Shinmura Dental Clinic - Nerima City

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shinmura Dental Clinic

住所 :

ライオンズマンション練馬第2 1 Chome-28-5 Nerima, Nerima City, Tokyo 176-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 176-0001
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–1PM
Sunday 10AM–1PM
Monday 9AM–1PM
Tuesday 9AM–1PM
Wednesday 9AM–1PM
Thursday 9AM–1PM
Friday 9AM–1PM

ライオンズマンション練馬第2 1 Chome-28-5 Nerima, Nerima City, Tokyo 176-0001, Japan
tokage n on Google

とても丁寧な流れ作業で最終的に超トラウマ。 もっと確認するべきでした。最悪。 ちなみに、トラウマになったのは、私ではなく幼稚園児の娘です。 いまは、歯医者には怖くて行けなくなってしまいました。本当に可哀想なことをしてしまいました。
Very polite assembly line work and finally super trauma. I should have confirmed more. terrible. By the way, it was the daughter of a kindergarten child, not me, who was traumatized. Now I can't go to the dentist because I'm scared. I've done something really pitiful.
YOU HEY on Google

我的两颗阻生智齿都是在这里拔的!! 医生技术极佳,拔齿速度极快。拔之前上网看了很多资料说拔阻生智齿会很痛很辛苦。但是新村医生三下五除二两颗都是半小时就拔好了!!拔之前还会说一緒に頑張りましょうー。十分可爱了。 还有一个好评是我最近长了接近10个口腔溃疡在我舌头和下颚那里,实在是喝水也痛睡觉也痛。只好来齿科试一下,医生拿小喷火给我喷了一圈,喷的时候并不痛。然后第二天早上!!!!我的溃疡处就慢慢回复了!!!吃饭喝水也没前两天那么痛。好评100% めっちゃいい先生です、親知らず二個もここで抜いたんですが、最初は緊張だった、先生の技術が素晴らしくて、全然痛くなかった。とても感謝だった。 口内炎がやばくて、ここに来たらレーザーを施術してくれて、翌日が良くなりました。ありがとうございました?
My wisdom tooth, wisdom tooth, wisdom tooth, wisdom tooth! !! Medical and technical skills, Jiaba speed is excellent. Wisdom tooth Maegami network view 很 资 资 辈 辈 辈 辈 辈 辈 辈 辈 辈 辈However, Shinmura Ikusei Mishita 5 division 2 !! Let's do our best together. Sufficiently completed. Replying to @Mouth ulcer, Mouth ulcer, Mouth ulcer, Mandible, Mandibular, Mandibular, Mandibular, Pain, Sleep, Pain. Under the guidance of a doctor, a doctor, a small tooth, a tooth, a tooth, and a pain. After that, the second heavenly morning! !! !! !! Completion of my pride! !! !! Drinking and drinking Mizuya before his death. 100% good He's a very good teacher, I pulled out two wisdom teeth here, but at first I was nervous, the teacher's skill was excellent, and it didn't hurt at all. I was very grateful. My mouth ulcer was so bad that when I came here, he gave me a laser and the next day got better. Thank you ?
おもちぷるるん on Google

初診からネットで予約の手続きが出来る(ネットでは仮予約。その後メールにて予約確定)とても有り難い歯科医院です。 他の方も書いてらっしゃる通り、とても良い歯科医院なのに予約が取りやすいと思います。 室内は明るく綺麗で清潔感があり、オシャレな洋楽が流れていたりとセンスの良さを感じました。 スタッフの方は皆さんとても感じが良く、先生はいつもにこやかで丁寧に説明して下さる方でした。 本当に素晴らしい歯科医院です。
You can make a reservation online from the first visit (temporary reservation online, then confirm the reservation by email) It is a very thankful dental clinic. As other people have written, I think it's easy to make a reservation even though it's a very good dental clinic. The room was bright, clean and clean, and I felt a good sense of fashionable Western music. The staff were all very nice and the teacher was always smiling and polite. It's a really great dental clinic.
a s on Google

先生の腕は確かですが、スタッフに対する態度が厳しくて人が怒られているのを聞くのが苦手だったり荒げた声が苦手な人は要注意かもしれません。 患者に対しては優しく説明もしっかりしてくれますが、わたしは人が怒っている声が苦手なので他にいい歯医者さんが見つかればもうここにはかからないと思います。
The teacher's skill is certain, but those who are not good at hearing people angry due to their strict attitude toward staff or who are not good at rough voices may need to be careful. He is kind to the patient and gives a solid explanation, but I'm not good at angry voices, so if I can find another good dentist, I don't think I'll be here anymore.
H T on Google

他院で抜歯と言われた歯を相談したところ、抜かずに済みました。 話もちゃんと聞いてくれるし、患者に寄り添ってくれる先生です。誠意をもってやってる感じが伝わります。予約も割と取りやすいです。スタッフも明るくて素敵な方ばかりです。予約がとりずらくなるの嫌だから本当は教えたくないですが、信頼できる医院です!
When I consulted with a tooth that was said to be extracted at another hospital, I didn't have to extract it. He is a teacher who listens to the story properly and is close to the patient. It conveys the feeling of doing it in good faith. It's easy to make a reservation. The staff are all cheerful and nice. I don't really want to tell you because I don't want to make reservations, but it's a reliable clinic!
田村隆之 on Google

とても丁寧で早く治療をしてくれます。 別の歯科で処置してもらった詰め物が取れてしまったときも、翌日の夜に合間を見て予約を取っていただき、一回で治療して貰えました。 院内はコロナの前から感染症対策がされてて、先見性もとても高いです。 先生が東京医科歯科大卒なことも個人的には安心ポイント。
They are very polite and will treat you quickly. Even when the stuffing that had been treated by another dentist was removed, I had him make an appointment the next night and had him treat it once. Infectious diseases have been taken in front of Corona in the hospital, and the foresight is very high. Personally, it's a relief point that the teacher is a graduate of Tokyo Medical and Dental University.
宝条神羅 on Google

清潔感もあり、フレッシュさ、そして雰囲気が素晴らしくて右に出るもの無し!! ココを選んだワシに間違いはありませんでした!! 定期検診の時に送ってくれる手書きのハガキ大好き♥
There is a feeling of cleanliness, freshness, and the atmosphere is wonderful, and there is nothing to the right !! There was no mistake in the eagle who chose Coco !! I love handwritten postcards that are sent to me at regular checkups ♥
ゆか on Google

The hospital is also a clean and cozy space, and the teacher's explanations are easy to understand and very polite and responsive. He was a very nice teacher who suggested the best treatment for the patient after understanding what he requested at the time of booking and the circumstances here.

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