炭火焼鳥 三代目 とりかつ

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 炭火焼鳥 三代目 とりかつ

住所 :

Shinmatsudo, Matsudo, 〒270-0034 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–11PM
Sunday 5–11PM
Monday 5–11PM
Tuesday 5–11PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 5–11PM
Friday 5–11PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Shinmatsudo, Matsudo, 〒270-0034 Chiba,Japan
yuka a on Google

Originally, it seems that I pre-order and take out freshly baked, but since there was a pack that was already baked, I bought it this time, but it was delicious even if I reheated it.
Kenichi Takayama on Google

今まで、色々な焼鳥を食べてきましたが、 間違いなくトップレベルの味でした! 駅から少し距離がありますけど、 リピする価値があります。
I've eaten various yakitori so far, It was definitely a top-level taste! It's a little far from the station, Worth to repeat.
たらさん on Google

以前吉川で営業されてたマスターが2020年9月10日から新松戸に栄転?✨ 備長炭を使用した本格的な炭火焼鳥を堪能出来ます?✨ 現在コロナ禍のためテイクアウトのみで営業❗ 特にオススメは鳥レバー、臭みもなく新鮮そのもの?✨ 備長炭を使用し丁寧に焼かれたももやねぎまも絶品? もつ煮込み、唐揚げなどの一品料理もテイクアウト出来ます? 次回は是非とも出来たての焼鳥とお酒を堪能したいと思います✨✨✨
The master who was previously operating in Yoshikawa will move to Shinmatsudo from September 10, 2020 ?✨ You can enjoy authentic charcoal-grilled chicken using Bincho charcoal ?✨ Currently open only for takeout due to corona sickness ❗ Especially recommended is bird liver, fresh without smell ?✨ The thighs and onions that are carefully baked using Bincho charcoal are also excellent ? You can also take out single dishes such as motsuni and fried chicken ? Next time, I definitely want to enjoy the freshly made yakitori and sake ✨ ✨ ✨
H YUTCH on Google

There are many yakitori restaurants that you can take out in the area, but this one is excellent. Especially the salt of tongue is excellent.
木村謙吾 on Google

タレが美味しい☆ お肉も柔らかくて、サイズも大きくて食べ応えありました(o^^o) ササミの梅しそ美味しかったです! お店の方もとても感じ良く店内オープンしたら是非行きたいと思います✨ おすすめです\(^ω^)/
The sauce is delicious ☆ The meat was tender, the size was big and it was satisfying to eat (o ^^ o) The plum shiso of the scissors was delicious! The shop is also very comfortable and I would definitely like to go when the shop opens ✨ Recommended \ (^ ω ^) /
かずりん on Google

「焼鳥」店と思えない、おしゃれな店内です。♡レバー♡最高(*^^*) 5本はいけます。焼鳥のサイズが大きくお得感(*^^*) 他メニューも美味しくビールがすすみます。駅からちょっと歩くけど、また是非行きたいお店で〜す♫
It's a fashionable shop that you can't think of as a "yakitori" shop. ♡ Lever ♡ Best (* ^^ *) 5 can go. The size of yakitori is big and it is a great deal (* ^^ *) The other menus are also delicious and the beer goes on. I walk a little from the station, but I definitely want to go there again ♫
t ku on Google

テイクアウトでのみの利用ですが、どれもとてもおいしいです! 惜しむらくはインスタ以外に店舗公式HPがないこと。未登録者は情報がほとんど見られず困るので、ぜひHPの開設をお願いします。
It's only used for takeout, but they are all very delicious! Unfortunately, there is no official store website other than Instagram. If you are not registered, you will not be able to see the information, so please open the website.
E S P E R I S personal room on Google

コロナ禍の為、現在テイクアウトのみでした。 一つひとつのお肉が大きく、炭火でじっくり焼いているのでどのメニューも最高でした。 普段塩派だけど、ここのタレはとても美味しい! 日替わり本日の串があったり、待ち時間ない人のための既に出来てる5本セットもあったり寄りやすいと思います。 チラッと見えた店内はキレイで感染症対策もされてて安心して買い物できました。
Due to the corona sickness, we are currently only taking out. Each piece of meat was big and was carefully grilled over charcoal, so every menu was great. It's usually salty, but the sauce here is very delicious! I think it's easy to get close to today's skewers, and there are already 5 sets for those who don't have to wait. The inside of the store, which I glanced at, was clean and infectious disease countermeasures were taken, so I was able to shop with confidence.

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