Shunrantei - Tome

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shunrantei

住所 :

Sakurakoji-79 Toyomamachi Teraike, Tome, Miyagi 987-0702, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 987-0702
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–4:30PM
Sunday 9AM–4:30PM
Monday 9AM–4:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–4:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–4:30PM
Thursday 9AM–4:30PM
Friday 9AM–4:30PM

Sakurakoji-79 Toyomamachi Teraike, Tome, Miyagi 987-0702, Japan
ぺろちゃん on Google

とっても落ち着ける素敵なカフェ☕ 春蘭茶?が新茶ということで、シャキシャキの?食感で美味しかったです?季節のお菓子も、あの空間でいただくと格別でした?
A very relaxing cafe cafe Chunran tea bowl is a new tea, so it was delicious with a crispy battering sensation of crispness. The seasonal sweets were exceptional when served in that space.
Sato Junko on Google

The place that was also used for the filming of the movie "Torisashi". As a samurai residence in the Edo period, it is a grand structure. It makes you feel that Tome City was wealthy in the past.
ken kenken on Google

It is a cafe using a samurai residence. You can visit the garden and indoors for free without using the cafe.
dera mini on Google

Sit at the hearth of the samurai residence and enjoy the drinks while feeling the passage of time! !! You can't see the place you use for the coffee shop, but you can also see the mezzanine floor where you can see the attic, so it was very interesting unlike a normal samurai residence! !!
可神桜 on Google

自由に見れて昔の雰囲気が楽しめ癒やしの空間を満喫できる。 お菓子も抹茶との相性がよく美味しかったです。お腹空いてるときは少し物足りないかなぁぐらい。 注文しなくても中に入って自由に写真がとれる反面 食事中に他のお客さんが写真を撮影してると気になるかな。 でも、とっても素敵な所でしたよ
You can see freely and enjoy the old atmosphere and enjoy the healing space. The sweets also had a good affinity with Matcha. When I'm hungry, I'm a little scared. Even if you don't order, you can go inside and take pictures freely, but on the other hand, maybe it's anxious if other customers take pictures while eating. But it was a very nice place
Syun imano on Google

4月11日(月)に撮影しました。桜?の満開は今週の中ですかね? 茅葺き屋根で趣のある素敵なお店です。
Taken on April 11th (Monday). Is the cherry blossoms ? in full bloom this week? It is a nice shop with a thatched roof.
Lonely Rider on Google

館内の見学無料です。 400年以上前の武家屋敷を利用した、囲炉裏カフェがあります。 メニュー数は少なめですが、リーズナブルです。
There is no charge for visiting the museum. There is a hearth cafe that used a samurai residence over 400 years ago. The number of menus is small, but it is reasonable.
KAZU on Google

古民家カフェといった様相です。登米懐古館と同じ敷地にあります。チケットを持っているとメニュー50円引になります。時間に余裕がなかったので入り口や庭を散策したのみでカフェを利用しなくても中を見学出来るようですが立ち入り難い感じがしますね。冬場で葉も散り雪も積もってない庭は寂しさを感じます。わび・さびといった風景。 目の前には和洋折衷のモダンな登米懐古館…楽しみですね。
It looks like an old folk house cafe. It is located on the same site as the Tome Koukokan. If you have a ticket, you will get a 50 yen discount on the menu. I didn't have enough time, so it seems that I can see the inside without using the cafe just by strolling around the entrance and the garden, but it seems difficult to enter. I feel lonely in the garden where there are no leaves or snow in the winter. Scenery such as wabi and sabi. In front of you is a modern Tome nostalgia building that is a mix of Japanese and Western styles ... I'm looking forward to it.

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