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Contact 長野ペット斎場やすらぎの杜

住所 :

Shinonoishiozaki, 〒388-8014 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88979
Webサイト : https://xn--9ckk6c194qtz7ch1qn1f.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5:30PM
Sunday 9AM–5:30PM
Monday 9AM–5:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–5:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–5:30PM
Thursday 9AM–5:30PM
Friday 9AM–5:30PM
街 : Nagano

Shinonoishiozaki, 〒388-8014 Nagano,Japan
軽寅次郎 on Google

Natsu-chan, who spent 16 years together, once bitten her family. But when I drank water from my palm just before I died, it looked like I was saying "Thank you" and became Jean. If you ask for such a funeral for Nacchan, thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing it really politely. It was really nice to have a funeral hall relatively close.
みどりの子みどりの子 on Google

窓を開けて空気を入れ替えたり洗濯物干す事にためらいます。 気持ちの問題ですが。。。 この先ずっとこうなのかなと思うと切なくなります。 私達何も悪い事していないのに。
I hesitate to open the window to replace the air or dry the laundry. It's a matter of feeling. .. .. I feel sad when I wonder if this will be the case forever. We haven't done anything wrong.
プヨぷよ on Google

法的の問題では有りません! 地主にキッチンカーやると嘘を言って土地を購入したとも聞いています。 そんなにお墓や火葬をしたいなら自宅の庭でやって下さい!
It's not a legal issue! I heard that the landowner bought the land by telling a lie that he would do a kitchen car. If you want to grave or cremate so much, do it in your garden!
だー娘 on Google

数年前に水害で水がついた所です。お墓があるようですが近隣住民としては、また水害でお骨が流れてこないか心配です。 近くにお墓が立って喜ぶ人はいません。
It is a place where water got wet due to flooding several years ago. There seems to be a grave, but as a neighbor, I'm worried that the bones will not flow due to flooding. No one is happy to see a grave standing nearby.
ぼーぼー on Google

法律違反でなかろうが周りの人達の迷惑を考えないで営業している人が、亡くなったペットの気持ちを考えられるわけがない。絶対利用しません。他に安心できる葬祭屋さんで火葬してもらいます。 他のお店は10、20年営業して口コミ20件。 ここはまだオープン数ヶ月なのにこの口コミ数は明らかにおかしい。近くに斎場ができて良かったなんて思う人いるわけない!自分で書いてるね。 ちょっと非常識ですね。周りの住民は迷惑です。たまたま利用したお客さんも可哀想です。この業界の人も悪いイメージが付いて可哀想です。
A person who operates without considering the inconvenience of those around him, even if it is not against the law, cannot think of the feelings of his deceased pet. I will never use it. Have them cremated at another funeral shop where you can rest assured. Other shops have been open for 10 or 20 years and have 20 reviews. This review is obviously strange even though it's only been open for a few months. No one is happy to have a funeral hall nearby! I wrote it myself. It's a little insane. The residents around me are annoying. The customers who happened to use it are also sorry. People in this industry also have a bad image and are sorry.
on Google

近隣住民の反対を欺いて営業しているらしい。現にトレーラーハウスですからなにか脱法的な理由があるんでしょう。ここに高評価でクチコミしているのは全部サクラです。その証拠にみんなクチコミ1件だもん。ご丁寧に返信までして自作自演おつかれさん。 あとこの場所だけ『役に立った』の数が多いのが異常。大したことも書いてないのに たくさん役に立ったが押してある。近隣住民から反対がでるのは当然なのにいけしゃあしゃあと営業するくらいですから企業ぐるみで一生懸命ポチっと押してるんでしょうね。イメージアップに必死で滑稽。 ま、自分は近隣に住んでないんでよかった。近くで火葬してるなんて気持ち悪いもん。
It seems that they are operating by deceiving the opposition of the neighbors. It's actually a mobile home, so there may be some illegal reason. All of the highly rated reviews here are Sakura. The proof is that everyone has one word of mouth. A self-made self-performing messenger who politely replies. Also, it is unusual that there are many "useful" only in this place. I didn't write a big deal, but it was useful a lot, but I'm pushing it. It's natural that the neighbors will oppose it, but it's only open afterwards, so I think the whole company is pushing hard. Desperate and humorous to improve the image. Well, I'm glad I didn't live in the neighborhood. It's unpleasant to be cremated nearby.
黒井くま on Google

帰省時に実家の猫が亡くなってしまい、急遽葬儀場を探していたところ、こちらを見つけました。 年末にも関わらず柔軟に対応いただき大変助かりました。 スタッフの方も親切で安心してお任せすることができました。
When I returned home, my cat died, and when I was looking for a funeral hall in a hurry, I found this. It was very helpful to have a flexible response despite the end of the year. The staff was also kind and I was able to leave it to them with confidence.
岩﨑杏菜 on Google

口コミを見ましたが、お骨、魂が関わっているので色々意見はありますよね、分かります。 けど、利用した私は星5です。 数十年あった葬儀場が数件の口コミで、 こちらが数ヶ月で沢山口コミがあるのは利用した人が書きたいと思ったからなのでは。 私は書きたい!と思ったので書いています。 他の方も利用してよかった!是非書きたい!そう言った気持ちではないでしょうか。 とても親切でした。 予約制なので貸切?他の方もいらっしゃらないので連日泣いて腫れた目も 他の人の目を気にすることなくペットを見送れました。 まだ、我が家には4匹居ますがみんなの死を考えたくありませんが他のみんなもお別れが来た時にはお願いしたいと思っています。
I saw the word of mouth, but since the bones and soul are involved, there are various opinions, I understand. However, I used it with 5 stars. The funeral hall, which has been around for decades, has been reviewed by several reviews. This is because there are many reviews in a few months because the people who used it wanted to write. I want to write! I thought, so I'm writing. I'm glad that other people also used it! I definitely want to write! Isn't that the feeling you said? It was very kind. Is it reserved because it is a reservation system? There are no other people, so I cried every day and had swollen eyes I was able to see off my pet without worrying about the eyes of others. I still have four in my house, but I don't want to think about everyone's death, but I would like to ask everyone else when they say goodbye.

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