遠州トラック 湖西倉庫

2.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 遠州トラック 湖西倉庫

住所 :

Shirasuka, Kosai, 〒431-0451 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87999
Webサイト : https://www.enshu-truck.co.jp/service/warehouse_base.html
街 : Shizuoka

Shirasuka, Kosai, 〒431-0451 Shizuoka,Japan
ライオン on Google

Kosai Sales Office of Far Tiger is cozy and easy to work
ot “kota” ish on Google

For the time being, please stop Amazon's delivery contract only. This is the first time I have felt so distrustful with a delivery company
Hikaru Sato on Google

まともに荷物も届けられず、3日も配達予定日を無視するクズ会社 謝罪を要求するも連絡もしてこない。 仕事する気ねーなら仕事受けんなやクズ
A waste company that does not deliver packages properly and ignores the scheduled delivery date for 3 days He demands an apology but does not contact him. If you don't feel like working
maru bo on Google

Partner with Amazon? Transporter doing. Even if it is an Amazon Prime express delivery, it will be delivered later, so there is no point of Amazon Prime. In addition, even if you check the current status of the TMG group to which you are inquiring, it is said that please make a call to the driver after confirmation but do not call me. Poncho company.
兒島慎二 on Google

At 22:00 pm, a young man who was only giving a part-time job when the intercom ringed brought a late-delivery Amazon item. If you can not carry the company, don't get a job! !
丸地基支 on Google

配達員の質が悪いですね 玄関を勝手に開けようとして来ます 『受取り確認のサイン』も有りませんし不在連絡票の『再配達自動音声受付』の電話番号もデタラメです 正直、信用に欠けますね なんで、Amazonはこんな所を使っているのか疑問ですね
The quality of the delivery staff is bad Comes to open the entrance There is no "sign for confirmation of receipt" and the telephone number of "automatic voice reception for redistribution" on the absence slip is also a mess Honesty I wonder why Amazon uses such a place
おっかおか on Google

It was said at 19:30 that today 's delivery has ended although there is written in the field of redelivery hope from 19 o'clock to 21 o'clock. Even though I called the driver directly to the phone, I did not answer the phone again and it is too late for a call back to come back. If you say "I am delivering Amazon, but ...", I do not think it will lead to image downs.
S K on Google

午前中希望でお願いしていたが10時30分過ぎに出かけなければ行けなくなりコールセンターにもドライバーにも連絡したがドライバーと連絡取れたのが午後1時、変更になるならコールセンターに電話しろ!って怒られた。 今日何時に持って来てくれるか聞いたら19時過ぎると言われ来たのが21時 買い物にも行けず夜ご飯も食べに行けずお風呂にも入れず2時間待った。 遅くなってすみませんって言えばいいものを遅かったねって言ったら他にも配達がいっぱいあるからしょうがないってムカついた!
I was asking in the morning, but I had to go out after 10:30 and I could not go to the call center, but I also contacted the driver, but I could get in touch with the driver at 1:00 PM, call the call center if it changed! I was angry. When I asked what time I would bring it today, I was told that it was 19:00 and it was 21:00 I could not go shopping, I could not go to dinner, I could not take a bath and waited for 2 hours. I'm sorry I'm sorry I told you that I was late for something good if I said that there were plenty of other deliveries and I couldn't help it!

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