一会塾 武蔵小杉校

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Contact 一会塾 武蔵小杉校

住所 :

Shinmarukohigashi, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, 〒211-0004 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87899
Webサイト : http://www.ichie-juku.com/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Shinmarukohigashi, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, 〒211-0004 Kanagawa,Japan
くらりん on Google

一会塾で一年間の浪人生活を送り、私立大学医学部医学科に合格させていただきました。 授業を少人数でやることで、先生は生徒一人一人の「学習進捗状況」や「生活習慣」、「メンタル面」など、学力以外の分野も丁寧にサポートしてくれます。 また、私立大学の2次試験(小論文、面接)の指導も手厚いです。私大医学部となると、1月後半〜2月前半は試験が立て込んで多忙になります。私も1次試験と2次試験が立て続けに入ってしまい、2次試験の対策は時間的に厳しいのではないかと思いました。しかし、一会塾の先生は1次試験を合格した“全ての学校”の2次試験対策をスケジュールの合間を縫ってやってくれました。とてもありがたかったです。 英語のテストは毎週、数学のテストは隔週、理科のテストは月1回で実施されたので、常に自分の学力の程度が把握でき、同時に順位を見て向上心と同時にハングリー精神を養うこともできました。 塾の雰囲気も明るく、一緒に勉強する友達もできたので、浪人中でも孤独に感じることはありませんでした。 先生の授業はどれも刺激的で、色々な方向から受験勉強ができました。 私は現役時代、医学部の1次試験を14校ほど受け、全敗しました。が、一会塾で1年間勉強した結果、医学部の1次試験は受験した12校中8校合格しました。確実に実力を伸ばしてくれます。これから受験を目指す方には是非お勧めしたい予備校です。
I spent a year as a ronin at Ichikai Juku and passed the medical department of a private university medical school. By conducting lessons with a small number of students, the teacher will carefully support each student in fields other than academic ability, such as "learning progress," "lifestyle," and "mental aspects." In addition, the guidance for the second examination (short essay, interview) at a private university is also generous. When it comes to private university medical schools, the exams are busy from the second half of January to the first half of February. I also thought that the preparations for the secondary exam would be strict in terms of time, as the primary and secondary exams went into a row. However, the teacher at Ichikai Juku sewed the preparations for the second exam of "all schools" that passed the first exam between schedules. I was very grateful. The English test is conducted weekly, the math test is conducted every other week, and the science test is conducted once a month, so you can always grasp your academic ability, and at the same time, you can look at the ranking and develop an aspiration and a hungry spirit. I did. The atmosphere of the cram school was bright and I made friends to study with, so I didn't feel lonely even when I was a ronin. All of the teacher's classes were exciting and I was able to study for the exam from various directions. When I was active, I took the first examination of the medical school at about 14 schools and lost all. However, as a result of studying at Ichikai Juku for one year, I passed the primary examination of the medical school in 8 out of 12 schools. It will surely improve your ability. This is a prep school that I would definitely recommend to anyone who wants to take the exam.
柚野石渡 on Google

I have been indebted to Ichikai Juku for a long time. I had a homely atmosphere, and because I was close to the teachers, I was able to ask questions and consult immediately. It is a cram school that faces each student. I'm really thankful to you!
S S on Google

I got a pass in the open recruitment of the Faculty of Nursing, which was my first choice in active duty. It is a cozy atmosphere with a small number of people and an environment where it is easy to ask questions and consult with teachers and career advisors. It is recommended because you can receive generous support.
H B on Google

時期も学習状況もかなり遅れている状況から授業を受講させていただきました。 いわゆるトップ校と言われる大学には合格していないですが、第一志望に合格することが出来ました。 私が受けていた授業は、どの教科もとても分かりやすく、初めて参加する生徒に対しても前にやった事の確認などフォローを欠かさず行ってくれたので、分からないことはかなり少なかったです。 どんなことでも話しやすい環境もかなりありがたかったです。勉強面での相談や、進路の相談、また帰る前の軽い雑談などそのような場面で、無駄に気を張ることなくリラックスできる環境でした。 トップ校だけでなく中堅校を受験しようと考えている人にもおすすめできる塾です!
I took the class because the time and the learning situation were quite late. I haven't passed the so-called top university, but I was able to pass my first choice. The classes I was taking were very easy to understand in every subject, and even the students who participated for the first time were always followed up, such as confirming what they had done before, so there were quite a few things I didn't understand. I was very grateful for the environment where it was easy to talk about anything. It was an environment where I could relax without being wasted in such situations as studying consultations, career consultations, and light chats before returning home. This cram school is recommended not only for top schools but also for those who are thinking of taking an examination at a mid-level school!
hstm ____ on Google

高1から一会塾にお世話になり、先日無事国立大学医学部への進学が決まった者です。 いつでも温かく励ましてくださるスタッフの方々、楽しくて面白い授業の中で確実に実力を伸ばして下さる先生方、誰か1人でも欠けたら私の合格は無かったと思えるくらい、関係者の方々全員が素敵な塾です。 一会塾のおかげで一般的に辛いと言われる受験勉強も楽しく乗り切ることが出来ました。
A person who was taken care of by Ichikai Juku from high school 1 and decided to go on to the medical school of a national university the other day. The staff who are always warm and encouraging, the teachers who will surely improve their abilities in fun and interesting classes, and all the people involved are so wonderful that if even one person is missing, I would not have passed. am. Thanks to Ichikai Juku, I was able to enjoy studying for entrance exams, which is generally said to be difficult.
Y Y on Google

一会塾で一年間お世話になり、第一志望の大学に合格することができました。 少人数の対面授業が自分には合っていて先生方の授業がわかりやすく、ためになるおもしろい話もしてくださって楽しく学ぶことができました。 スタッフの先生方も優しく面倒見がよく、受験のアドバイス、受験校の相談など親身になってくださり心強かったです。
After being taken care of at Ichikai Juku for a year, I was able to pass the university of my first choice. The small number of face-to-face lessons suits me well, the teachers' lessons are easy to understand, and I enjoyed learning by telling interesting and informative stories. The teachers of the staff were also kind and caring, and it was encouraging to be kind to me, such as advice on taking the exam and consultation with the school.
yuzu F on Google

Those who attended Ichikai Juku and passed the Faculty of Pharmacy. I started late from the third year of high school, but there were many seniors who advanced to the Faculty of Pharmacy, and they kindly supported me. The level was high, but the class was very easy to understand, and it was an environment where it was easy to ask questions. I only thank the teachers. Many students are working hard with high goals, so I felt like I had to work hard, and I was able to concentrate on my studies in the study room. Thanks to that, I was able to pass the Faculty of Pharmacy, and I am glad I chose this cram school.
ren on Google

長い間一会塾にお世話になりました。一般受験対策だけではなく、推薦受験対策も行って頂きました。 少人数制のため、先生から細かく丁寧な指導が受けられます。生徒それぞれの進度に合わせて授業を選択できたのも良かったです。 また、どんな些細なことでも相談に乗って下さり、面談をしてくださるスタッフの方々がいらっしゃるため、とても心強かったです。ありがとうございました。
I have been indebted to Ichikai Juku for a long time. Not only general exam preparation, but also recommended exam preparation. Due to the small number of people, you can receive detailed and polite guidance from the teacher. It was good to be able to choose a lesson according to the progress of each student. Also, it was very encouraging because there are staff members who can consult with me about any trivial matter and have an interview. Thank you very much.

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