Small Forest Woods Cram School - Nagoya

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Small Forest Woods Cram School

住所 :

1 Chome-1-1 Koraku, Minato Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 455-0014, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 455-0014
Webサイト :

1 Chome-1-1 Koraku, Minato Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 455-0014, Japan
ゆみ on Google

I've been in the school since I was in the 5th grade of elementary school, and I was able to have a relationship with the teacher, and I got a lot of consultations, so it was very easy to talk to. Obayashi Juku teaches the basics well, and also prepares and reviews well so that you can keep up with the lessons at school. The teachers teach according to each person's personality, so I think it's very interesting and fun to study. I think I was able to pass my first choice high school because I entered Obayashi Juku. I'm glad I entered Obayashi Juku.
ちょきやぱー on Google

僕が應林塾に入塾したのは去年の7月の夏からです。緊急事態宣言が解除されたあとでした。 入塾するきっかけとなったのは、体験授業を通してでした。應林塾以外にも体験授業をした結果、自分には、應林塾が合ってると思いました。それはテスト対策、夏期講習、冬期講習、受験対策と様々な対策があり、勉強のフォローは完璧でした。 そして何より、先生の教え方は、とても分かりやすく、分からないところは何度も教えてくれました。 入塾してからは、自分の成長が感じられ、無事第1志望校に合格することができました。 この塾に入塾して、自分の人生が変わりました。 先生、約半年間お世話になりました。ほんとに迷惑もかけたりしました。お身体にはお気をつけてください。
I entered Obayashi Juku from the summer of July last year. It was after the state of emergency was lifted. It was through the hands-on lessons that I got the chance to enter the school. As a result of having a hands-on lesson other than Obayashi Juku, I thought that Obayashi Juku was suitable for me. There were various measures such as test preparation, summer training, winter training, and exam preparation, and the follow-up of study was perfect. And above all, the teacher's teaching method was very easy to understand, and he taught me many times what I didn't understand. After I entered the school, I felt my growth and was able to pass the first school of my choice. Enrolling in this cram school changed my life. Teacher, I have been indebted to you for about half a year. It really bothered me. Please be careful about your body.
satomi lxzaitsu on Google

小6の2学期からお世話になっております。 中学の三年間、テスト前対策でしっかりとサポートしていただき、念願の第一志望校に合格することができました。 ありがとうございます!
I have been indebted since the second semester of elementary school 6. For three years in junior high school, I was able to pass the long-sought first choice school with solid support from pre-test measures. thank you!
ゆゆ on Google

僕は、中学2年生の夏休みの時に入塾しました。 それまで、テストの順位で80番台でしたが、先生の授業のおかげで最高20番台をとることがで、すごく感謝しております。 授業では、どの教科も分かりやすく、特に数学と理科では、学校や他の塾では絶対に教えてもらえないような解き方や考え方を身につけることができて、点数をかなり向上させることができました。 先生、今まで約1年半大変お世話になりました。 これからもお身体に気をつけて、頑張ってください。 本当にありがとうございました。
I entered the school during the summer vacation of the second year of junior high school. Until then, I was in the 80s in the test ranking, but thanks to the teacher's class, I am very grateful that I can get up to the 20s. In class, all subjects are easy to understand, especially in mathematics and science, I was able to acquire solutions and ideas that would never be taught at school or other cram schools, and I was able to improve my score considerably. rice field. Teacher, I have been indebted to you for about a year and a half. Please take care of yourself and do your best. I'm really thankful to you.
29 on Google

Before I entered the cram school, it was faster to count from the bottom. However, after I entered Obayashi Juku, my grades improved immediately and I was able to take a double-digit ranking. I was able to raise four or more private statements and pass the high school of my first choice. If I hadn't attended Obayashi Juku, I wouldn't have passed the first-choice high school, and I think my ranking would have remained much lower. The year I spent with my teacher was a strong year for me. I am full of gratitude. I'm really thankful to you.
ゆか on Google

娘は小5からお世話になり、ずっと行きたいと言っていた高校に無事合格することができました。先生の授業が面白くて、わかりやすいと家でもよく塾の話をしてくれていました。テスト前や3年生になると自習室に自分から行き、先生が貸してくださったテキストをやったりしていたこともあり、塾へ行ってから勉強への意欲が感じられるようになりました。親子共々、先生にはすごく感謝しています。次は次女が受験生で、三女と姪も4月からお世話になります。 今後もよろしくお願いします。
My daughter was taken care of from 5th grade and was able to successfully pass the high school that she had always wanted to go to. When the teacher's class was interesting and easy to understand, he often talked about cram school at home. Before the test and in the third grade, I went to the self-study room and did the textbooks lent by the teacher, so I felt motivated to study after going to the cram school. Both parents and children are very grateful to the teacher. Next, my second daughter will be an examinee, and my third daughter and niece will be indebted from April. I hope to work with you in the future.
ヤンチャム on Google

I have always hated studying and never thought about high school. My sister had attended Obayashi Juku before, so my parents recommended me to enter. I haven't studied much so far, so at first I made only mistakes. However, since Obayashi Juku is an individual instruction, it explains in detail at each student's pace, so I can understand more and more what I did not understand until now, I am very happy and I can be positive about studying. I did. Also, the teacher was a very cheerful person, and the lessons were funny and I enjoyed learning. Thanks to that, I started studying at home voluntarily, and the ranking naturally went up, and I, who had taken 100th, was finally able to reach 30th and passed the school of my choice. I was able to do. If I hadn't entered Obayashi Juku, I wouldn't have been here. Thank you for what you have done.
yu on Google

I entered Obayashi Juku around February last year. I decided to join this Obayashi Juku because I was an examinee from next year and hadn't studied at all. At first, the ranking was close to 3 digits, and I didn't even think about the content of the lesson. However, I remember being very happy that he taught me what I had done before I learned at school after I entered Obayashi Juku, and because I studied, the lessons at school became easier to understand and the problems were solved smoothly. .. At first, my academic ability was low and I wanted to go to a different high school, but I entered Obayashi Juku and took test preparations every time, and gave me easy-to-understand lessons to raise my ranking to 40th or higher. I was able to change it to my current school of choice. Thanks to the teacher's attention to the end and the preparation for the entrance examination, I was able to pass the high school of my first choice safely. Even during the class, the teacher listened to the story at school, and I was able to take the class very friendly and enjoyable. I'm glad I entered Obayashi Juku! Thank you for the teacher for about a year!

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