癒し処 ほっこり 中央通り店

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 癒し処 ほっこり 中央通り店

住所 :

Shintenchi, Naka Ward, 〒730-0034 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Webサイト : https://yoyaku-beauty.jp/reserve/contents/reserve_top.xhtml%3FCODE%3D123ae635fbf91f878ad687c89f95df169801e9c813465d88b71d8ae487e61bf5
街 : Hiroshima

Shintenchi, Naka Ward, 〒730-0034 Hiroshima,Japan
大野昭二 on Google

この価格帯のマッサージではあり得ない位のレベルの高さです。 人気店なので予約必須です? 慶徳さん最高‼️
It is a level that is impossible for massage in this price range. It's a popular shop, so reservations are required ? Keitoku is the best! ️
明子(Acco) on Google

アディダスのジャージで茶髪の背の小さい方 少し静かにマッサージして下さい。おしゃべりが過ぎます。 癒されに来てるので、あなたとしゃべりに来ているのではないです。
Adidas jersey with short brown hair Please massage a little quietly. I'm too talkative. I'm coming to be healed, so I'm not coming to chat with you.
Gmail表示名非表示 on Google

いつも癒されてます? 原田店長の面白トークと マッサージにやみつきです! 価格もリーズナブル?
I'm always healed ? With an interesting talk by the manager Harada I'm addicted to massage! The price is also reasonable ?
P Nori on Google

The price is as reasonable as a major massage chain, but the level of staff is different. It feels good and the atmosphere inside the store is small and calm.
だいち on Google

初めて利用しました 中央通り沿い東側カラオケのジャンカラの左側ビル2階 「もみほぐし」の大きなオレンジの看板で目立ちます エレベーター無しの階段のみ ワンフロアに施術ベッド3台 仕切りはカーテン ほぐし60分2,980(税別)とリーズナブル ただし夜は500円アップ ご指名有れば200~500円プラスみたいです 料金は後払い なかなかしっかりとした施術と接遇に癒されました
I used it for the first time 2nd floor of the left building of the karaoke jankara on the east side along Chuo-dori It stands out with the big orange sign of "Momihogushi" Only stairs without elevator 3 treatment beds on one floor The partition is a curtain Unraveling 60 minutes 2,980 (excluding tax) and reasonable However, 500 yen up at night If you have a nomination, it seems to be 200-500 yen plus Fee is postpaid I was healed by the solid treatment and hospitality
Ruchie on Google

Good massage place. Cheap and good!!!
Sachin Prasad on Google

I was having some really bad back pain. Was traveling in Hiroshima and decided to try this place out. I forgot to ask the therapists name but she is the really slender girl there. She was able to figure out all my stiff muscles and apply the right amount of pressure. I got a 90 minute massage. Could have easily spent 3 hours.
soe on Google

Went there for a 60min session and ended up asking for a plus 30min because it was so good! The therapist pressure points were spot on and the deep pressure felt relaxing. My body felt so light days after the massage. Thank you! Wishing that they offer a hot small drink after the therapy, but there were none, but it’s not a big deal.

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