Shinsen ichiba Iseya - Seto

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shinsen ichiba Iseya

住所 :

2 Chome-38 Hishinodai, Seto, Aichi 489-0887, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 489-0887
Webサイト :

2 Chome-38 Hishinodai, Seto, Aichi 489-0887, Japan
青森貴菜 on Google

We recommend it because the sashimi is fresh and there are days when the eel kabayaki from Isshiki is cheap! Originally a butcher, there are a wide variety of meats and a variety of side dish corners. Especially, fried rice is recommended because it is cheap and cheap.
たれれ on Google

人が食い散らかした試食を売る最悪な店です。 肉屋にいるメガネを掛けた背の高いババアが、 何度も要らないと言うのに、強引に何時も押し売りし、強制的に買わせます。 とにかく超最悪な店です! 星も付けたくないですし もう二度と絶対に行くことはないです。
This is the worst shop selling messy tastings. A tall baaba with glasses in a butcher, Even if you say you don't need it many times, you are forced to sell and force it to buy. Anyway, this is the worst store! I do n’t want to add stars I will never go again.
三原洋介 on Google

瀬戸に住んでいたときよく行きました。 小規模な店なので品揃えは大手スーパーには劣ります。 しかし肉、魚、惣菜の品質は大手スーパーよりも圧倒的に高いです。 内陸のスーパーですが、海のほうの出身の私でも満足の鮮魚が手に入るので重宝しました。 肉は鶏たたきやジビエ等他の店では扱っていない変わった商品もあり、今でもたまに買いに行くこともあります。
I used to go there when I lived in Seto. As it is a small store, the product lineup is inferior to that of major supermarkets. However, the quality of meat, fish and prepared foods is overwhelmingly higher than that of major supermarkets. It's an inland supermarket, but I'm from the sea, but I'm happy with the fresh fish, so it's useful. As for meat, there are some unusual products such as chicken tataki and game that are not available at other stores, and I still occasionally go to buy them.
力“太郎たろう”ウコンの on Google

It's a small shop, but it has a wide variety of meat and fish. We also handle a lot of seasonal fruits
Tsite Jun on Google

特売寿司ともち豚を求めて毎週行っています。 肉と魚と冷凍食品は特に品揃えが良いかなと思います。 料金も悪くないですし、頑張っていると思います。
We go every week for bargain sushi and mochi pork. I think the assortment of meat, fish and frozen foods is particularly good. The price is not bad and I think I'm doing my best.
無限PERFECT on Google

Shitamachi shopping street. It's a little rich. The clerk is positive. I really want you to do your best in the shopping district. If possible, I want you to make another store bigger. Meat is recommended. There is a half price discount in the evening.
韓ドラ大好きっ子 on Google

I visited you for the first time after seeing the word of mouth. Although small, it was lively and lively. It was a supermarket that reminded me of the Showa period. You can buy fresh meat and side dishes in any amount you like in a face-to-face manner. The shop staff responded nicely, and I was surprised at the variety of prepared foods. I also bought sandwiches and sushi for lunch, and I was surprised at how delicious they were. It became a supermarket I wanted to go to again. ??
海坊主 on Google

オードブル3500円の物を頂きましたが、かなりお得感あります。 思ってたサイズより一回り大きいですし、味も手作り感がありとても美味しかったです。何より地味に下にいる野菜達が豊富で、オードブル=揚げ物主体で、何か野菜を別に用意しなきゃとかならないレベルだったのでとても良かったです。 子供達は塩焼きの海老やローストビーフにかぶりついてました。 また利用したいと思います。
I received an hors d'oeuvre for 3500 yen, which is a great deal. It was one size larger than I expected, and the taste was handmade and it was very delicious. Above all, there are abundant vegetables underneath, and it was very good because it was mainly hors d'oeuvre = fried food and I had to prepare some vegetables separately. The kids were clinging to salt-grilled shrimp and roast beef. I want to use it again.

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