
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact アウトレットライフ

住所 :

Shirasagi, Kaminokawa, Kawachi District, 〒329-0618 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88988
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday 10AM–6PM
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM
街 : Tochigi

Shirasagi, Kaminokawa, Kawachi District, 〒329-0618 Tochigi,Japan
みずいろ on Google

It's a secret place! Recommended! Before going to a large electronics store, go here first
ヒサ子荒川 on Google

cheap! ️Many new items! ️The president's response is good
mama biora on Google

品数は少ないですが、欲しいものがあれば非常に安いです! 倉庫のように雑然としていますが、掘り出し物があればラッキーです。
The number of items is small, but it is very cheap if you have what you want! It's cluttered like a warehouse, but you're lucky if you have bargains.
Hideki 2ka54 (Tsukagoshi Hideki) on Google

一期一会 商品の出入りが多いので、行った時に欲しい物や出物があれば買う 宝探しを楽しむ感じ 傷物も多いが、そこに納得できれば問題ない 店長はどこにどういう傷があり、どういう風に直したかまで教えてくれます 今までの後悔した買い物はありません
Once in a while There are many goods coming in and out, so if you have something you want or want when you go, buy it Feeling to enjoy treasure hunting There are many scratches, but if you can understand it there is no problem The store manager will tell you where and what kind of damage you have and how you fixed it. I've never regretted shopping
ラーメン好太郎 on Google

意外な掘り出し物が有ったりするので 家具系を探してるなら1度は行ってみては?☺️
Because there are unexpected finds If you are looking for furniture, why not go there once? ☺️
ちー太郎 on Google

店内の四方に積まれた整頓のない商品積みを見て残念系のお店だなと思った。まわらず帰ろうかと思ったけど、一応みることにした。しかし、まわってみると掘り出し物がたくさんあった。 古そうな商品もあるが、程度がよい商品が多かった。特に家具と家電は新品同様のものがあった。 店長?!だろうか、店員の対応がよく良い買い物ができた。 目的の商品が決まっていれば、店内入って左に直行して在庫をきくのが効率的だと思う。
I thought that it was a disappointing store looking at unsorted goods piled up in all directions in the store. I thought I would go home without turning, but I decided to go for a while. However, when I went around, there were a lot of bargains. There are old goods, but there are many good products. In particular, furniture and home appliances were similar to new ones. Store manager? ! The salesclerk's response was good and I was able to do good shopping. If the desired product has been decided, I think it is efficient to go inside the shop and go straight to the left to check the stock.
藤生憲昭 on Google

There are various things, I bought a table.
Sみじんこ on Google

少し入りにくい雰囲気だけど、入ってビックリ!! アウトレット新品の家具ばかりで、いい買い物が出来ました(^^)
It's a little difficult to enter, but I was surprised to enter! !! Outlet I was able to make a good purchase with only new furniture (^^)

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