Shirakawa Flower World - Shirakawa

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shirakawa Flower World

住所 :

59 Nanko, Shirakawa, Fukushima 961-0812, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 961-0812
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM
Description : Flat, compact botanical garden featuring rows of various flowers with colorful blooms.

59 Nanko, Shirakawa, Fukushima 961-0812, Japan
允藤田 on Google

I went to Flower World for the first time today. At the reception desk at the entrance, the person who paid the entrance fee of 500 yen told me to go back to the reception desk after seeing the flowers blooming outside the reception desk, so I said that. Did. Many flowers were in full bloom when I went inside. I took the best pictures with my tablet.
東雲蒼 on Google

ネモフィラが真っ青に咲き乱れていて、とても綺麗でした。 色んな種類の花があり、目を楽しませてくれます。 入口にある謎の人形の動きがキモくておもしろい?
Nemophila was in full bloom in deep blue and it was very beautiful. There are various kinds of flowers, which are pleasing to the eyes. The movement of the mysterious doll at the entrance is funny and interesting ?
気湯 on Google

あいにくの雨でしたが、ネモフィラの群生地とても綺麗でした。少し離れたところに野生のネモフィラ群生地があるのですが、フラワーワールドで入場チケットを購入した方のみ入ることができます。 ネモフィラ以外にもたくさんの花々が出迎えてくれますが、入口には謎のマネキンや宙ずりのうさぎ……? ちょっと怖いです……。
Unfortunately it was raining, but the nemophila colony was very beautiful. There is a wild nemophila colony at a distance, but only those who have purchased an admission ticket at Flower World can enter. Many flowers other than Nemophila welcome you, but at the entrance there is a mysterious mannequin and a hanging rabbit ...? I'm a little scared ...
ヨシヒロ on Google

ネモヒラを目あてに出かけました。園外に一面に咲きもこるネモヒラ、とても綺麗でした。入園後は、鮮やかなアネモネ、様々なチューリップこれから咲くルピナスなどを観ることができてとてもよかったです。 退園時には入園者へのプレゼントとして、ポピーの苗ポット2つをいただきました。ありがとうございました。(入園料 大人 500円)
I went out for Nemohira. Nemohira, which blooms all over the park, was very beautiful. After entering the park, it was very nice to be able to see bright anemones, various tulips, and lupines that are about to bloom. When I left the park, I received two poppy seedling pots as gifts for the visitors. Thank you very much. (Admission fee: 500 yen for adults)
みのいち on Google

5月中旬に初来訪。コンパクトな規模なので気に入った花園をじっくり観賞できます。密にならないのでコロナ禍の癒しには良い場所です。 ちょうど初夏花々の見頃で、ネモフィラやリビングストンデージーをグランドカバーにアネモネやポピーがお出迎え、次いでリナリア、矢車草、花菱草、藤、ルピナスらが咲き乱れ、一番奥に色とりどりのジャーマンアイリスの花園があります。風に揺らぐヒラリとした花弁の花が多いのでまるで唄っているようなたおやかさ。なので朽ち果てそうな展望テラスが一層残念。お出迎えのシュールなカラクリ人形にはドキッとしましたが(LILICOさん?)だんだんはまったww 駐車場奥のネモフィラとポピーの半原生花園のワイルドさも見事。園外だけど、ちゃんとお金払って見ましょうね。 受付脇で園内に咲く花苗を廉価で販売してる他、見頃を終えたポピーのポットを無料でいただいてきました。
First visit in mid-May. Because it is a compact scale, you can thoroughly appreciate your favorite flower garden. It's not dense, so it's a good place to heal the corona. At the best time to see the flowers in early summer, anemones and poppies welcome you with nemophila and livingstone daisies as the ground cover, followed by linaria, cornflower, California poppy, wisteria, and lupines, and the colorful German iris garden at the back. There are many flowers with fluttering petals that sway in the wind, so it feels as if you are singing. So it's even more disappointing that the observation terrace is about to decay. I was surprised at the surrealistic Karakuri doll that welcomed me (LILICO-san?) The wildness of the nemophila and poppy semi-primitive flower garden in the back of the parking lot is also wonderful. It's outside the park, but let's pay for it. In addition to selling flower seedlings that bloom in the park at a low price beside the reception desk, we received a free poppy pot that was in full bloom.
Yu JAPAN on Google

お花好きなのでとても楽しかったです。500円の入場料で花の苗までひとつもらえました(*^^*) 5月の頭、ネモフィラがキレイに咲いていました。チューリップは終わりかけですね。 那須フラワーワールドは残念ながら今年はコロナでチューリップは植えないとのこと‥悲しいです。でもこちらに寄れて満足でした! 来年こそ那須フラワーワールドのチューリップを見に行きたいと思います。4月後半が良さそうですね。
I love flowers so it was a lot of fun. I got one flower seedling for an admission fee of 500 yen (* ^^ *) At the beginning of May, Nemophila was in full bloom. Tulips are about to end. Unfortunately, Nasu Flower World will not plant tulips in Corona this year ... I'm sad. But I was happy to stop by! I would like to go see the tulips of Nasu Flower World next year. The second half of April looks good.
能登美佳子 on Google

You can see many beautiful flowers. There is an entrance fee, but you can get two flowers of the season as a gift, and the admission ticket comes with a 100 yen discount on the entrance fee that you can use next time. I think it is very good for those who like flowers and are gardening. An unusual object? ?? Is also very intriguing (laughs)
/SAKKUNさっくん on Google

「ネモフィラが見頃でキレイだ」と新聞を見て気になって、ゴールデンウィーク明けに行きました。来ていた方は8~9割方福島県内の車ナンバーでそれなりに賑わっていました。 私が行った日は晴天に恵まれ、駐車場からでも少し見えるくらいの規模でした。 駐車場すぐ近くなので無料で見れなくもないですが「白河フラワーワールド」で入園料払ってからご覧になった方が良いですね。 (ネモフィラだけ見て帰る方もいるようなので) 数は多くないですが園内でお花が売られていたり、一部の苗はお持ち帰り出来たり、花が咲く時期をメインに年間を通して様々な花が見れるので無類の花好きだったら楽しめるかもしれません。
When I saw the newspaper, I was worried that "Nemophila is in full bloom and beautiful," and went to the end of Golden Week. Those who came were 80 to 90% crowded with car numbers in Fukushima prefecture. The day I went was blessed with fine weather, and it was a scale that I could see a little from the parking lot. It's close to the parking lot, so you can see it for free, but it's better to see it after paying the entrance fee at "Shirakawa Flower World". (Because some people just look at Nemophila and go home) Although the number is not large, flowers are sold in the garden, some seedlings can be taken home, and various flowers can be seen throughout the year, mainly during the flowering season, so if you like flowers like no other, you may enjoy it. ..

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