Shinonoi General Hospital - Nagano

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shinonoi General Hospital

住所 :

666-1 Shinonoiai, Nagano, 388-8004, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 388-8004
Webサイト :

666-1 Shinonoiai, Nagano, 388-8004, Japan
sh ko on Google

コロナ禍前にいつもは日赤だけど、具合悪すぎてそこまで行く元気もないから内科にかかり入院した時何の説明もなく、病室から出たら何で出るのかとかなり怒られる。 家族が遠方で差し入れなどダメだったので、お茶など買いに行きたかったがいけないから喉が乾いたと言うと、点滴してて脱水にはならないしお昼まで我慢しろと言われる。 生理に急になってしまっても、買いに行けない。 看護師さんに買ってきてもらえるか相談したら、お手伝いさんじゃないんでって一言。 うちから近いけど、絶対二度と行かない
Before the Corona disaster, I was always in the JRCS, but I was so sick that I didn't have the energy to go that far, so when I went to the internal medicine department and was hospitalized, there was no explanation, and when I got out of the hospital room, I was quite angry about what to do. My family was so far away that I couldn't put it in, so I didn't want to go buy tea, so when I said that I was thirsty, I was told that I wouldn't get dehydrated by intravenous drip and endure until noon. Even if I suddenly get my period, I can't go buy it. When I asked the nurse if he could buy it, he said he wasn't a helper. It's close to us, but I'll never go again
Yo on Google

I went for a medical examination. The nurse who collected blood pressure and blood was very kind. I was nervous and worried because my pulse exceeded 100. After that, when I was waiting for a pelvic examination, he took care of me and called out to me. He was a kind person.
meitou on Google

分娩でお世話になりました!病棟は新しく全室個室で綺麗です。LDR室で陣痛から分娩まで同じ部屋だったので移動がなくよかったです。入院中の食事は総合病院なので病院食。お祝い膳も普段よりは豪華ですが、、個人病院とは比べてはいけません。笑 経験等で差はありますが、助産師さんも、看護師さんもとても親切で優しく授乳等色々教えてくださり助かりました。
Thank you for your delivery! The ward is new and all rooms are private and beautiful. I'm glad I didn't move because it was the same room from labor to delivery in the LDR room. Since the meals in the hospital are general hospitals, they are hospital meals. The celebration set is more luxurious than usual, but it should not be compared to a private hospital. smile Although there are differences in experience, the midwives and nurses were very kind and kind, and they taught me various things such as breastfeeding.
リッキー田中 on Google

病院食が工夫がなくここら辺の病院の中では最低 まずいしバラエティせいにかけワンパターン 他の病院では麺類やパンとか出るのに毎回ご飯ばかりマジでない 入院してるから仕方ないが長く入院してると 人として扱ってないように感じる 栄養士が無能なのか? 豪華にしろとは言ってるのではなく入院患者が飽きないような工夫したメニューを考えろってこと
The hospital food is not devised and it is the lowest among the hospitals around here One pattern for bad variety At other hospitals, noodles and bread are served, but it's not really just rice every time I can't help it because I'm hospitalized, but if I stay in the hospital for a long time I feel like I'm not treating you as a person Is the nutritionist incompetent? Don't say to make it gorgeous, but think of a devised menu that will not get tired of inpatients.
つむドラ(ツムマル) on Google

産婦人科は先生も看護師さんも皆さん対応が良いと思います。こちらで出産しましたがまたここで産みたいなと思いました。しかし小児科の外来受付がつっけんどんで対応が冷たい、こちらの神経を逆撫でするような言い方をしてくるので嫌な気持ちになりました。先生は優しく親身になってくれるのに受付があんなだと先生達が可哀想になります。 産婦人科はオススメしますが小児科は受付の対応が気にならない方だけ行けば良いのでは無いでしょうか。
I think that the obstetrics and gynecology department is good for both teachers and nurses. I gave birth here, but I thought I would like to give birth again here. However, I was disgusted because the outpatient reception desk of the pediatrics department was stubborn and the response was cold, and I was told that I was stroking my nerves. Although the teachers are kind and friendly, the teachers feel sorry for the receptionist. Obstetrics and gynecology is recommended, but pediatrics should only be visited by those who do not care about the reception.
ぽんたん on Google

時間少し前に総合受付に行き、病棟に指定時間に入院で入れる様に行ったが…入る予定の部屋(場所)がまだ開かないとかで一時間近く空くのを待たされた。 事前の入院詳細説明時に調整から◯◯→◯●と時間早めに訂正され、◯●時に行ったのにかかわらず結局は◯◯時を過ぎる形になってしまった。 デイルームは他の方も自販機に来たりもする、今は感染症も心配な時期でもある。入れる人や事に制限をかけているのなら指定時間には入れる様ちゃんとして欲しかった。 退院する方や迎えにくる方の都合で一定時間内なら退院いつでも大丈夫…と説明されたので、それも要因あるとは思うが…。 部屋案内され行くと、入れ替わりではいったからか急いで清掃したからなのか、床に小さい少しゴミのような物があり備え付けのソファーはナナメだった。シャワー付きだったが足拭きマットもなかった。あるのもその時は知らなかった。次の日の清掃の方がかご下に補充してくれてあるのを知った。 日曜日以外は清掃をしてくれるのはありがたいが、する方のやり方によるのか床の汚れや髪の毛、点滴等の開けた際に落ちた封のフィルムなどが明らかに残りそのままだったりした。 看護師さんには感謝しかないが、術後の痛みや体の向きかえについて訴えると「▲▲なんですが、△△は可能ですか?どうすればいいですか?」→「で、どうしたいの?」と言うだけの方、または「□□する?□■すると楽になるかも、試す?」と人によるとは思った。頼みづらく途中から辛くてもコールも控え我慢してしまった。病衣交換も交換を先に渡してくれる方もいたが、夜勤との入れ違い時やその時まで言わないと変えてもらえないのがほとんどだった。こちらは医療知識はない、術後で制限ある中で迷惑かけてはいけないんだなかけてるんだなと考えてしまった。 (色々なストレスからか発疹が出てしまった。逆に手術痕の痛みより辛かったくらい) 入院になったのは仕方ないし働かれる方の制約もあるとは思う。小さい頃から知っている病院であり、幼いながらに感じたなんともいえない感覚、患者側が少し引かなくてはなと感じるそこは相変わらずだな…と感じた。 病院であるしホテルの様な対応は求めてはいない。忙しさもあるとは思う。病院全体の職員(事務なども含めて)が少し投げやりに感じるのでそこは改善して欲しい。
I went to the general reception a little before the time and went to the ward to be hospitalized at the designated time, but ... I was kept waiting for almost an hour because the room (place) I was planning to enter was not open yet. At the time of detailed explanation of hospitalization in advance, it was corrected from adjustment to ◯◯ → ◯ ● earlier, and even though I went at ◯● time, it ended up passing ◯◯ time. Others come to the vending machine in the day room, and now it's time to worry about infectious diseases. If there are restrictions on the people and things that can be entered, I wanted them to be able to enter at the designated time. It was explained that it is okay to leave the hospital anytime within a certain period of time due to the convenience of those who are discharged or picked up, so I think that is also a factor. When I was guided to the room, maybe because it was replaced or because I cleaned it in a hurry, there was a small thing like garbage on the floor and the sofa provided was not good. It had a shower, but there was no foot wipe mat. I didn't know there was at that time. I found out that the next day's cleaning was replenishing under the basket. I'm grateful for the cleaning except on Sundays, but perhaps because of the way I did it, the dirt on the floor, my hair, and the film that fell off when I opened the drip, etc., were clearly left behind. I'm just grateful to the nurse, but when I complained about postoperative pain and body turning, "▲▲, is it possible? What should I do?" → "So what do you want to do? I thought it depends on the person who just says, "Do you want to do it? □ ■ Maybe it will be easier?" Even if it was hard to ask, I had to put up with the call. Some people gave me the exchange of sick clothes first, but most of them couldn't change it unless I told them when they were mistaken for the night shift or until that time. I don't have any medical knowledge here, and I thought that I shouldn't bother you because of the restrictions after surgery. (I got a rash from various stresses. On the contrary, it was more painful than the pain of surgical scars) I think it is unavoidable to be hospitalized and there are restrictions on those who can work. It's a hospital I've known since I was little, and I felt that I couldn't say what I felt when I was young, and that the patient felt that I had to pull a little. It's a hospital, and we don't ask for a response like a hotel. I think I'm busy. The staff of the entire hospital (including clerical work) feels a little thrown away, so I want them to improve.
Tsuki K on Google

近くのスキー場で大クラッシュ、下唇が深く傷付いた為救急でお世話になりました。 私の慌てた電話にも、丁寧にかつ迅速に対応していただきました。 私は子供をみなければだったので直接伺えませんでしたが、 (ここからは夫談です)対応がとても早く、的確な指示をしていただき、3針縫う処置やその後の処方や会計、全てにおいてとてもスムーズで最適解だった、ということです。 県外からだったので1週間後の抜糸における他県他病院への紹介状もすぐ準備していただけました。 60後半の義母の事故でとても不安だっただけにこの対応に深く感謝しております。ありがとうございました。
I had a big crash at a nearby ski resort, and my lower lip was deeply injured, so I was taken care of by an emergency. He responded politely and promptly to my panicked phone call. I had to see my child so I couldn't ask him directly, (From here, my husband talks.) The response was very quick, and he gave me accurate instructions, and the procedure for sewing 3 stitches and the subsequent prescription and accounting were all very smooth and optimal. Since it was from outside the prefecture, I was able to immediately prepare a letter of introduction to another hospital in another prefecture for thread removal one week later. I am deeply grateful for this response because I was very anxious about the accident of my mother-in-law in the latter half of the 60's. Thank you very much.
haru on Google

産婦人科で3回お世話になりました。 ここの助産師さんたちは、とても優しく頼りになります。ご飯も病院食ではないはずです。産婦人科は産科食です。味も美味しかったです。 総合病院なので、出産時なにかあれば安心ですし、病棟もまだまだ綺麗です。個室なので産後は気兼ねなく過ごせます。 もう産むことはないかもしれませんが、ここで過ごした日々は私の中では素敵な思い出です。 個人病院か悩んでる方がいるなら、わたしはここをオススメしたいです。
I was taken care of three times in the obstetrics and gynecology department. The midwives here are very kind and dependable. Rice should not be a hospital food either. Obstetrics and gynecology is an obstetrics diet. The taste was also delicious. It's a general hospital, so it's safe if something happens during childbirth, and the ward is still beautiful. Since it is a private room, you can spend it without hesitation after giving birth. I may not give birth anymore, but the days I spent here are wonderful memories for me. If you are worried about a private hospital, I would recommend this place.

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