Showa Driving School - Mito

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Showa Driving School

住所 :

1987 Senbacho, Mito, Ibaraki 310-0851, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 310-0851
Webサイト :

1987 Senbacho, Mito, Ibaraki 310-0851, Japan
Stock wood on Google

現在入校中ですが、予約が取れません。 とてもじゃないですが、6ヶ月じゃ終わらなそうです。未だにコロナ禍で、対応がなされてなく、当日予約も出来きません。 来年から地方の大学というのもあって、詰んでいます。 今思うと合宿ですれば良かったです。
I am currently enrolled in the school, but I cannot make a reservation. It's not very, but it seems that it will not end in 6 months. I haven't been able to make a reservation on the day because of the corona. From next year, there will be a local university, so it will be packed. I wish I had a training camp now.
雛見沢 on Google

The instructors are all good people, but the female at the reception was quite unfriendly and the voice was echoing.
ろってぃーrt on Google

普通二輪コースで通いましたがどの教官もいい人ばかりでした✨ 多少きついことも言われることも確かにありますがそれはどこも同じかと! ただ1つ予約に関して基本的に電話か窓口予約なのでLINEやネットでもできると嬉しいです、、
I usually went on a two-wheeled course, but all the instructors were good people ✨ It's true that it's a little tough, but it's the same everywhere! Regarding only one reservation, it's basically a telephone or window reservation, so I'd be happy if you could do it on LINE or online.
吉川国之 on Google

部下が通っていましたが、コロナ禍の影響なのか10か月間で1時間しか車に乗れなかったそうです。新規勧誘の営業は続けているのでさらに乗れない状況に・・・。 返金もスムーズにいかないようです。
My subordinates were attending, but it seems that I could only get in the car for 1 hour in 10 months, probably because of the corona disaster. As we continue to sell new solicitations, we are in a situation where we cannot get on. Refunds don't seem to go smoothly either.
Shun Kawa on Google

教官は別に悪くないけど教習生を入れすぎていて予約ができず教習期限に間に合わない可能性が高い。 これから入校しようと考えてる人にはおすすめできません。 少し遠くても別の場所通ったほうがいいです。
The instructor is not bad, but there is a high possibility that the number of trainees will be too large to make a reservation and the training deadline will not be met. Not recommended for those who are thinking of entering the school. You should go to another place even if it is a little far away.
kuma F on Google

高校3年の次男が入校中。 予約が取れない!予約をスムーズに取るためにはコツがあり、コツをつかむだけで数ヶ月かかってしまった。 卒業後、県外への引っ越しをひかえているが間に合うのか不安。 ヨネカワという教官、初対面の相手に人格否定のような暴言の数々...路上教習中に生徒に事故でも起こさせたいのだろうか? 教官と生徒、車内という密室での時間はその人柄がモロにでる。 昭和自動車教習所には、名指しで訴えられている教官数名への対応をぜひお願いしたい。 教習所に支払う金額は決して安くない、そして期間内に取得しなければならない。 まだ10代の若い人達が多く見られる場所、親御さんには、子供に任せるだけではなくよく調べてからの入校をおすすめする。
The second son of the third year of high school is enrolled. I can't make a reservation! There is a trick to making a reservation smoothly, and it took several months just to get the hang of it. After graduating, I have been refraining from moving out of the prefecture, but I am worried whether I will be in time. An instructor named Yonekawa, a lot of rants like denial of personality to the person he met for the first time ... Do you want to make students cause an accident during street training? The personality of the instructor, the students, and the time in the closed room of the car is morro. I would like to ask Showa Driving School to deal with several instructors who are being sued by name. The amount you pay to a driving school is never cheap, and you have to get it in time. For parents, where many teenagers are still seen, we recommend that you not only leave it to your children, but also check it carefully before entering the school.
弾間龍二 on Google

入校前、現在の混み具合を電話で確認したところ、現在それほど混んでいないとのこと。いざお金払って入校式終えとたん予約が埋まっていて取れないだって!酷くない? あと予約受付の女性の対応最悪、何様? 病んでるね。なんなの?って感じ! 他は結構親切な方多いのに。 返金してくれるなら他の教習所行きたいね。
Before entering the school, I checked the current congestion by phone and found that it was not so crowded now. As soon as I paid the money and finished the entrance ceremony, the reservation was filled up and I couldn't get it! Isn't it terrible? Also, what is the worst response of women who accept reservations? I'm sick. What is it? It feels like! There are many other people who are kind. I would like to go to another driving school if I can get a refund.
Jerry B on Google

Terrific learning experience. Great Instructor.

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