島村楽器 モラージュ菖蒲店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 島村楽器 モラージュ菖蒲店

住所 :

Shobucho Shobu, Kuki, 〒346-0195 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88879
Webサイト : https://www.shimamura.co.jp/shop/shoubu/
街 : Saitama

Shobucho Shobu, Kuki, 〒346-0195 Saitama,Japan
じゅんちゃん on Google

I was just watching it today, but it was fun just looking at the piano and various instruments. I hope music will heal your mind and give you the opportunity to try some musical instrument someday.
関口ひろ on Google

いい場所ではないですね。 アンプを買って不具合が出たから保証で直してくれとお願いしたところその時に不具合が出ないと直せないと言われそのまま流されました。 ギターのナットの件で詳細を教えてくれと言ってももう何ヵ月も音沙汰ありません お金を注ぎ込まないとそういった対応もしてくれないようです もう二度と行くことはないでしょう
It is not a good place. When I bought an amp and asked me to fix it with a warranty, I asked for a repair, and it was said that I could not fix it at that time, and it was streamed as it was. Even if you tell me the details about the guitar nut, there is no sound for months now It seems that you won't be able to do that if you don't pour money I will never go there again
hatchan on Google

I do it once every few months, but I always take care of it in the band practice studio. A room with such a tight seal is here! I feel like that. If you have time, you can fake the electronic piano in the exhibition. (Bitter smile) There used to be more musical instrument stores in the past. Actually, nowadays when I buy various things online, it is valuable to have a shop that can pick up the actual item.
ジェスオルテガ on Google

器材は島村楽器のスタジオに良くみられるモノですがとにかく広いのがよいと思います。 その割りに料金も安いのですが一部屋しかないので早目の予約が必要です。 モラージュ菖蒲という大型商業施設内にあるので食事や買い物にも事欠かないし駐車場も1日フリーなのでちょいちょい利用しております。
Equipment is a thing that is often seen in the studio of Shimamura musical instruments, but I think it is better anyway. Although the rate is cheap according to that, since there is only one room, early reservation is necessary. As it is in a large commercial facility called Morage, there is no shortage of food and shopping, and the parking lot is free for one day so we use it a little.
Little Child on Google

It is a shop where you can buy sheet music ? and music supplies, but it is a general musical instrument store.
谷次渉 on Google

昔居た店長にお世話になってたので利用してましたが、今の店員さんは割りとドライな感じ。 消耗品とか買う分には品揃えが良いからいいけど、楽器を買うとなるとアフターサービスに不安を感じます。 なので違う店舗で買いました。 H31,3/27 気になる楽器があって試奏した時に対応してくれた店員さんは感じの良い人だったので、今は安心して楽器も買えそうです。
I used it because I was taken care of by the store manager who used to be there, but the current clerk feels relatively dry. It's good for consumables, because they have a good assortment, but I feel uneasy about after-sales service when I buy an instrument. So I bought at a different store. H31, 3/27 The clerk who responded to the trial when there was an anxious instrument was a nice person, so now I can buy the instrument with confidence.
JERO NZ on Google

Great place to shop!
Lynda Hogan (InSaitama) on Google

Kids are allowed test out the instruments and they've plenty of them out.

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