
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

土のめぐみ - A-nen.net


Contact 八百屋ななつぼし

住所 :

Shinmachi, Nishi Ward, 〒550-0013 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87777
Webサイト : http://www.a-nen.net/
街 : Osaka

Shinmachi, Nishi Ward, 〒550-0013 Osaka,Japan
川口定一 on Google

北山直哉 on Google

Celery is the best
M M on Google

The customer service of the staff is really nice ꙳ ★ * ゜ I was able to buy vegetables comfortably \ (^ o ^) /
N ao on Google

いちごは大好きで色々購入しますが、ななつぼしさんのまりひめ本当に美味しかったです✨他のお野菜もとびっきり美味しくて安全で日持ちはするし、嬉しいことばかりで毎日通いたいです! お店の方の食や生産者さんへの熱い思いが伝わってくる素敵なお店でした!ありがとうございました! I have tried many different strawberries as I love it so much but the ones I found here was so special! On top of that, verges and fruits I got from here were fresh organic and delicious that we can see in a super market! My favorite part is the store managers with passion for their food and partner farmers! Would love to visit there every day! Thank you so much!
I love strawberries and buy a lot of them, but Nanatsuboshi's Marihime was really delicious ✨ The other vegetables are also very delicious, safe and long-lasting, and I want to go every day because of all the joy! It was a wonderful shop that conveys the food of the shop and the passion for the producers! Thank you very much! I have tried many different strawberries as I love it so much but the ones I found here was so special! On top of that, verges and fruits I got from here were fresh organic and delicious that we can see in a super market! My favorite part is the store managers with passion for their food and partner farmers! Would love to visit there every day! Thank you so much!
するめ on Google

無農薬のみかんが欲しくて近辺のスーパーを回っていた時に偶然発見。 食べる専門なので価格帯はわからないですが、個人的に欲しかったサイズのみかんを見つけて、ついレモンもかいました\(ˊᗜˋ*)/ 紅はるかと黄金千貫というサツマイモもちょうどいいサイズだったので焼きいも作りたいと思います
I found it by chance when I was visiting a supermarket nearby because I wanted pesticide-free oranges. I don't know the price range because I specialize in eating, but I found a mandarin orange of the size I personally wanted and bought a lemon. \ (ˊᗜˋ *) / The sweet potatoes, Beniharu and Kogane Sennuki, were just the right size, so I'd like to make some baked sweet potatoes.
清水貞博 on Google

美味しそうなお野菜並んでたので思わず入ったお店です。 熊本の農家直送の有機野菜メインらしいです。 結構珍しい感じの野菜もあり、店主の夫妻?(のようなかんじの男性と女性でされてました)も感じが良く、特に男性のかたは色々とご説明されてて聞いてて楽しかったです。 お値段はそこそこしますが良い感じです。
It's a shop that I entered because it was lined with delicious vegetables. It seems to be the main organic vegetables sent directly from farmers in Kumamoto. There are some vegetables that are quite rare, so the owner and his wife? (It was done by men and women like this) was also nice, especially for men, it was fun to listen to various explanations. The price is reasonable, but it feels good.
橋本文子 on Google

熊本で実家が有機農業をしているので、友人から紹介されました☺️店長の土田さんの「食と心の両方が大切」の言葉に感銘を受けました。そう感じる実体験があり、もっとお店をみんなに知って貰いたいと勝手に宣伝しています☺️そうしたくなる魅力的なお店です。 実家で使っていた懐かしい坂本製油のごま油と再会したり、熊本に帰った気持ちになれるお店です✨店長が激熱なので、お話聞いてみて下さい✨
Since my parents' home is organic farming in Kumamoto, I was impressed by the words of the store manager, Mr. Tsuchida, who introduced me to me, "Both food and mind are important." There is a real experience that feels like that, and I want to let everyone know more about the store without permission ☺️ It is an attractive store that makes me want to do so. It's a shop where you can reunite with the nostalgic Sesame oil from Sakamoto Refinery that you used at your parents' house and feel like you're back in Kumamoto.
板東美恵 on Google

You can meet vegetables that you can't buy at a local supermarket ? Eggplant for salad has a sugar content of 6 or more and can be made into steak. Sukiyaki was delicious! There is also papaya that can be fried and it is also good for gifts ✨

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