Shirakawa Hospital - Kamo District

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Contact Shirakawa Hospital

住所 :

5770 Sakanohigashi, Shirakawa, Kamo District, Gifu 509-1106, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 509-1106
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–6PM
Tuesday 9AM–6PM
Wednesday 9AM–6PM
Thursday 9AM–6PM
Friday 9AM–6PM

5770 Sakanohigashi, Shirakawa, Kamo District, Gifu 509-1106, Japan
Ni-Ni K on Google

院長に、薬を間違えられて、死にそうになった。 看護師さんが気付かなじゃったら、死んでいた
The director was mistaken for the medicine and almost died. It was dead if the nurse noticed it
シロイヌ(シロヒゲ) on Google

歯医者によく行きますが腕が良い先生が多くて安心できます。 そのせいもあってよく混んでいるので予約は必ずに。
I often go to the dentist but I can relieve many teachers with good arms. Because there are also a couple of them, please be sure to make a reservation.
佐橋ナベ on Google

What do you really think about it? Nobody will come with such a doctor! Well, I'll definitely go
そうしくん on Google

Watanabe is the worst. He speaks like a fool from the top. I will never come here unless I die.
sky high on Google

体調が悪く、息をするにもしんどい状態なので病院に行くと、 点滴だけされて、帰らされた。 自宅に帰ると、症状は悪化。 次の日も、具会うが悪ければ、来院するように言われ、 一睡もできない状態の苦しみのため、 次の日、朝一で、来院。 しかし、何も処置されることもないまま 6時間も待機。 原因は先生の手が空いていないから。 待ってくださいの事。 緊急で、来院して6時間待っても診察してもらえず、 あまりにも苦しくて、他の町の病院に移動して 診察してもらい、事なきを得ました。 他の方と同じ意見で、2度と白川病院にはいきません。
When I go to the hospital because I feel ill and I feel tired to breathe, Only a drip was sent back. Symptoms get worse when I go home. The next day, too bad, I will be told to visit the hospital, Because of the suffering of the state that can not sleep at all, The next day, in the morning, come to the hospital. But there is nothing to be done Wait for 6 hours. The cause is because the teacher's hand is not open. Please wait. In an emergency, even after waiting 6 hours for a visit, I have no medical examination. It was too painful to go to the hospital in another town I had a medical examination and I got a thing. With the same opinion as other people, I will not go to Shirakawa Hospital again.
Sachi K on Google

体調不良で病院に行くも、まるで的外れな診断で症状が悪化。検査ばかりで治療費は高額に、 結果、別の病院に行くと、すぐに症状が改善された。 地元でもかなり評判悪い病院だが、マジで最悪だった。病院で働いている方から、ここの病院はやめた方が良いと言われるくらい、身内にまで悪評多し。年寄りはくるが、地元の若者は、他の町の病院まで行く理由がよくわかった。 絶対に、オススメはしない。 できる限りこの病院に行きたくない。 本気で思うので、あえて実名で投稿しました。
I went to a hospital with poor health, but my condition got worse with a totally outlier diagnosis. The cost of treatment is high with only the examination, As a result, when I went to another hospital, my symptoms improved immediately. It is a hospital that has a very bad reputation in the local area, but it was seriously bad. From those who work in the hospital, it is not good enough to say that it is better to quit the hospital here. The old people come, but local young people understand well why they go to hospitals in other towns. I definitely do not recommend it. I do not want to go to this hospital as much as possible. Because I really think, I dare to post with my real name.
斎藤拓也 on Google

最近、病院の通路に透明のカーテンが設置された コロナが蔓延によって非接触が重要視されている今、あえて接触機会を増やす意味がわからない 不衛生極まりない
Recently, a transparent curtain was installed in the aisle of the hospital. Now that the epidemic of corona has made non-contact important, I don't understand the meaning of increasing contact opportunities. Extremely unsanitary
天使ちゃん on Google

担当 野尻 眞院長先生 ☆坐骨神経痛歴5年 他病院受診したが治らず苦しんで 野尻院長先生に治療 2度の注射とリハビリで 痛みが失くなった。 ☆2ヶ月に1度くらい通院 ☆胃がん発症 ステージ1で見つけて貰い直ぐにオペ ☆一年経過後、再発の可能性95%無し 野尻 眞院長先生 《医師は患者さんとの信頼と愛情が一番》 の通りのドクターです 感謝してます
In charge: Dr. Makoto Nojiri ☆ 5 years history of sciatica I went to another hospital, but I was suffering from it. Treatment by Dr. Nojiri With two injections and rehab The pain is gone. ☆ Visit the hospital about once every two months ☆ Stomach cancer onset Operation immediately after finding it in stage 1 ☆ No 95% chance of recurrence after one year Dr. Makoto Nojiri 《Doctors have the best trust and affection with patients》 I'm a doctor on the street I am grateful

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