本田技研工業 埼玉製作所 狭山完成車工場

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 本田技研工業 埼玉製作所 狭山完成車工場

住所 :

Shinsayama, Sayama, 〒350-1331 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://www.honda.co.jp/saitama/
街 : Saitama

Shinsayama, Sayama, 〒350-1331 Saitama,Japan
とりあえず豚足 on Google

As a Sayama citizen, it is lonely that the automobile factory will be closed. Considering the location, I think the site will be a distribution warehouse.
Kz Κm on Google

寄居よりもだいぶ良いです。 さすがは東の拠点としてホンダの四輪事業を長年支えてきただけのことはある。 スペースが限られているので一切ムダがない。 生産拠点が寄居に移ってしまうのが悲しい?
It's much better than Yorii. As expected, it has only supported Honda's automobile business for many years as a base in the east. There is no waste because the space is limited. It's sad that the production base moves to Yorii ?
EI KO on Google

吸い付くようなコーナリング、軽快なエンジン感覚、荷物も積めて良い車でした。 ホンダのエンジンはやっぱりいいね!
It was a good car with sticky cornering, a light engine feeling, and luggage. After all Honda's engine is good!
田中達哉 on Google

小学生のころはプールが公開されていて夏は祭り、花火があり、地域に貢献していた地域の企業でした。 去年(2021年)で生産も終了して寄居に移転とか。 関連企業(下請け、ホンダ目当ての飲食店)とかホンダ社員専用の駐車場とか、もうがらがらで。。。 年初はトヨタが入るとか記事に成ってました。今期で最期? ワクチン接種会場として四月の会場予約がなかったので三月中に予約が取れて良かった。 最後の有志? お疲れ様でした!
When I was in elementary school, the pool was open to the public, and in the summer there were festivals and fireworks, and it was a local company that contributed to the community. Production ended last year (2021) and moved to Yorii. Related companies (subcontractors, restaurants aimed at Honda), parking lots exclusively for Honda employees, and so on. .. .. At the beginning of the year, there was an article about Toyota entering. Is it the last in this term? I didn't have a reservation for the vaccination venue in April, so I'm glad I made a reservation in March. The last volunteer? good job for today!
임성수 on Google

5~6年前に期間工で働いてました。懐かしいです。まあ、私の名前をその時の部署の人達が見たら絶対わかると思います。多分…ホンダで唯一の韓国人期間工だったと自分で思う。化成モジュールのシーラー2Bにいたな…(この口コミあいつが見てそう苦笑)埼玉工場が閉鎖されることを知りなんだか心細いというかさびしい気持ちです。私はシーラーという特殊な職場に配属されメルシート+エンジンフロントシーラー延ばしという担当を任されました。当時は緊張と不安だらけでした。その不安というのは皆さんと少し感覚が違いまして、不安=解雇(不景気だとかそういう理由や仕事不適合で解雇されないか不安)こんな不安でした。メルシートとシーラーという変わった作業、車体を組み立てたりそういうイメージとは違う部署に配属され緊張と不安だらけ。違う意味合いで私の「緊張と不安」というのは仕事を早く慣れ覚える事と、仕事適合になって"契約更新"をもらえるようなそんな人になるような良い"材料"になったと確信してます。仕事は細かい話、8か月ほどで見違えるほど作業効率、早さ、精度、段取りになりものすごく成長したと思う。中でも段取りは命取りで、段取りをせずに自分の戦場に行くのは仕事に負けてる人。段取りは重要でした。「段取りなくして生産なし」が私の決め台詞。面白く言えば…「勃起なくして生産なし…」、多分、シーラーで勃起しながら仕事してた奴って韓国人の俺しかいなかったと思う…笑。さて…職場で喧嘩もしましたし、色々ありました。そうだな…都合の良い事ばかりしては成長もしないし、人の意見に口合わせ、本音も言えないキレイ事ばかりでは中身のない人に育つ。うまいラーメン屋の頑固オヤジ(いつもイライラしてる)(←だいたいこういう人ってこだわりが強い)みたいな感じになってほしいと思います。仕事毎日イライラしてたけどめちゃくちゃ良い経験と最高の職場だったと思う。皆とほとんど絡んでませんが苦笑 寮のおかあさん達が作った激うまカレーが恋しいな……さよなら狭山工場…
I worked as a term worker 5-6 years ago. nostalgic. Well, I'm sure people in the department at that time will know my name. Maybe ... I think I was the only Korean period worker in Honda. I was in Sealer 2B of the Kasei module ... (This review is so bitter to see) It's kind of lonely to know that the Saitama factory will be closed. I was assigned to a special workplace called Sealer and was in charge of extending Mörschied + engine front sealer. At that time, I was full of tension and anxiety. The anxiety was a little different from everyone's feelings, and anxiety = dismissal (I'm worried about being dismissed due to a recession or other reasons or work incompatibility). I was assigned to a department that was different from the image of the unusual work of merschied and sealer, assembling the car body, and was full of tension and anxiety. In a different sense, I'm convinced that my "tension and anxiety" has become a good "material" to get used to work quickly and to become such a person who can get a "contract renewal" by becoming fit for work. increase. I think that the work has grown tremendously in terms of work efficiency, speed, accuracy, and setup so that it can be mistaken for about 8 months. Among them, the setup is fatal, and it is the person who loses the job to go to his battlefield without setting up. The setup was important. "No production without setup" is my deciding line. Interestingly speaking ... "No production without an erection ...", I think I was the only Korean who worked while having an erection with a sealer ... lol. Well ... I had a fight at work and there were various things. That's right ... I don't grow up if I just do things that are convenient for me, and I grow up to be an empty person if I just talk about people's opinions and can't really say what I really mean. I want you to feel like a good ramen shop's stubborn father (always frustrated) (← generally, people like this are very particular about it). I was frustrated every day at work, but I think it was an insanely good experience and the best workplace. I don't really get involved with everyone, but I miss the fierce horse curry made by the mothers in the dormitory ... Goodbye Sayama Factory ...
shx luo on Google

I had the honor of working with many associates in this facility
Jim Warne on Google

I had the honor of working with many associates in this facility. Great people.
Tim Kuhlendahl on Google

I was fortunate to get a tour through the facilities and enjoyed a presentation about Honda. Very interesting and thank you very much for the great Honda hat.

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