バトルロジック 広島八丁堀店

2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact バトルロジック 広島八丁堀店

住所 :

Shintenchi, Naka Ward, 〒730-0034 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Webサイト : http://www.battle-logic.com/
街 : Hiroshima

Shintenchi, Naka Ward, 〒730-0034 Hiroshima,Japan
T H on Google

近隣の他店舗と比べて品揃えが豊富です。 その反面、特に高レアリティ品の値段は高めで、かなり強気の価格設定です。 他の方も言及されている店員さんの接客態度ですが、全体的に良いとは言えません。 客が来ても構わずに雑談していたり、接客する気がないのでは?と疑ってしまう人が多いです。 丁寧な方もおられますが、割り切った方が気分が楽です。
There is a wide selection of products compared to other stores in the neighborhood. On the other hand, the prices of high-rare products are particularly high, and the prices are quite bullish. The customer service attitude of the clerk mentioned by other people, but overall it is not good. Maybe you don't mind chatting or serving customers even if they come? Many people suspect that. Some people are polite, but it feels better to be diligent.
Shota Mejiro on Google

メガネの店員の買取時の対応がまあ酷い。 買取承諾書渡す時も無言で渡してきて、レシート渡す時も無言で投げるように。 二度と利用しません。
The correspondence at the time of purchase of the clerk of glasses is terrible. When you give the purchase consent form, give it silently, and when you give the receipt, throw it silently. I will never use it again.
To Li on Google

You can buy it by splitting your credit card at a nearby card shop, but be careful if you buy expensive items because this is only a batch. Also, the new product is the basic list price. The storage is full and cheap at 30 yen, but it's hard to find because it's not organized. The duel space is wide.
オンライントキメ on Google

The store itself is good, but the vending machine has a poor return rate, I bought 40 out of 100 units for 1000 yen, the card itself was curved and it was in a terrible state anyway, I draw it as a hobby every time I go to Fukuoka, Osaka, Tokyo But it was the first time I was so terrible ... very disappointing
塩谷映杜 on Google

商品が充実している。 あまり楽しい雰囲気の場所ではない。 知り合いと落ち着いて対戦がしたい場合はオススメ。 店内の雰囲気が一見オシャレに見えるが若干暗い。 カードに詳しいスタッフがいるので、その方に対応して貰ったときの会計終わりまで会話はわずかな時間とはいえ楽しくもある。 扱うTCGサプライのこだわりが非常に良い面である。他にもあるかもしれないが、現広島市内のカードショップでCEOストレージを扱う店は私はこの店しか知らない。
The products are substantial. It's not a very fun place. Recommended if you want to calm down and play against an acquaintance. At first glance, the atmosphere inside the store looks fashionable, but it is a little dark. There is a staff member who is familiar with the card, so the conversation is fun, albeit a short time, until the end of the checkout when the person responds. The commitment of the TCG supply we handle is a very good aspect. There may be others, but I only know this store that handles CEO storage at the current card shop in Hiroshima city.
規格外品 on Google

主に集めている遊戯王カードについての感想をします。 品揃えについて、ぱっと見は普通かなと思ったのですが、カードの並びはごちゃごちゃしていて分かり辛いの一言。 レアリティやシリーズもごちゃ混ぜで汚く見えます。秋葉原トレカ店のカード展示を見習って欲しいです。 高額カード現物の品揃えとしては良いです。取り寄せとかは未確認。価格設定は首都圏並みで地元的には高め。 デュエルスペースの広さは文句無し。机椅子も良いと思います。日曜日の大会中でも対戦者が多いのにスッキリとしていました。 トレカ買取査定ですが お客様のトレカの扱い方が雑に見えました。ストレージ扱いして擦れ傷とか付きそう怖いです。私ならここでは査定にカードは出さない。 接客については駄目駄目でした。 お客様の接した時 挨拶が無いですし、目を見ていない。声も聞き取り辛い。初見のお客様は嫌な気分になり、そのような店員に接客をさせては駄目と思います。裏方に徹した方が良いのでは? 今回高額カードを買いましたけど、もう無いかな。 開店して一年半になりますね。開店当初は品揃えも余りなく、店員もカード知識不足で不慣れでしたがお客様に対して懸命に対応していた印象がありました。 今の現状は残念ながらクチコミ通りです。
I have an impression about the Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards that I mainly collect. Regarding the assortment, I thought it was normal at first glance, but the arrangement of the cards was cluttered and difficult to understand. Rarity and series also look messy and dirty. I want you to emulate the card display at the Akihabara Trading Card store. It is good as an assortment of high-priced cards in kind. The order is unconfirmed. The price setting is similar to that of the metropolitan area and is high locally. The size of the duel space is perfect. I think desk chairs are also good. Even though there were many opponents during the Sunday tournament, it was refreshing. Although it is a trading card purchase assessment The way customers handle trading cards seemed sloppy. I'm afraid that it will be treated as storage and will be scratched. I wouldn't give a card to the assessment here. I couldn't serve customers. When the customer comes in contact I don't have a greeting and I'm not looking at my eyes. The voice is hard to hear. First-time customers feel uncomfortable, and I don't think it's good to let such a clerk serve customers. Isn't it better to stay behind the scenes? I bought a high-priced card this time, but I wonder if there is any more. It's been a year and a half since the store opened. At the beginning of the store, there was not a large selection of products, and the clerk was unfamiliar with lack of knowledge of cards, but I had the impression that he was working hard to deal with customers. Unfortunately, the current situation is as per the word of mouth.
ムンクさん on Google

ポケモンカード関連でよく利用してます。 前までよく店舗にいた眼鏡の店員が態度最悪で嫌いでしたが最近はいないので安心して買い物ができます。(前までコレクションカードを買うと露骨に転売ヤー扱いされました) ポケカの品揃えがめちゃくちゃいいので市内で買い物するときは基本ここを利用してます。
K K on Google

店内のバトルスペースは市内で一番いいです。 下記は要望ですb 遊戯王をメインで利用させていただいています。自販機はあまり良くないですね。還元率やニーズにあってない感じです。 カードの価格は普通からちょい高めぐらいです。特価品はお得かなって感じです。 もう少し取扱カードの量を増やして欲しいです。端末で探せるのはいいのですが、在庫切れが多い印象です。 店員さん店長さんの対応良いと思います。
The battle space inside the store is the best in the city. The following is a request b I mainly use Yu-Gi-Oh! Vending machines are not very good. It doesn't seem to meet the return rate or needs. The price of the card is usually a little higher. It feels like a bargain is a good deal. I want you to increase the amount of cards handled a little more. It's nice to be able to find it on the terminal, but I get the impression that it is often out of stock. I think the store clerk's response is good.

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