だんまや水産 神栖知手店

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact だんまや水産 神栖知手店

住所 :

Shitte, Kamisu, 〒314-0115 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89997
Webサイト : https://www.yoronotaki.co.jp/search/detail.html%3FCN%3D6629
Opening hours :
Saturday 12–11PM
Sunday 12–10PM
Monday 4–10PM
Tuesday 4–10PM
Wednesday 4–10PM
Thursday 4–10PM
Friday 4–10PM
街 : Ibaraki

Shitte, Kamisu, 〒314-0115 Ibaraki,Japan
tamu tamu on Google

若い女の子の店員がやけに馴々しくてイラッとする!明らかに年下なのにタメ口だし、一つの料理頼んだら二つ来たので一つしか頼んでないですと伝えると、えっ?マジっすか?伝票見せたら あっ!本当だと笑ってだけどこっち笑えねーから ウーロンハイ頼んだらウーロン茶来ちゃうし、、、どーなってんだ?
The young girl's clerk is irritated and irritated! It's obviously younger, but it's no good, and when I asked for one dish, I came two, so I told him that I only ordered one, eh? really? If you show the slip Ah! Just laugh when it's true If you order oolong high, oolong tea will come...
t s on Google

ほぼ『輪囲』(改装前店舗)。 コストパフォーマンスのためにメニューを絞った感があるが、それでいいのか?とも思う部分も。イカ丸干しとかは残しても良かったんじゃ…。 タイムサービスが店内放送でお知らせされる。開始5秒で完売したのは笑った。
Almost “Waian” (store before renovation). There is a feeling that I narrowed down the menu for cost performance, is that OK? Some parts I think. It was good to leave the squid round dried ... The time service will be announced via in-store broadcasting. It was laughing that it sold out in the first 5 seconds.
城田航平 on Google

The sashimi was delicate even though it was an izakaya selling seafood. Other dishes ...
泉知恵子 on Google

頼んだものが 全部美味しくて 後、5回位 来ないと 食べたいものが 制覇出来ない感じでした。 季節ものもあるみたいなので 楽しみです。?
Everything I ordered was delicious After that, I felt like I couldn't conquer what I wanted to eat until I came about 5 times. It seems that there are seasonal items, so I'm looking forward to it. ?
赤星神栖市 on Google

料理が美味しくないのか、いつも空いてますね 前のワイのが良かった
I'm always vacant because the food isn't delicious The previous Wai was good
さすらいの旅人 on Google

The unit price of one dish is cheap, but the amount is small overall and it is for one person. Also, when sashimi is served, the bowl looks big and luxurious, but the contents are reasonable. The Yoronotaki group, but I don't understand why it changed from the previous form. This time it seems to change to a dumpling specialty store.
ぷりんこ on Google

タブレットで注文しやすい。 店員も女の人はいい感じかな⁉️
Easy to order on a tablet. I wonder if the clerk is also a woman ⁉️
Guchi Maru on Google

魚料理に力を入れている印象のお店。 iPadでの注文になるので正直面倒。味は普通の印象。
The restaurant has the impression that it focuses on fish dishes. Honestly, it is troublesome because it is an order on the iPad. The taste is a normal impression.

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