理容 美容 SIGN(サイン)

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 理容 美容 SIGN(サイン)

住所 :

Hasamachosanuma, Tome, 〒987-0511 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–6PM
Sunday 8:30AM–6PM
Monday 8:30AM–6PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–6PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–6PM
Thursday 8:30AM–6PM
Friday 8:30AM–6PM
街 : Miyagi

Hasamachosanuma, Tome, 〒987-0511 Miyagi,Japan
かけ湯 on Google

見せた写真とは程遠かった。 忘れたなら見せてって言えばいいのに。 1,650円でも高い。 切った髪の毛も飛び散り放題。 リピートはあり得ない。
It was far from the picture I showed. If you forget it, just show it. Even 1,650 yen is expensive. All-you-can-splatter cut hair. There can be no repeat.
遊佐康大 on Google

初めてこちらを利用しました。駐車場が広く看板も見やすく、また店内も明るく清潔感があるので初めての方でも利用しやすいと思いました。 サービス、価格、スタッフの対応等どれをとっても満足する内容だと思います。とにかくスタッフさんの接客が素晴らしい店なのでオススメです。またこちらを利用させていただきます!
I used this for the first time. The parking lot is large and the signboards are easy to see, and the inside of the store is bright and clean, so I thought it would be easy for the first time to use. I think that the content is very satisfying, including service, price, and staff response. Anyway, it is recommended that the staff's customer service is wonderful. I will use it again!
柳井謙一(モアイファミリー) on Google

最近、出来たばかりのお店ですが、一度は足を運んでみる価値ありますよ!! サービス品質、雰囲気、スタッフさんの人柄など、どれをとっても最高です! それなのに価格がめちゃくちゃ安い。 カット+顔そりで+シャンプーで二千円ちょいですからね。 (もっと高くてもいいくらいです) 今まで違うお店に通ってましたが、これからは、こちらのお店がヘビロテ確定です(笑)
It's a new shop recently, but it's worth a visit once! ! The quality of service, the atmosphere and the personality of the staff are the best! However, the price is very cheap. Cut + face sledge + shampoo is 2,000 yen. (It may be higher.) I've been to different shops until now, but from now on, this shop has been confirmed as a heavyweight (laugh)
千葉嘉幸 on Google

I think the store manager is relatively good at it.
ひー on Google

It was the second time I used it, but it felt rough. I'm a barber.
高橋あ on Google

The length of the hair is different from what I saw in the photo, and it's a shame that it's not as shown in the photo, so it's better to go to a different place.
高橋恵美 on Google

I put in the first color ❗ I am very satisfied with the color dyeing I like. It took about 4 hours including the cut.
ya mi on Google

I was anxious about the pasa with the dryness, the split hair from the long, and the pain of coloring, and I got a shampoo and the highest treatment treatment of 1,500 yen in the dive. The shop has a beauty and a barber on the left and right, and it looks like a new shop. The hairdresser also responded well and the shampoo was very comfortable. The main treatment seems to have been about 3 plans, but I was asked to make it the highest plan because I was worried about pain this time. The finish was quite moist and the feel was great. It was good for me to get rid of the entanglement and jump in easily. In addition, it is a beauty salon that I want to look after when I go near.

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