焼肉 安楽亭 武蔵浦和店

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼肉 安楽亭 武蔵浦和店

住所 :

Shirahata, Minami Ward, 〒336-0026 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88799
Webサイト : https://anrakutei.jp/
街 : Saitama

Shirahata, Minami Ward, 〒336-0026 Saitama,Japan
しゅうれむ(しゅうれむ) on Google

When I had all-you-can-eat, the food didn't come even after waiting for 20 minutes. All the meat was cheap for the price and it wasn't delicious. The inside of the store was sweet, and when I wiped the table, it was black and dirty, and all the seasonings were sticky. If you want to eat the meat from this restaurant, Kamayaki-san Taro is better.
ハート on Google

最近よく行くが、女性の方の接客はとても感じが良い。男、店長?らしき人の接客態度が虫酸が走るほど悪い。 目付きが異常だし、笑顔もなし。 やる気なくダルそう。いらっしゃいまーせーぇぇー。ありがーとーごーざーいますぅぅーーと、やたら変な所で語尾を伸ばしてて気持ち悪いし、声が聞こえる度、耳障りだ。どうしたらあんな気分の悪い言い方ができるのだろう?一回目で嫌だなこの人と思い、ずっとラッキーな事に会わなかったが、今日いた。注文にきたときの態度、「スっ」だけ言って下がった。唾が、飛んだかもしれない。しかもマスクを下に下げていて口と鼻が丸出しだった。見てないところ、厨房やらではマスクしてないですよね?そのまま出てきちゃった感じでしたし。コロナのこの時期にどうなんでしょうか?思い出しただけでも、あの人相、汚い目付き、ロボットのような表情、虫酸が走ります。思い出しただけでも気分が悪い。あの人いない方がお店の評価もグンと上がると思います。お店や他のスタッフは感じが良いので、あの男性早くやめて欲しいです。衛生観念も薄そうですし、あの異常な目つきの男が居ると思うと、気持ち悪くて、もう行くのが嫌になりました。
I often go there these days, but the customer service of women is very nice. Man, store manager? The customer service attitude of a person who seems to be so bad that insect acid runs. The eyes are abnormal and there is no smile. It seems to be dull without motivation. Welcome! Thank you very much, I feel uncomfortable with extending the ending in a strange place, and every time I hear a voice, it is jarring. How can I make such an unpleasant phrase? I didn't see him for a long time because I didn't like this person for the first time, but I was there today. When I came to order, I just said "Soo" and went down. The spit may have flown. Moreover, the mask was lowered and the mouth and nose were exposed. Where you haven't seen it, you don't mask it in the kitchen, right? It felt like it came out as it was. What about this time of the corona? Just remembering that face, dirty eyes, a robot-like expression, and worm acid run. Just remembering it makes me sick. I think that the evaluation of the shop will go up sharply if there is no such person. The shop and other staff feel good, so I want that man to quit early. The idea of ​​hygiene seems to be weak, and when I thought that there was a man with an unusual look, I felt uncomfortable and I didn't want to go anymore.
Jae-hyoung Video on Google

저렴한 가격으로 야끼니꾸를 맘껏 먹을 수 있는 곳 이정도면 퀼리티도 나쁘지 않은듯
Where you can eat yakiniku at an affordable price The quality is not bad
関昭一 on Google

I made a reservation. It was so crowded that I was able to eat it immediately. There was a vacancy in the parking lot.
松本光男 on Google

安定の安楽亭 厨房の管理も他の焼肉屋とは別格で安心して食べられる。安い割にはお肉の質も良い。
Management of stable Yasutatori kitchen is also different from other Yakiniku restaurants and can be eaten with confidence. The quality of meat is also good for cheap price.
sa k on Google

食べ放題の一番安いコースは肉が全体的に硬いです。スーパーの一番安い肉を買い揃えた感じです。 豚肉はたまに柔らかめの部位だったりしますが、あまり期待しないほうがいいです。 サイドメニューもあまり充実してないです。 最近ランチ食べ放題の値段も上がったようですが、それでも2180円(税別)で食べ放題なので、肉が硬くても種類が少なくてもいいから、とにかく量が食べたい場合はアリかと思います。
The cheapest all-you-can-eat course is that the meat is generally hard. It feels like I bought the cheapest meat from the supermarket. Pork is sometimes a soft part, but you shouldn't expect too much. The side menu is not very fulfilling either. It seems that the price of all-you-can-eat lunch has risen recently, but it's still all-you-can-eat for 2180 yen (excluding tax), so it doesn't matter if the meat is hard or there are few types, so if you want to eat a lot, I think it's an ant.
H.もとっち(もっちゃん) on Google

2022年三月更新。 色々セットメニューが変化。 いつもの1600円のちょいのみコースを注文。 しかし!! プラス200円で一時間飲み放題!!!! 店員の女性も気さくで色々気を遣ってくださる。 しかし肉盛りや料理は多少小ぶりになってるかな?? 飲みホも15時から18時の来店時間が限定されてるのでご注意を!! ランチも17時まで入店すれば17時過ぎて注文可能とのこと!! 呑み人(のみんちゅ)にはプラス200円で一時間飲み放題は、いいかも!!! 写真の肉盛りはセットメニューではなくて単品注文ですよ。
Updated in March 2022. Various set menus have changed. I ordered the usual 1600 yen little course. However! !! All-you-can-drink for an hour for an additional 200 yen! !! !! !! The female clerk is also friendly and cares a lot. But are the meat and dishes a little smaller? ?? Please note that the drinking time is limited from 15:00 to 18:00! !! If you enter the restaurant until 17:00, you can order after 17:00! !! For a drinker (Minchu), it may be good to have an all-you-can-drink for an hour for an additional 200 yen! !! !! The meat in the photo is not a set menu but a single item order.
Canjapan on Google

My first time getting a take out order from here. It was really good and enough to fill me up.

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