressway to reach Ibuki Falls. There is an immovable person, and from here you can climb Mt. Gongen. If you go up the winding mountain trail, you will find the Kitayama Observatory, and if you follow the ridgeline, you will reach the slightly tight entrance to the stone steps to Kakamigahara Gongen. If you climb here, you will find the summit observatory and the shrine. The summit has a 360-degree view and is a good view.
leaf blue on Google

20/3/19 晴れ お昼 微かな期待で来ましたが、梅は終わってました。1番よく咲いていた紅梅一本だけ目線の高さで咲いていて、きれいでした。 梅の木の本数は20本ほどかな。 本数は少ないかもしれませんが、まとまって咲いているときを見てみたかったです。 池のまわりに桜の木も多くはありませんが枝振りは大きめなので見応えはあるのではないかな?と思ってます。 まだまだつぼみは固いですが、咲いた時に来てみたいです。 大きな鯉が泳いでいて、芝生できれいに整備されてました。トイレは簡易です。 山の裾と田畑 竹林に囲まれ、空気もよいし、小鳥のさえずり(ひばりのようです)と、陽当たり良好で、お弁当、シート持参でのんびり過ごしたい人にオススメ。 今年初のモンキチョウが飛んでました? 駐車場は15台ほど停められます。 道中コンビニ等はないので、あらかじめ買っておくといいと思います。 個人的には好きな環境なので、☆4つ(#^.^#)
20/3/19 sunny lunch I came with a slight expectation, but the plum is over. Only one red plum, which bloomed best, was blooming at the height of the eyes and it was beautiful. I wonder if there are about 20 plum trees. The number may be small, but I wanted to see when it is blooming together. There aren't many cherry trees around the pond, but the branch swings are rather large, so I guess it's worth watching. I think The bud is still hard, but I want to come when it blooms. There was a big carp swimming and it was nicely maintained on the lawn. The toilet is simple. Surrounded by the foot of the mountain and the fields and bamboo forests, the air is good, the birds sing (like a lark), and the sunshine is good. It is recommended for those who want to spend a relaxing lunch with a lunch box and a seat. The first monkey butterfly was flying this year. There are about 15 parking lots. There are no convenience stores along the way, so you should buy them in advance. Because it is my favorite environment personally, ☆ 4 (# ^. ^ #)
mo JASDF on Google

It is a park with beautifully maintained lawns and plum trees, but only the toilet is disappointing.
吉村美保 on Google

彼氏と梅を見に行きました☺️? (只今、3月上旬です。) まだ蕾がいっぱいついていて、これから満開になるんだろうなという感じでした?✨ 一本一本の木を見ると、可愛らしいピンク色の梅の花が咲いています?? 公園の名前のとおり、とても自然を感じられる公園で、池には鯉が泳いでいるし、長閑でゆ〜っくりできました?? 散歩をしたい時や、のんびり自然を楽しみたい方はとてもオススメです❤️ 今度は梅が満開の時に行きたいです? 桜の木もあったので、春は楽しみがいっぱいですね!?
I went to see plum blossoms with my boyfriend ☺️? (Now, it's early March.) There were still a lot of buds and I felt like it would be in full bloom ?✨ Looking at each tree, pretty pink plum blossoms are in bloom ?? As the name of the park suggests, it is a park where you can feel the nature very much, and the carp are swimming in the pond, and it was quiet and relaxing ?? It is highly recommended for those who want to take a walk or enjoy nature leisurely ❤️ This time I want to go when the plum blossoms are in full bloom ? There was also a cherry tree, so there is a lot of fun in spring! ?

「かわせみの池」という看板があり行ってみると、池や芝生 樹木のある場所だった。対岸を見ると多くの男性たちがカメラを三脚に立てて、待っている風情。 近くに行って聞いてみると なんと!「かわせみが来るのを朝から待っている」 ほんとにカワセミは来るんだ❣️ おじさんに以前撮った写真を見せてもらったら これまたナント❣️スバラシイ青色とオレンジ色の体の鳥が水面めがけて飛来した様子の写真? すごいモノを見せてもらいました?
There was a sign called "Kingfisher Pond", and when I went there, it was a place with a pond and lawn trees. Looking at the opposite bank, many men are waiting with their cameras on a tripod. When I went nearby and asked, what! "I've been waiting for the kingfisher to come from the morning." The kingfisher is really coming ❣️ If you ask your uncle to show you the picture you took before, this is also a picture of a wonderful blue and orange bird flying toward the surface of the water ? I was shown a great thing ?
アオちゃん on Google

3月中頃訪問 赤白ピンクの梅の花が咲いています。規模もちょうどいい広さ 池もあり お弁当持ってお出かけするのもいいかも ほっこりします。もう少ししたら公園の回りに咲く桜の花も見れるでしょう。
Visited in the middle of March: Red, white and pink plum blossoms are in bloom. There is also a pond that is just the right size, so it might be a good idea to go out with a lunch box. You will see the cherry blossoms blooming around the park soon.

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