Shinkyowa Taxis - Kyoto

2.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shinkyowa Taxis

住所 :

新京和タクシー 23 Kisshoin Makiecho, Minami Ward, Kyoto, 601-8344, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 601-8344

新京和タクシー 23 Kisshoin Makiecho, Minami Ward, Kyoto, 601-8344, Japan
sora y on Google

運転が荒過ぎる。スピード大違反。 いつ事故にあってもおかしくない。 もう絶対利用したくないです。
Driving is too rough. Great speed violation. It doesn't matter when you have an accident. I definitely don't want to use it anymore.
板谷和樹 on Google

I haven't seen the driver's name, but it's the worst wording of attitude. I feel sick. To be clear, stop the customer business.
O NE on Google

平気な顔して遠回り、信号多いとこを、行ってくれます。 深夜で、京都駅前通り、歩車分離信号で時間稼ぎ。車内臭い。髪長い汚いおっさん
He makes a detour with a calm face and goes to places with many traffic lights. At midnight, earn time at the pedestrian-vehicle separation signal on Kyoto Station Street. The smell in the car. Dirty old man with long hair
こばけん on Google

The taxi driver who stopped at the taxi stand line in front of the rotary at Kyoto Station and was waiting for customers was very annoyed to smoke next to the car. The smoke comes to the walking pedestrians! Don't you think about that? Please follow the rules and smoke in the smoking area! Even if you make a complaint call to the company, it will come back when you come back ~ No, be careful wirelessly now
Ayaka Sonoda Moko on Google

新京和タクシーに乗ろうとした時のことです。 私と子供3人(5歳、3歳、1歳)で雨の日に乗車しようとして3歳の子に後部座席に白いカバーが汚れるから乗り方をどうにかしろとのことで乗車を辞めました。 子供にいつもできるだけ気をつけて乗るようにいつも言ってますが、3歳の子にはまだ難しい話。(そのドライバーは完璧なお子さんだったんでしょうけど)そして私も手伝いたくても1歳の子を抱っこ紐で抱っこしているので、そこまで手が回せません。 雨の日に白いカバーを汚すなと言うならその前に白いカバーを着けるべきではないですし、そもそも汚れが気になるのなら、雨の日に運転するべきじゃないと思います。 日本の少子化が進むのも、公共の交通機関でも気を使わないといけない上に、高いお金を払ってタクシーに乗っても子供に対して酷い扱いをする人が多いからだと痛感しました。 小さい子供に黙らせろという人、汚すなという人色々といますが、昔みんな子供だったし同じように小さい頃ってあったはずなのに自分たちだけ美化し過ぎてるのでは。小さい子供を言い聞かせと言うけど、その方法こっちが知りたいです。 子供達が将来こういう人達のために税金を払っていかないといけないのかと思うと本当に腹立たしいです。 あともうすぐオリンピックで海外からの利用者も増えますけど、海外の人たちはもっと大胆に車に乗る人多いです。京都で白いカバーを汚されるから、外国人を乗せたくない、雨の日に子連れを乗せたくない、そんな方に見受けられました。
This is when I tried to take a Shinkyowa taxi. I tried to get on a rainy day with me and three children (5 years old, 3 years old, 1 year old) and quit the ride because I tried to get on the 3-year-old child because the white cover on the back seat gets dirty . I always tell my child to be as careful as possible, but it is still difficult for a 3 year old child. (I guess the driver was a perfect child) And even if I wanted to help, I'm hugging a one-year-old child with a lanyard, so I can't turn that far. If you don't want to stain the white cover on a rainy day, you shouldn't wear a white cover before that, and if you are worried about dirt in the first place, you shouldn't drive on a rainy day. I was keenly aware that Japan's declining birthrate is due to the fact that many people must treat children even if they pay high money and take a taxi, because they must pay attention to public transportation. There are many people who want to keep small children silent, and people who do not pollute, but they were all children in the past and they should have been just as young, but they are just too beautiful. I tell a small child, but I want to know how to do it. It's really frustrating to see if children have to pay taxes for these people in the future. Soon the Olympics will increase the number of users from overseas, but overseas people are more bold. This was seen by those who do not want to carry foreigners or bring children with them on rainy days because the white cover is soiled in Kyoto.
ぽえまる子 on Google

コミュニケーションの取り方知らないのかな…? コロナ不況の中、絶対乗りたくないタクシーです。金を払いたくないレベル。乗車への声かけなく、行き先は?とも聞かず目でどこへ?と伺うよな態度。伝えたら伝えたで何も返さない。ふざけてんのか?って思いました。到着しても会計のことでしか声を出さないポンコツ具合。 初めてタクシーへの不満で運転手の名前を控えました。最悪です。
Don't you know how to communicate...? It's a taxi that I definitely don't want to ride in the Corona recession. The level you don't want to pay. Where do you go without calling to the train? Where do you go with your eyes without asking? The attitude to ask. When I tell it, I tell it and I don't return anything. Are you fooling around? I tought. When he arrives, he only speaks out about accounting. For the first time, I was dissatisfied with the taxi and withdrew the driver's name. It's the worst.
佐藤善 on Google

運転していると青信号に変わった瞬間後ろからクラクションを鳴らされました。 さらに右折車線に入ろうとして前が空くのを待っていたら今度は数回鳴らされました。 車線変更もウインカーなし、車線はまたいで平気で走行。 乗務員にどういう教育をされているのでしょうか? 困ったことがあってもこの会社は絶対に利用しません。
When I was driving, the moment the light turned green, I was honked from behind. When I was trying to enter the right turn lane and waited for the front to open, it was rang several times this time. There are no blinkers to change lanes, and you can drive across lanes without any problems. What kind of education is being given to the crew? I will never use this company even if I have a problem.

I lost my hand-phone. i used the your taxi in 2018 April 14th( pm12:30~13:30) from おめん 銀閣寺本店 to 京都大学. Maybe my phone was under front seat near driver seat. please contact me by e-mail, if you find my phone. it is very important to me

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