ゲンキー あま七宝店 - Ama

2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ゲンキー あま七宝店

住所 :

Shippochokatsura, Ama, 〒497-0004 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 497-0004
Webサイト : http://www.genky.co.jp/shop/cont.php%3Fcont_no%3D523%26g%3D4%26ar%3D3%26page%3D0
街 : Aichi

Shippochokatsura, Ama, 〒497-0004 Aichi,Japan
ぴまる on Google

レジ待ち100%でイライラする 足が遠のく
I'm frustrated with 100% waiting for cash register The legs are far away
琴子 on Google

商品も品揃えもいいですね。食材が少し 足りないときは 助かります。ただ 店の入り口がものすごく下水臭いです。下水なのか、肥料の臭いでしょか? なんとかならないでしょうか?
The product and assortment are good. A little ingredients It will be helpful if there is not enough. However, the entrance of the store smells like sewage. Is it sewage or the smell of fertilizer? What can I do?
飯島京子 on Google

The area around the store, the entrance, and the toilet are always clean! Cleaning duty, please clean it ? Please.
Drankar k.k on Google

豊富な品揃えで利用させて頂いてます。お酒の価格も安く設定されており非常にありがたい。ですが、レジに関して苦言があります。 客を待たせすぎ、従業員も客が列になって待っているなと思ったらアナウンスされる前に対応すべきです。レジ袋が無料であることも有難いですが如何せんレジ対応は最低レベル。店長はもっと店内を見渡すべき。レジ対応が俊敏であれば☆4.5です。
We use it with a wide variety of products. I am very grateful that the price of sake is set low. However, I have a complaint about the cash register. If you make customers wait too long and employees think they are waiting in line, you should respond before they are announced. I am grateful that the plastic shopping bag is free, but the cashier support is at the lowest level. The store manager should look around the store more. If the cashier is agile, it is ☆ 4.5.
伊藤幸子 on Google

I bought a bento box today, but I got long hair from the rice! When I got a long hair from my mouth, I felt uncomfortable and couldn't eat more than half! I brought it to everyone later. Only the price was refunded! Eh! Do you have any requests? That's it! I will never buy it anymore!
村上大福 on Google

品揃えは悪くない。 悪くないからこそ言いたい。 レジ応援遅すぎる。 店員は陳列で周りが見えてない。 人数的には全然足りるはずだし、冷凍の陳列を何人かでやってる暇があればレジの様子を見てくれ。 ほぼ毎回待たされるし、レジ応援のコールも全然しない。 これじゃあ、近くのB &Dには勝てませんよ?
The assortment is not bad. I want to say it because it's not bad. It's too late to support the cashier. The clerk is on display and cannot see the surroundings. The number of people should be enough, and if you have time to do the frozen display, please take a look at the cash register. I have to wait almost every time, and I don't call to support the cashier at all. Then you can't beat the nearby B & D, right?
on Google

冷凍食品やお菓子に関しては近くのナフコやB&Dよりも豊富です。 しかしたまたまなのか、行くたびにレジに長蛇の列。レジ打ちの従業員が応援を呼ばずダラダラと打っている。 そもそも従業員が足りないのか?応援が呼べないのか?呼びたくないのか? 表現の仕方が難しいのですが、店の空気があまりよくないです。 換気とかではなく、人の温かみがないと言うか… 店員同士の連携がとれていない感じがします。 店内に入ってもいらっしゃいませと言われたことがありません。 結局居心地があまり良くないので、たまに冷凍食品をまとめ買いするために行きますが 基本はB&Dです。
Frozen foods and sweets are more abundant than nearby NAFCO and B & D. However, by chance, every time I went there, there was a long line at the cash register. Employees at the cash register are slamming without calling for support. Is there a shortage of employees in the first place? Can't you call for support? Don't you want to call me? It's difficult to express, but the atmosphere in the store is not very good. It's not about ventilation, it's about the lack of warmth of people ... I feel that the clerk is not cooperating with each other. I have never been asked to come inside the store. After all, it's not very comfortable, so I sometimes go to buy frozen foods in bulk. The basis is B & D.
さかいみき on Google

愛想良くサービス良く、気配りが素晴らしい店員さんがいますが、最近見かけません。 その方がレジにいると速いです。 仕事あがってて今は店員じゃないから手伝わせてね、会社のサービスではなく私個人のサービスだからね、会社からはこういったサービスしろと教育受けてないから他の店員がやらなくても怒らないでね(笑)、と足悪い方がいると車まで運んで乗せたりとプロフェッショナルでした。 子どもが泣きだして困ったら今流行りの鬼滅のモノマネで瞬殺で泣き止ませて対応してくれます( ꈍᴗꈍ) ちなみに冷凍の品出しはGENKYは業者に頼んでるらしく、店員ではないとのことでした。
There is a clerk who is friendly, has good service, and is very attentive, but I haven't seen him recently. That is faster when you are at the cash register. I'm not a clerk now after work, so please help me, it's not a company service but my personal service, I'm not educated by the company to do this kind of service, so I get angry even if other clerk does not do it Don't do it (laughs), and when there was a person with a bad foot, I was a professional who carried it to the car and put it on. If a child starts crying and is in trouble, he / she will stop crying with an instant kill with the now popular devilish impersonator (ꈍᴗꈍ). By the way, it seems that GENKY is asking a trader to take out frozen products, and he is not a clerk.

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