Shohoji - Oamishirasato

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shohoji

住所 :

755 Konishi, Oamishirasato, Chiba 299-3253, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87778
Postal code : 299-3253

755 Konishi, Oamishirasato, Chiba 299-3253, Japan
千箇寺裕之 on Google

日蓮宗本山。 小西檀林と言う、元学寮(檀林)跡です。境内は広く、綺麗です。貫主さんは、茂原市高師にある実相寺さんのご住職兼務なので、平日は不在です。
Nichiren Sect's main mountain. It is the former school dormitory (Danbayashi) called Konishi Danbayashi. The precincts are wide and beautiful. Mr. Kunushi is also a resident resident of Mr. Josoiji in Takashi, Mobara, so he is absent on weekdays.
J mikage on Google

檀林の面影はほとんどなくて、本堂や門、鐘がポツンとあるくらいで 他は空き地的なのでちょっとさみしい感じです。 ただ桜のころはその少ない桜の枝が、ちょうどよくそれらにかかるので、鑑賞には趣もあってよいです。 名残で葵の御紋も、文化財になっている扁額もあったり、それなりに下調べしてくると面白いかもしれません。 車はだだっ広い空き地的なところに停められるからよいのだけど、 ここへ至る道が狭くて、アクセスとしてはかなり不便ですが、 関東三檀林の一つ。一度は訪れてもよいと思います。
There is almost no image of Danbayashi, and there is a main hall, a gate, and a bell. Others are vacant lots, so it's a little lonely. However, when it's cherry blossoms, the branches of the few cherry blossoms hang on them just right, so it's nice to see them. It may be interesting to do a preliminary inspection to some extent, because the Aoi's crest is a remnant, and there is a flat surface that is a cultural property. It's good because the car can be parked in a large open space, The route to here is narrow and it is quite inconvenient for access, One of the Kanto sandalwood forests. I think you may visit once.
TK TG on Google

One corner of the three great forests, Konishi Danrin. It looks like a normal temple compared to the other two-dan forests.
岡ちゃん on Google

There are plenty of parking spaces so it is wide in the precincts. This temple is a historic site of Konishi Van Lin, which has more than 900 scholarly priests in the peak period, and it is a temple of origin of the Konishi Morin. According to the picture of the third year of Kansei (1791), in the vast precincts, the Tokugawa family Togane Fakuhakon Goten was moved, five halls of the main hall Nishikado Rokudo, four towers in the tower, one hundred and thirty dormitories large cathedral Is placed in the memory.
Torai Handa on Google

日蓮宗57本山、関東三大檀林に数えられるお寺です。現在は諸堂が消失してしまったこと、檀林が廃止されたことで、かつての面影は感じられませんが、最盛期は900人の学僧がここで学んでいたそうです。当時の姿に思いを馳せながら参拝しました。 本堂前に書置の御首題があります。少し大きめのサイズなので、文庫サイズの御首題帳だと貼ることができないです。
It is a temple that is counted in the Nichiren sect of 57 Motoyama and Kanto Sandan Forest. At the present time, it seems that 900 monks were studying here during the heyday, although it is not possible to feel the former appearance due to the disappearance of the temples and the abolition of Danlin. I worshiped while thinking of my appearance at the time. In front of the main hall is the title of the book store. Because it is a little larger, it can not be pasted if it is a library-sized title book.
尾崎幸春 on Google

令和2年6月11日にお参りしました。 駐車場:あります。境内の緑で広々しています。 葵の紋が鮮やかです。 関東三大檀林の一つです。 パンフレットと御首題は、賽銭箱の隣にあります。 時間があれば、隣接した柏原神社へのお詣りもおすすめいたします。 お墓の間の道の頂上に大きな鳥居があります。 その鳥居から、圏央道を橋で横切り山を登ったところに鎮座しています。眺めが、ほんとに素晴らしいです。
We visited you on June 11, 2nd year of Reiwa. Parking: Yes. The grounds are green and spacious. The crest of Aoi is vivid. It is one of the three great sand forests in the Kanto region. Pamphlet and the subject are next to the offering box. If you have time, we recommend visiting the neighboring Kashiwara Shrine. There is a large torii on the top of the road between the graves. From the torii, we cross the Ken-O Expressway with a bridge and climb the mountain. The view is really amazing.
mamoru shirai on Google

20211208荒行で修法師の認可があるが、檀林にはどんなお堂があるか気になって、久しぶりに訪れた。旧檀林の図面で鬼子母神と稲荷さまのお堂は確認できた。大黒天は? 本堂で合掌、ふと見ると、パンフレットの箱があったので頂こうかなと思ったら輝くカードが、、、ダムカードを集めていたので頂戴した。調べて見ると五十七路の旅という本山を巡るキャンペーンがあった。その時は知らなかったので御首題(ご朱印と思っていた)とカードを頂いたのみだったが、一応日蓮宗の信者なので、面白いと思い、合掌の証というアプリを入れ本山巡礼をすることとした。まあ遠くには行けないので千葉県内のみとなるであろうが、、、 本山が千葉県内に11もあろうとは、知らなかった。 まあ、カードはおまけくらいに考えないと、数量限定なので、、、 因みに後日暗くなってから(仕事が農業)アプリのチェックインをさせて頂いた。
20211208 I was approved by a monk in a rough run, but I was wondering what kind of temple there is in Danrin, so I visited for the first time in a long time. The temple of Kishimojin and Inari-sama could be confirmed in the drawing of the old danrin. What about Daikokuten? At the main hall, I found a pamphlet box, so I thought I should get it, but I got a shining card ... I was collecting dam cards. When I looked it up, there was a campaign around Motoyama called a trip to 57th Road. I didn't know it at that time, so I only got the title (I thought it was a red stamp) and a card, but I thought it was interesting because I was a believer in Nichiren sect, so I decided to put in an app called Gassho proof and make a pilgrimage to Motoyama. did. Well, I can't go far, so it will be only in Chiba prefecture, but ... I didn't know that Motoyama would have 11 in Chiba prefecture. Well, if you don't think about the cards as a bonus, the number is limited, so ... By the way, I checked in the app after it got dark (work is agriculture) at a later date.
Ayustet Arumo on Google

日蓮宗本山 妙高山正法寺。 関東法華三檀林の一つ。 本堂が徳川将軍の鷹狩りの際に、宿舎として使用していた東金御殿を四代将軍家綱の時に移築したものだそうである。なので、本堂には葵の紋がひらひら。しかも、それを証明するかのように、屋根瓦にも葵の紋がしっかりと光っております。 その他には説明書に詳細が書かれていますので、是非、現地で確認してみてください。 現在の寺院はそれほど大きくはありません。小西檀林の跡地と言っても、よくわからない状態です。 空き地や山もあるので、それらが跡地となっているのだと思います。
Nichiren sect head temple Myokosan Shohoji. One of the Kanto Houka Sandanrin. It is said that the Togane palace, which was used as a lodging facility when the main hall hunted falconry for General Tokugawa, was relocated during the time of the 4th Shogun family line. Therefore, the Aoi crest is fluttering in the main hall. Moreover, as if to prove it, the Aoi crest is shining firmly on the roof tiles. Other details are described in the manual, so please check it locally. The current temple is not that big. Even if it is said to be the site of Konishi Danrin, it is in a state that is not well understood. There are vacant lots and mountains, so I think they are the ruins.

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