
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 横浜高等教育専門学校

住所 :

Shinoharadaimachi, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, 〒222-0024 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://www.kosen.ac.jp/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Shinoharadaimachi, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, 〒222-0024 Kanagawa,Japan
yua yua on Google

It is a school where you can take the necessary practical lessons after going out to the field and learn with good stimulation with people of different ages.
T Fumie on Google

久しぶりに卒業した学校を訪問してみて「変わらないなぁ」というのが第一印象です。 思い出したことは、実習中に先生が巡回訪問に来てくれた時の事です。実習が辛いと感じることがありましたが、先生の言葉かけに『頑張ろう!』という気持ちになりました。 とても親身になってくれた先生の事を今も思いだします。
When I visited the school I graduated from after a long time, my first impression was that it wouldn't change. I remembered when the teacher came to visit me during the training. I sometimes felt that the training was difficult, but the teacher said, "Let's do our best! I felt like. I still remember the teacher who became very kind to me.
gogo simochan on Google

After graduating from university, I got a job, but I entered the university because I wanted a teacher's license. I also considered correspondence, but I wanted to acquire leadership skills when actually interacting with children at school, so it was a decisive factor for admission to be able to study for two years. There were many university graduates and working people, and it was easy to learn even when enrolling from working people.
みゆ on Google

男女問わず幅広い年齢層のクラスで互いに刺激を受けながら高めあえる素敵な学校です。 2年間で教員免許を取得できるのはすごく魅力的です。
It is a wonderful school where you can enhance each other while being stimulated by classes of a wide range of ages regardless of gender. It is very attractive to be able to obtain a teacher's license in two years.
なかちゃん on Google

2年間という短い期間で免許を取れるというのが最大のメリットだと思います。 投稿時の坂道が少しきついです笑
I think the biggest merit is that you can get a license in a short period of two years. The slope at the time of posting is a little tight lol
mana on Google

先生方が優しくとても温かい学校です。 2年間で保育士資格と幼稚園教諭免許の2つを卒業と同時に取得できるところがとても魅力的です。
The teachers are kind and very warm. It is very attractive that you can obtain both a childcare worker qualification and a kindergarten teacher's license at the same time you graduate in two years.
Sa on Google

全国で唯一養護教諭の資格が2年間で取得できる点に魅力を感じ入学しました。 実際に入学してみると実際に現場で働いていた先生方が多く、珍しい事例や教員採用試験のポイントを教えてくださるなどとても充実した授業を受ける事ができます。
I was fascinated by the fact that I was the only one in Japan to obtain a qualification as a nursery teacher in two years. When you actually enroll, there are many teachers who actually worked in the field, and you can take a very fulfilling class such as teaching rare cases and points of the teacher employment examination.
うの on Google

It is a school where people who want to become teachers gather from various places such as Hokkaido in the north and Okinawa in the south! What is particularly attractive is that you can get a license in two years, in other words, you can get to the scene two years earlier, so I think this difference is big!

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