まえだ鍼灸整骨院 四ツ橋院

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大阪で鍼灸治療をお探しなら【まえだ鍼灸院】心斎橋・上本町 - Maedashinkyuuin.com


大阪で鍼灸治療をお探しなら【まえだ鍼灸院】心斎橋・上本町 - Maedashinkyuuin.com

心斎橋本院 〒550-0013
ホワイトドームプラザ地下 2F TEL:06-6541-2422 FAX:06-6541-2422
営業時間 11:00~20:00
(日曜 10:00~18:00) 定休日 毎週月曜日・火曜日

[email protected]

Contact まえだ鍼灸整骨院 四ツ橋院

住所 :

Shinmachi, Nishi Ward, 〒550-0013 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.maedashinkyuuin.com/
街 : Osaka

Shinmachi, Nishi Ward, 〒550-0013 Osaka,Japan
A. T.Y on Google

昔から嘔吐を伴う頭痛があり、ここ数ヶ月前から酷くなってきたので知人に相談したところ、頭痛は鍼灸でかなり良くなると教えてもらい、今回お世話になりました。 そうすると、今まで悩まされていた頭痛が少し楽になりましたのでこれからは定期的に通わせて頂こうと思ってます。
I have had a headache accompanied by vomiting for a long time, and it has been getting worse since the last few months, so when I consulted with an acquaintance, I was told that my headache can be improved considerably by acupuncture and moxibustion. This made my headaches, which I had been suffering until now, a little easier, so I'm thinking of going there regularly.
Los Angeles on Google

知人の紹介、というか激しい勧めにより来院。 長年の肩凝りが解消できたのは嬉しいですが、衝撃だったのが、今まで、ハリは痛い、お灸は熱いと思っていたので、その概念が覆された事でした。 お灸の時間は私の癒しの時間です。 これからもよろしくお願いします。
He came to the hospital with an acquaintance, or even a vigorous recommendation. I'm glad that I was able to eliminate my stiff shoulders for many years, but what shocked me was that I had thought that pain was painful and moxibustion was hot, so the concept was overturned. Moxibustion time is my healing time. I look forward to working with you.
Ryo Takei on Google

The palm of my hand suddenly became sore that it was sore all over my body. Although the cause was unknown and I became anxious and went to the dermatologist, I was prescribed the medicine for some allergy. However, it did not recover at all, but as a result of having you go to the nearby Zen hospital and see. I was completely cured. The cause was liver function deterioration and stress, and the director of the hospital had a treatment after seeing the tongue, eyes and hands lightly at the first visit. I am really grateful. If you feel sick after that, you will be sent to Mr. Kumoin. It is highly recommended for people with various unexplained incurable symptoms.
fuu san on Google

頭痛と肩こりがひどく、友人にすすめられて、初めて鍼灸院にお伺いさせていただきました。 始めは少し怖かったですが、丁寧な対応で安心しました。頭や、肩周辺の治療をして頂きました。痛みもほとんどなく、やってもらっているときから、頭が軽くなった気がしました。 数日たった今では、かなり楽になった気がします。
My headache and stiff shoulder were so bad that I was recommended by a friend and I visited the acupuncture and moxibustion clinic for the first time. I was a little scared at first, but I was relieved by the polite response. He treated me around the head and shoulders. There was almost no pain, and I felt that my head had become lighter since I was getting it. It's been a few days now, and it feels much easier.
柏木奈穂子 on Google

事務の仕事上ひどい肩こりに悩まされ続けていました。以前通っていた鍼灸院では治療当日は調子がよくなるものの、しばらくするとまた痛みが再発。。思い切ってまえだ鍼灸院さんに行ってみところ、根本解決で徐々に痛みが和らいで助かっています。 アクセスがよくて仕事終わりでも行けるのがいいですね。
I've been suffering from stiff shoulders for my office work. At the acupuncture and moxibustion clinic where I used to go, my condition improved on the day of treatment, but after a while the pain recurred. .. When I went to the acupuncture and moxibustion clinic, I found that the root solution gradually eased my pain and helped me. It's good to have access so you can go even after work.
池田治亮 on Google

テニスで肩を痛めてから、痛くてまともにプレーが出来ず、ストレスが溜まっていました。 病院や整体院で治療してもらうも、全く改善せずしばらくテニスは止めようかなと思っていました。 テニススクールで知り合った人に教えてもらって、ここで治療してもらうことに。 初回でいままで全く変化が無かった肩が少し動きました! 痛みが明らかに減ったのに驚きました。 二、三日後にはまた元に戻って来ましたが、続けて治療をするように言われたので、それからも続けて治療してもらいました。 よくなって悪くなってを繰り返して、2ヶ月後にはほとんど痛みがなくなりました。 テニスを続けながらで、ここまで効果があるのには驚きました。 担当してくれたのは若い先生ですが、説明をしっかりしてくれて、納得して治療してもらう事が出来ました!
After I hurt my shoulder in tennis, I was so stressed that I couldn't play properly because of the pain. Even though I was treated at a hospital or a manipulative clinic, I thought I should stop playing tennis for a while without any improvement. I asked a person I met at a tennis school to teach me and treat me here. At the first time, the shoulders, which had not changed at all until now, moved slightly! I was surprised that the pain was obviously reduced. A few days later I returned to my normal condition, but I was told to continue treatment, so I asked him to continue treatment. After getting better and worse, I had almost no pain after two months. While playing tennis, I was surprised at how effective it was. The young teacher was in charge of me, but he was able to give me a firm explanation and convince me to treat me!
yo ok on Google

I was suffering from hay fever. Since I feel sleepy when I take the medicine, I spent the days in hell without taking it, but I was cured by acupuncture. Of course I'm not sleepy. A single treatment costs 7,000 yen and takes about 1 hour, which is about twice. It's not cheap, but it's a reasonable cost. It also makes your body lighter. However, I don't seem to have one year, so I think I will go there every year.
JUR on Google

I had a pain that I couldn't move my neck, so I searched the internet and went to the acupuncture and moxibustion clinic. Instead of having a painful neck, the needle was put in a completely different place, and I was skeptical that "Is this better?", But by the time I got home, I was able to move smoothly, and the next day the pain disappeared. I did. I have a pain in the back of my neck several times a year, but it improves as soon as I go here. It's very strange, but I'm always impressed with it. Now I am introducing it to my acquaintances.

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