泉郵便局 郵便部

2.1/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact 泉郵便局 郵便部

住所 :

Shogen, Izumi Ward, Sendai, 〒981-3132 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.post.japanpost.jp/cgi-shiten_search/shiten.php%3Fid%3D1909
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–12:30PM
Monday 8–9AM
Tuesday 8–9AM
Wednesday 8–9AM
Thursday 8–9AM
Friday 8–9AM
街 : Miyagi

Shogen, Izumi Ward, Sendai, 〒981-3132 Miyagi,Japan
ひじきおかか on Google

****** on Google

西屋弘司 on Google

ぺぺ on Google

現役ヒロアキ on Google

Just stupid
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テキトーな仕事はするわ、ウソを付くわで最悪 金曜日に九州の取引先から簡易書留が送られた、翌週、待てど暮らせど来る気配がない、 追跡番号を教えて貰おうと取引先に電話をするも、午後5時で電話受け付け終了なのでわからない ダメ元でこの局に電話をし、取引先の名前と私の名前を説明してどうなっているか問い合わせると(日曜日は配達の方はお休みしてるんですよ〜笑) はあ?簡易書留は日曜日でも配達するだろうが! 何でバレるウソを付くのか解らない これ以上相手をしても疲れるので切りました、次の日に改めて取引先に電話をして追跡番号を教えて貰い、追跡した所、とんでもない事実が発覚! なんと、日曜日に不在の為持ち帰りと表記されているではないか! 要する配達員が不在票も残さず無断で持ち帰った事になる訳です、 頭にきて電話した所、あくまでもシラを切る対応に啞然としました、
I'm going to work hard, I'm the worst I'm lying A brief registered mail was sent from a customer in Kyushu on Friday. Even if I call my business partner to give me the tracking number, I do not know because it is the end of the telephone reception at 5 pm When I called this station at the wrong source and asked what the customer's name and my name are, and what happened (on Sundays, the delivery is closed) What? Simple registered mail will deliver even on Sunday! I do not know why I will attach a bully I turned off because I was tired even more than the other, I called the customer again on the next day to call the tracking number, I asked, I traced it, a fact of outrageous! It is not written that it is taken away because it is absent on Sunday! The delivery person who needs it is the translation which is brought back without notice without leaving an absent vote, When I came to my head and called me, I was stunned to be able to cut off Shira.
菊地和男 on Google

ATMs are available from 8 am, and it is possible to get things done quickly.

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