Shintotsuka Hospital - Yokohama

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shintotsuka Hospital

住所 :

690-2 Kawakamicho, Totsuka Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 244-0805, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 244-0805
Webサイト :

690-2 Kawakamicho, Totsuka Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 244-0805, Japan
siena mama on Google

スタッフは明るく、よく挨拶をされてました。回復病棟と通院リハビリは、スタッフも多くて、リハビリ設備も充実していて熱心な様子で大変良いように見えました。リハビリも充実とHPにある療養病棟に入院しましたが、入院前と後では、全く話が違いました。六カ月のはずが、三カ月で、打ち切られ相談室に何度も相談抗議しましたが、何の対応もありませんでした。同担当医師の患者で、入院相談で三カ月のはずが、最初から無しの方もいた位なので、医師の判断の前では致し方ないことのようでした。こちらの療養病棟は、病状の回復を期待する方は、止めた方が良いと思います。ただ殆どの介護スタッフは、親切で、よく診てくれるので、療養病棟と割り切り、回復を期待しない方には、お勧めです。2018年10月退院 追記 口コミを書いた当時は、少しでもリハビリ期間が長くなる事が最善の道だと思い込んでリハビリ期間の約束が違うと反発していましたが、今は、担当医師の考えも理解出来ます。この点は、反省しています。ただ関係が悪くなったせいだとは思いたくありませんが、例えば、使用していない胃瘻回りの処置など、手抜きされたのか、きちんと処置されていなくて、いつも出血していたり、赤く腫れていました。同じイムス系列の江田記念病院に転院後は、丁寧に看護頂き、数日で、きれいにして貰えました。過去の事ですが、もっと速く転院すべきでした。
The staff were cheerful and well greeted. The recovery ward and outpatient rehabilitation seemed to be very good with a lot of staff and well-equipped rehabilitation facilities. I was admitted to the medical treatment ward on the website with a lot of rehabilitation, but the story was completely different before and after admission. It was supposed to be six months, but in three months it was cut off and I consulted and protested to the counseling room many times, but there was no response. It was supposed to be three months for the hospitalization consultation among the patients of the doctor in charge, but there were some who did not have it from the beginning, so it seemed that there was no choice but to do it before the doctor's judgment. I think it is better to stop this medical treatment ward if you expect to recover from your condition. However, most of the long-term care staff are kind and will give you a good medical examination, so it is recommended for those who do not expect recovery from the medical treatment ward. Discharged in October 2018 Postscript At the time of writing the review, I thought that it would be best to extend the rehabilitation period as much as possible, and I was repulsed that the promise of the rehabilitation period was different, but now I can understand the thoughts of the doctor in charge. I regret this point. I don't want to think it's just because of the bad relationship, but for example, I've been bleeding or red and swollen all the time because I haven't been treated properly, such as the treatment around the gastrostomy that I'm not using. It was. After being transferred to the Eda Memorial Hospital, which belongs to the same Imsu family, I was given careful nursing care and within a few days, I was able to clean it up. In the past, I should have been transferred faster.
Yumi Hiro on Google

老父がお世話になり3ヶ月の入院期間で、元どおり歩行することができるようになりました。 全体的に病棟は看護師さんやそのほかのスタッフの人手不足は否めませんでしたが、それでもほとんどの方は一生懸命やっておられました。 中でも最も印象的だったのは若い理学療法士や作業療法士の皆さんです。大変なお仕事なのにみなさん明るく挨拶もしっかりしておられ、感心しました。とても感謝しております。
My old father took care of me, and I was able to walk again after three months of hospitalization. Overall, the ward could not deny the shortage of nurses and other staff, but most people were still working very hard. The most impressive were the young physiotherapists and occupational therapists. Even though it was a difficult job, everyone was greeted with bright greetings. Much obliged.
Kou K on Google

皆さんよくやってられます。 JR横須賀線東戸塚駅、西口バス停より循環バスで15分程。病院送迎バスもあります。
Everyone is doing well. About 15 minutes by circular bus from East Totsuka Station on the JR Yokosuka Line and West Exit Bus Stop. There is also a hospital shuttle bus.
千倉館山 on Google

以前、療養リハ部門 責任者代行の方に身体を診てもらいました。大変親切な方でした。
Previously, I had the acting manager of the medical treatment rehabilitation department examine my body. He was a very kind person.
海陽町 on Google

一年近く待たすだけ待たして何の説明もなしにルールを変える割には責任者が明確でない。 ベッドが空いたと連絡があってから行っても当日無いことがある。 地域連携室は患者に寄り添わないようにしか見えない。 リハビリ課医師は高圧的で能力には疑問を持っている。 看護師の口コミにこの病院の実情があらわされている。 横浜新都市脳外科、狩場と優れた系列イムスグループの病院があるのでここも少しは見習ってほしい。
It's not clear who will wait for almost a year and change the rules without any explanation. Even if you go after being notified that your bed is vacant, it may not be there on the day. The Regional Collaboration Office only appears to be close to the patient. Rehabilitation physicians are overwhelmed and question their abilities. Nurses' word of mouth shows the actual situation of this hospital. There are Yokohama New City Brain Surgery, Kariba and excellent affiliated IMS group hospitals, so I want you to learn a little here.
やがみらいと on Google

A cluster of more than 40 people has recently occurred! Despite this, both staff and patients are out (without masks). Especially, I want the staff to wear a mask thoroughly when commuting. You're a healthcare professional, right?
腹黒BLACK on Google

When I was hospitalized right now and there was a corona-infected person, I couldn't even take a shower, I didn't have much rice, I didn't have many items, and the nurse didn't feel clean! Ventilation and mask strengthening begin after the infected person appears. The nurses and staff are not responding. It's really terrible to treat patients who don't think they are human. What gets better doesn't get better either. I want you to have more cleanliness and compassion.
ゆきお on Google

オミクロンで、 問題に成っている定義の中、 感染対策の中、 コロナじゃない重症患者がお世話に成っている家族です。 職務大変な中、家族の思いを聞いて頂き、患者に親身に関わって頂ける 医師、看護師、関係者 様が、お集まりの素晴らしいプロ集団で、 テレビの取材が来てほしい病院だと思います。 続く医療の大変さを一時も早く改善されるよう願っています。 いつも、感謝の思いでいっぱいです。 本当にありがとうございます! 皆様、お体ご自愛頂き、今後ともどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
Omicron, In the definition in question In infection control, It is a family that is taken care of by a seriously ill patient who is not a corona. You can listen to your family's thoughts and get involved with the patient while your duties are difficult. Doctors, nurses, and people involved are a wonderful group of professionals. I think it's a hospital where I want TV coverage to come. I hope that the ongoing medical difficulties will be improved as soon as possible. I'm always full of gratitude. thank you very much! We look forward to your continued support in the future.

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