3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact SISTER

住所 :

Furumachidori, Chuo Ward, 〒951-8063 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 12–8PM
Sunday 12–8PM
Monday 12–8PM
Tuesday 12–8PM
Wednesday 12–8PM
Thursday 12–8PM
Friday 12–8PM
街 : Niigata

Furumachidori, Chuo Ward, 〒951-8063 Niigata,Japan
on Google

姉崎日向 on Google

Paul c on Google

21 mk on Google

sou弾き語り on Google

At the basic time, I think that college students and younger will not be able to get a partner. The feeling seen below was amazing.
仗助坂田 on Google

良いや悪いではありませんが、店員さんの1人が非常に思想が強いです。他の方もおっしゃっているように大学生で服が好きでブランドも沢山知ってる、くらいの浅い知識を持つ私みたいな人は見下されます。友達と仲睦まじく店内を見てましたが、ブランドの歴史がどうとか意向がどうとか、横槍を入れられて喧嘩腰で意見を押し付けてきました。 服ってやっぱりそうじゃないと思います。好きな人が好きな服を買って好きなように着て楽しむのが「服」だと思うのです。 もちろんその方の意見には共感できる部分も多くありましたが、同時に「服好き」は服やブランドについて他人に意見押し付けるようなこんな感じの人になったら終わりだな、と思いました。 ただ、品揃えはいいと思います あの人に届けばいいな 友達は二度と行かないと思いますが私はまた行きますよ
It's not good or bad, but one of the clerk has a very strong idea. As other people have said, people like me who are college students, like clothes, know a lot of brands, and have a shallow knowledge are looked down on. I looked at the inside of the store with my friends, but somehow the history of the brand was somehow, and somehow the intention was, I was put in a horizontal spear and pushed my opinion with a quarrel. I don't think clothes are like that. I think "clothes" are what people like to buy and wear as they like. Of course, there were many parts that I could sympathize with that person's opinion, but at the same time, I thought that it would be over if "clothes lovers" became such a person who would impose opinions on clothes and brands. However, I think the product lineup is good I should deliver it to that person I don't think my friends will go again, but I will go again
Ikuya Kaneko on Google

信頼のおけるセレクトをしてくれるお店。 お店が本気な分、買う側の本気も問われる。 デートで買う気もなく古着屋を冷やかす感覚でウインドウショッピングに行くような店ではないので、 洋服という自分を表現するアイテムを真剣に選び購入するつもりが無いなら行かない方が良い。 その代わりしっかりと向き合えば最高の洋服を購入できる。
A shop that makes reliable selections. As the store is serious, the seriousness of the buyer is also questioned. It's not like going to window shopping like chilling a second-hand clothing store without buying it on a date, so If you don't intend to seriously choose and buy clothes that express yourself, you shouldn't go. Instead, you can buy the best clothes if you face them firmly.
Cafe Ore on Google

無機質な壁と洋服、和洋折衷の店内、雰囲気が良く、店員の接客も丁寧だった。 私自身、定まったスタイルなく、気分によって変えているため、古着も着ればインポートも着る。 そんな点を踏まえつつ、いくつか試着をした。アイテムについて、縫製の違いやデザイナーの着想源など、洋服の良さをより一層感じるような話をしてくれた。 ブランドの幅が広く、スタイリングを様々な角度からアプローチ、楽しめると感じた。 今度は違う系統での提案も聞いてみたい。 とても満足できた。
Inorganic walls and clothes, a mix of Japanese and Western styles, the atmosphere was good, and the staff were polite. I don't have a fixed style, and I change it according to my mood, so I wear old clothes and imports. With that in mind, I tried on some of them. He talked about the items, such as the difference in sewing and the source of ideas of the designer, so that he could feel the goodness of clothes even more. I felt that the brand was wide and I could approach and enjoy styling from various angles. Next time, I would like to hear suggestions for different systems. I was very satisfied.

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