
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact いか焼のいか太郎

住所 :

Shonai Higashimachi, Toyonaka, 〒561-0831 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
街 : Osaka

Shonai Higashimachi, Toyonaka, 〒561-0831 Osaka,Japan
板原祐尚 on Google

It's more delicious than the squid grilled in Hanshin's example, and it's packed with squid! ️
ya- chi- on Google

とても気さくなおじちゃんで イカ焼きも もちもちで 美味しかったです。イカ焼き好きも そうでなくても 一回は食べてみて欲しいなぁ。
It was a very friendly uncle and it was delicious with grilled squid and mochi. If you like squid grilling, if not, I want you to try it once.
1nk _ on Google

イカ焼きがものすごく美味しいです また食べたくなるような味でした! とても美味しかったです。 値段も安くて美味しいので学生にはおすすめです 次はたこ焼き食べに行きます!
Squid is really delicious It was a taste that made me want to eat again! It was very delicious. It's cheap and delicious, so it's recommended for students Next time I'll go eat takoyaki!
_ Secret on Google

初めてイカ焼きを食べたのがここで良かったです!もちもちしててとても美味しかったです 他のメニューも安くて食べたいと思いました! 本来とは違った焼き型らしいので近くによった方にはぜひ食べて欲しいなと思いました!
It was good that I ate squid for the first time! It was chewy and delicious. I also wanted to eat the other menu because it was cheap! Since it seems to be a different baking type from the original, I would like people who come near to eat it by all means!
きたみさ on Google

Excellent squid grilled! A well-known store in Shonai! The owner was very friendly and dandy dad ♪ I bought squid grilled by hot sales. It will be baked on the spot and served. It is chewy and juicy with squid. Please enjoy it.
高橋直樹 on Google

ここ数年でメニューが格段に増えた。以前はいか焼きとたこ焼き、焼きそば、から揚げのみだったが、最近はオムライスや日替わり弁当、チャーハン、豚足、缶詰類などバリエーション豊富に。まだいか焼きしか食べたことはないが、味は普通です。 「いか焼き保存会」なる謎の組織を作っているようで、興味を持って聞いているとおじさんが長話しをしてきます。
The menu has increased dramatically in the last few years. Previously, it was only squid, takoyaki, yakisoba, and fried chicken, but nowadays there are many variations such as omelet rice, daily lunch boxes, fried rice, pork leg, and canned food. I've only eaten Ikayaki yet, but the taste is normal. It seems that he is creating a mysterious organization called "Ikayaki Preservation Society", and his uncle talks long when he listens with interest.
ふくまん on Google

2020.10.20 様々なイカ焼きを食べて生きてきましたが、いか太郎さんがいちばん美味しいと思います。
2020.10.20 I have lived by eating various squid grills, but I think Ikayaki is the most delicious.
佐藤信次 on Google

庄内にある幻のイカ焼きに行ってみた どうやらイカ焼きの元祖らしくて、72年前からこのプレスを使って焼いているそうだ。 はたしてどれぐらい普通のイカ焼きと違うのだろうかと、歴史があるだけではなぁと思いながら食べてみた。 そしたら驚くほどイカがぷりぷりとして旨味が広がる! イカの量もかなり多いし、これで150円は安過ぎる! これまで食べたイカ焼きはイカ焼き風なのか?と思える美味さでした。 I went to the phantom Ikayaki in Shonai Apparently, it seems to be the originator of squid grilling, and it has been grilled using this press for 72 years. I wondered how different it was from ordinary squid grilled, and wondered if it had a long history. Then, the squid will be surprisingly plump and the flavor will spread! The amount of squid is quite large, and 150 yen is too cheap! Is the squid grilled so far like squid grilled? It was delicious 我去了莊內的幻影Ikayaki 顯然,它似乎是魷魚燒烤的始作俑者,並且似乎已經使用這種壓機燒烤了72年。 我想知道它和普通的魷魚烤有什麼不同,想知道它是否有悠久的歷史。 然後,魷魚會出奇地豐滿,味道會散發出來! 魷魚的量很大,而且150日元太便宜了! 魷魚烤得像烤魷魚一樣遠嗎? 很美味
I went to the phantom Ikayaki in Shonai Apparently, it seems to be the originator of squid grilling, and it seems that it has been grilled using this press for 72 years. I wondered how different it was from ordinary squid grilled, and wondered if it had a long history. Then, the squid will be surprisingly plump and the flavor will spread! The amount of squid is quite large, and 150 yen is too cheap! Is the squid grilled so far like squid grilled? It was delicious. I went to the phantom Ikayaki in Shonai Apparently, it seems to be the originator of squid grilling, and it has been grilled using this press for 72 years. I wondered how different it was from ordinary squid grilled, and wondered if it had a long history. Then, the squid will be surprisingly plump and the flavor will spread! The amount of squid is quite large, and 150 yen is too cheap! Is the squid grilled so far like squid grilled? It was delicious Ikayaki It's been 72 years since he was the first creator of the barbecue, and he used the same and similar barbecue. I'm Sochido Other Japanese Ordinary roasted roasted roasted sardines, Sochido Others Yes or no Yes Eternal history. After that, the strange place of the fish, the 豐 滿, and the miso kaisan came out! It's a large amount of fish, and it's 150 days. Roasted fish roasted image Roasted fish roasted squid? Delicious

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