Shochan - Inazawa

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shochan

住所 :

Sotohira-150-63 Sobuecho Sobue, Inazawa, Aichi 495-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887979
Postal code : 495-0001

Sotohira-150-63 Sobuecho Sobue, Inazawa, Aichi 495-0001, Japan
kata kata on Google

I decided to go out for lunch, and I decided to go out and I went to Gugu and looked for it. Thank you, gentle aunt, I am happy to use PayPay (laugh)
katsu Xtreme on Google

肉にタレがかなり染み込んでいる印象。 やわらかく、そこそこいけますがタレの濃さが際立ってしまっている。
The impression that the sauce is soaked in the meat. It's soft and you can go so far, but the depth of the sauce is outstanding.
安田政孝 on Google

Once a month, we have a drinking party ? here. The green soybeans with beer ? were really delicious. My aunt will make it for me in the field. The roasted meat is also delicious, and the delicious auntie cooks the wakame stems. Please try it once~
APEX最高 on Google

お肉は美味しく白飯の大盛りが漫画に出てくるてんこ盛りで面白いです。(さらに特盛もあるそうです。) 店主は明るく楽しいおじちゃんおばちゃんで自分が行ったときは二人でやっていました。
The meat is delicious and the large serving of white rice appears in the manga, which is interesting. (It seems that there is also a special feature.) The owner was a cheerful and fun uncle and aunt, and when I went there, I was doing it together.
Shinya (ジェッツ) on Google

良き昭和の焼肉屋さん! お昼に伺い、焼肉ランチをオーダしました。 牛肉、豚肉、鶏肉に野菜、サラダ、ツマミのひと品、漬物、味噌汁、ご飯は大中小えらべます。 肉はどれも柔らかく、つけてあるタレは甘めで、焼いてこのまま食べても美味しいです。別皿のタレは醤油やや濃いめで、これはこれで美味しいです。 ホッとする味で、こういったお店は応援したいですね。コロナに負けず、頑張ってください。 ご馳走様でした。
Good Showa yakiniku restaurant! I visited at noon and ordered a yakiniku lunch. Beef, pork, chicken, vegetables, salads, knobs, pickles, miso soup, and rice are available in large, medium, and small sizes. All the meat is tender, the sauce is sweet, and it is delicious even if you bake it and eat it as it is. The sauce on the separate plate is a little thick soy sauce, which is delicious. With a relieved taste, I would like to support these stores. Please do your best without losing to Corona. It was a treat.
村上打ち上げ中 on Google

サービスドリンクもついてるランチ。 網で自分で焼く焼き肉ランチも千円程度にドリンクつき。 良いのか、お得すぎる‼️
Lunch with service drinks. A grilled meat lunch that you grill yourself on the net also comes with a drink for about 1,000 yen. Is it good, it's too profitable! ️
kenぽこ on Google

ネット検索で行きました! 雰囲気に釣られて勇気を出して一人で!! 他の口コミの通りご夫婦で営業されていて、とても優しい感じで一安心。 タン、ハラミ、カルビ、ロース、ホルモンなど空腹の為後先考えずその他沢山注文。 焼肉屋の孫なので焼肉屋の好き嫌いは激しい方ですが、味付けは最高! 全て一人前ずつでしたが、一皿6〜7枚乗っていて、 肉の質も良いです! メニューにないけどポテサラ出してくれました! おじいちゃんはちょっとだけ耳が遠くて忘れっぽいですが、見知らぬ顔でもお二人共とても親切にしてくれました。 稲沢市役所より西ではNo.1です
I went online search! Being caught in the atmosphere and taking the courage to be alone! !! As in other reviews, it is open as a couple, and it feels very kind and reassuring. I ordered a lot of other things such as tongue, skirt steak, ribs, loin, hormones, etc. because I was hungry. As a grandson of a yakiniku restaurant, he likes and dislikes yakiniku restaurants, but the seasoning is the best! Everything was for one person, but I had 6 to 7 dishes on each plate. The quality of the meat is also good! It's not on the menu, but it served potato salad! Grandpa is a little deaf and forgetful, but both of them were very kind to me even with strange faces. No. 1 in the west of Inazawa City Hall
星桃次郎 on Google

This is the place to go for yakiniku for over 40 years since I was a kid. I'm not satisfied even if I go to another store for a relationship. I'm addicted to taking my family, friends, and children's friends once. The inside of the store is never beautiful. To be clear, even if it is dirty ww, the kindness of father and mother and the atmosphere full of Showa era will calm down. The meat soaked in the secret sauce is also very delicious. I think there is more meat per serving than other stores. Please do your best forever

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