Shōunji Temple - Shibuya City

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shōunji Temple

住所 :

5 Chome-1-21 Hiroo, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 150-0012
Webサイト :

5 Chome-1-21 Hiroo, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0012, Japan
村谷健久 on Google

Bodhi temple in Edo of Kuroda family. Other temples of Shounji are also gathered in this area. From Hiroo Station on the subway, from the intersection of Hiroobashi, the approach to the temple has become a lively shopping street. As I went through the temple gate, the atmosphere changed and I felt like I was in the Edo period.
AnjinKojyo江上庵人 on Google

〔瑞泉山 祥雲寺(渋谷区)/Syounji Temple (Shibuya Ward)〕 広尾駅から商店街を歩いていくと、突き当たりに、祥雲寺の山門があります。その奥にはは、静寂の禅の世界が続いています。 <黒田家の菩提寺> 元和9年(1623年)に、江戸の黒田家の菩提寺として、赤坂に創建されました。六本木への移転の後、寛文8年(1668年)に現在地にあります。 <徳川家が多く来訪> 広尾付近は、目黒に鷹狩りに出掛ける徳川将軍の通り道にあたり、多くの来訪を受けました。 臨済宗のお寺で、座禅の会やお茶席も行っています。むずかしい話は分かりませんが、座禅には良いものがありますね。 〔アクセス〕東京メトロ 広尾駅 徒歩5分。
[Zuisenyama Shounji Temple (Shibuya Ward) / Syounji Temple (Shibuya Ward)] As you walk down the shopping street from Hiroo Station, you will find the mountain gate of Shounji at the end. Behind it is the Zen world of silence. It was founded in Akasaka in 1623 as a Bodaiji temple of the Kuroda family in Edo. After relocation to Roppongi, it is located in Kanbun 8 (1668). Around Hiroo was the path of General Tokugawa who went to falconry in Meguro and received many visits. At the temple of Rinzai sect, we also have zazen party and tea ceremony. I don't know the difficult story, but there is something good about zazen. [Access] 5 minutes on foot from Tokyo Metro Hiroo Station.
映猫ken on Google

京都に来たような開放的な境内と本堂?? また黒田長政さんや黒田家一族、金森家一族、有馬家一族と言った大名家の墓があったり、日本初のカルテを作った曲直瀬玄朔さんや日本初の百貨店・三越を作った日比翁助さんや日本赤十字社の創設者の一人・大給恒さんなどの文化人のお墓があるので墓マイラーにはもってこいの場所です???
Open precincts and main hall like you came to Kyoto ?? In addition, there are graves of daimyo families such as Nagamasa Kuroda, the Kuroda family, the Kanamori family, and the Arima family. It is a perfect place for grave mylar because there are graves of cultural figures such as Mitsukoshi and one of the founders of the Japanese Red Cross, Matsudaira Norikata ???
うふふ on Google

とても綺麗なお庭 ゆったりとした時間を過ごせます
Very beautiful garden You can spend a relaxing time
子龍 on Google

There was such a place in the city center. There are Korin-in, Toe-ji Temple and Reisen-in in the vicinity, and I thought it was like Kyoto. We should have investigated more in advance, such as the graveyard of Nagamasa Kuroda.
榊原正和 on Google

The reason why Hiroo continues to be a popular spot that sets it apart from Shibuya and Shinjuku, for example, is not just because of the spots that are everywhere, such as high-end supermarkets near the main street intersection and world-famous cafes. If they are "moving", the scenery at the end of the shopping street at the end of the mountain gate is "quiet". Among them, Shounji Temple, which is the innermost part of some temples, overlooks the precincts and allows you to think calmly. In addition to bringing in french fries from the world of movement, I would like to respond with gratitude without breaking the silence and polluting the swept land, based on the position that I am not a Danish family and show the precincts myself.
鑫#イ言θ月 on Google

It wasn't until I came to Hiroo that I learned that it was a town that developed as a gate town of Shounji Temple. Beyond the gate, there are scattered children and you can see the stone garden of the dry garden. The main hall of Shounji is like a Zen temple, and there is no money box at the entrance.
Monica Marin on Google

Beautiful temple in a nice neighborhood

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