Shinkurashiki Motor Driving School - Kurashiki

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shinkurashiki Motor Driving School

住所 :

1141 Tamashima Yuzaki, Kurashiki, Okayama 713-8125, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 713-8125
Webサイト :

1141 Tamashima Yuzaki, Kurashiki, Okayama 713-8125, Japan
甘党〇 on Google

ATで合宿に行ったのですが、最高でした!! 出来たばかりということで部屋はきれいだし、ご飯は3食しっかりついてきておいしいし...! 何より、受付の人も教官も優しい方ばかりで「この人嫌やな〜」っていう人はいませんでした 人によって合う合わないはあると思いますが、親しみやすい人ばかりで本当に楽しく2週間過ごせました!最初は寂しくて早く帰りたかったのですが、卒業するころには帰りたくなくなってました 色んな合宿所を調べまくった結果、ここを選んで本当に良かったなと思います!!
I went to a training camp at AT, but it was great! ! The room is clean because it is just made, and three meals of rice are firmly attached and delicious ...! Above all, the people at the reception and the instructors were all kind, and there was no one who said "this person hates ~" I think that there is a problem that people do not fit, but I was able to spend two weeks really fun only with friendly people! At first I was lonely and I wanted to return early, but by graduation I didn't want to return As a result of having searched various training places, I think that it was really good to choose here! !
あやたか on Google

I'm in a training camp right now. The school is very clean and the rooms are nice and there is also a laundry room. However, although breakfast is from 7 o'clock, the restaurant is only open from 7 o'clock and I have not prepared anything. The schedule is packed after this, and I want you to prepare as soon as possible.
on Google

合宿免: 人数が少ない時に入ったからすごく楽に過ごせた。人が少なかっただけあって他の合宿生とも必然的に友達になれた。部屋もすごく綺麗で快適だった。カフェテリアのご飯もすごく美味しいかった。教官がたくさんいて、皆さんそれぞれ優しくて教習中も楽しい会話ができた。
Training camp exemption: I started when the number of people was small so it was a lot easier to spend. There weren't many people, so I naturally became friends with other camp students. The room was very clean and comfortable. The cafeteria rice was also delicious. There were many instructors, and everyone was kind and had a good conversation during the lessons.
Masa H on Google

MTの合宿で行きましたが施設、指導員、食事などどれも予想以上に良かったです! 他の方も言っているように学科のビデオは少々子供騙し感のある教育テレビみたいなものでしたが、正直真面目なビデオに比べれば100倍良いと思います。ビデオに関してはあまり眠くなることなく分かりやすかったのが個人的には助かりました。 部屋(男子シングルルーム)の洗面台が部屋の机に付いてる感じでオシャレではありますが利便性としては低いです。時期や人によってはシャワーのみなのも気になるかも知れません。 指導員の方は比較的若い人が多く接しやすくてとても良かったです!ただ人によっては当たりがキツかったりするのでその辺りはどこでも同じだと思われます。 あと海に徒歩3分ほどで行けるので暇な時に散歩できたのも良かったです。 人によっては気になる部分もあると思いますが個人的には大満足で卒業することができました!
I went to the MT training camp, but the facilities, instructors, meals, etc. were all better than I expected! As others have said, the video of the department was a bit like an educational TV with a childish deception, but honestly I think it's 100 times better than a serious video. Personally, it was helpful that the video was easy to understand without getting too sleepy. The wash basin of the room (men's single room) is attached to the desk in the room, which is fashionable but not convenient. Depending on the time of year and the person, you may be concerned about the shower. It was great that the instructors were relatively young and easy to interact with! However, depending on the person, it may be difficult to hit, so it seems that the area is the same everywhere. Also, I could walk to the sea in about 3 minutes, so it was good to be able to take a walk in my spare time. I think that some people may be worried about it, but personally I was very satisfied and was able to graduate!
R格格 on Google

ご飯が美味しい、環境も素敵です。 スタッフ達は優しい、家族みたいです。 私は外国人だから、授業が難しいかも。。。っと思っていたが、全然違った、むしろ面白いくらいの授業でした、とても覚えやすい。 分からないことがあっても、先生達は丁寧に教えてくれました。本当にありがとう〜 あさて卒業だけれど、なんだが寂しく感じてしまう ワザっと試験を落としてもう一泊しようがな www
The rice is delicious and the environment is wonderful. The staff are kind and family-like. I'm a foreigner, so classes may be difficult. .. .. I was wondering, but it was a completely different, rather interesting class, very easy to remember. Even if there was something I didn't understand, the teachers taught me politely. Thank you very much~ I'm graduating, but I feel lonely Let's drop the exam and stay for another night www
Akino Y on Google

■本レビューの注意点 2021年の閑散期に合宿で利用しました。別の時期では異なる点、今後変更となる点あるかもしれませんのでご注意ください。 ■入学の決め手 新幹線ですぐの距離で、新しく綺麗な様子だったので。あとは教習所内に宿泊施設があるというのもポイントでした。 ■教官 合う合わないはあると思いますが、みなさん優しく丁寧に教えてくださいました。 「教官によって言うことが違う」というレビューも散見されますが、そんな時は「前はこういう風に言われたんだけど、、」と聞いてみたらいいと思います。 私も教官によって「座席を上げた方がいい」という方と「あまり上げない方がいい」という方がいたので聞いてみると、「たぶんさっきはS字クランクの教習やったから上げた方が見やすいという判断やったと思う。今はそうじゃないので、視界を狭めないためにあまり上げない方がいい」とかコメントもらえました。 ■路上教習 学校周辺は、駅前はちょっと大きい道もあり、住宅街の細い道もあり、工業地帯系の広い道もあり、いろんな道があって練習にはいいです。初心者でも運転しやすい方だと思います。が、もしこれから都会のど真ん中でばりばり運転しないといけないなら難易度不足だと思います。 原付教習や高速教習もありました。学校によっては原付やらなかったり、高速はシュミレーターで済ませたりするみたいですが、この辺もやらせてもらえてよかったです。 ■学科の授業 教科書とややさむい動画の併用で進めます。がちがちに堅い動画よりはいいかなぁ、、個人的には動画のノリが嫌になってきた頃に教科書のなんの変哲もない内容が嬉しくなるぐらいだったので、教科書がよく頭に入るという意味では問題なかったです。 第一段階の修了検定時に学科試験に合格する必要がありますが、オンラインでいつでも受験できる模擬テストの合格点さえ出せるようになっておけば余裕だと思います(たぶん模擬テストの方が難しい)。この模擬テストは第一段階、第二段階それぞれで必要な回数合格点を出す必要があります。これに何度か挑戦してるうちに問題の傾向がわかりますし、それを踏まえて授業を受けると、あーここポイントなのねと頭に入りやすいです。 ■スケジュール 合宿はさすがに授業詰まってて忙しいですが、忙しさにも波があります。1段階目は比較的ゆとりがあり、授業がごっそりないタイミングもあったりして、おでかけするならその辺りを狙うといいです。2段階目始まってからの3日間ぐらいが山場で一番忙しいです。そこをすぎるとまた若干ゆとりが出ます。 ■施設/備品 まだ新しいですし、清潔感という意味でも綺麗に保たれてると思います。 合宿は1人部屋で利用しました。シングルのビジネスホテルみたいな感じです。 テレビ、DVDプレーヤー、ミニ冷蔵庫、ドライヤー等必要なものは一通り揃ってます。消耗品系だと、トイレットペーパーと不織布のスリッパは置いてくれてますが、ティッシュはないので必要な方は近くの薬局などで買い足すといいです。スリッパはぺらぺらで結構へたるので、荷物に余裕があれば自前のを持ってきてもいいかも(1週間超えたあたりで結構限界を感じます)。あとコップとかもないので、必要なら薬局寄るついでに紙コップでも買うか、マイコップ持ってくるといいです。 お風呂はシャワールームのみで浴槽はないです。個人的にはユニットバスで床がびちょびちょになるより、いっそのことシャワールームの方が快適でしたが、湯船に浸かりたい派の人には辛いのかも。シャンプーや石鹸はないのでこの辺も用意する必要があります。 あと、各階に洗濯機と乾燥機があって無料で使えます。閑散期だったのでいつでも使えましたが、繁忙期はちょっと混むとどこかに書いてありました。洗剤は自分で用意します。私は近くの薬局に小分けの洗剤を買いに行ったのですが、小分けの洗剤ってあまりたくさんは置いてないので、売り切れになることもあるかもしれません(後日同じ薬局を覗いてみたら売り切れてました)。余裕あれば洗剤は事前に準備して持ってくるといいと思います。 ■食事 3食付きで毎日すごく楽でした。普通においしいです。朝は7時半〜9時、昼は11時半〜14時、夜は18時半〜20時半まで利用できます。 1限が8時35分からなので、7時半からご飯食べれば余裕で間に合います。夜は最後の授業が20時35分までなので、終わってから食べようと思ってると食べそびれます。どこかでちゃんとご飯食べれるような時間割にしてくれてるので、自分で注意しとくといいです。 おばちゃんが元気でなんとなくうれしいです。 ■立地 新倉敷駅から送迎バスで15分ぐらいの場所です。1回だけタクシー使ったのですが、思ったより距離があって2300円ぐらいかかります。できるだけバスでやりくりするのがおすすめ。周りには特に何もないですが、レンタサイクルを借りてちょっと行けば薬局、スーパー、コンビニ、洋菓子屋さん(小倉シュークリームがおいしかった)なんかはあります。 ■その他 普段腕時計しない派なので忘れてたのですが、腕時計は持っておいたほうがいいです。運転中はスマホで時間みる訳にもいかないですし、ちょっとしたときにあったらよかったなと思いました。いたるところに掛け時計があるのでなくても一応なんとかはなります。 ■まとめ 運転嫌だなぁ、合宿不安だなぁと思いながらの入学でしたが、全体的に快適な2週間でした。ただ私の場合、この快適さには「人がたくさんいなくて快適」という要素も多めに含まれている気がします。学生さんとかだと長期休暇に取るしかないんでしょうが、連休+休暇の組み合わせで取ろうと思われる方は閑散期おすすめです。ただ、閑散期とはいえその時々の受け入れ上限があると思いますので早めの空き確認や予約をおすすめします。
■ Notes on this review I used it at a training camp during the off-season in 2021. Please note that there may be differences and changes in the future at different times. ■ Decisive factor for admission It was just a short distance from the Shinkansen, and it looked new and beautiful. Another point was that there was an accommodation facility in the driving school. ■ Instructor I think there are some things that don't fit, but everyone kindly and politely taught me. There are some reviews that "what you say is different depending on the instructor", but in such a case, you should ask "I was told this way before." Some instructors said, "It's better to raise the seat," and "It's better not to raise it too much." I think I made the decision. It's not the case now, so it's better not to raise it too much so as not to narrow the field of vision. " ■ Street training Around the school, there are some big roads in front of the station, narrow roads in residential areas, and wide roads in industrial areas, so there are various roads that are good for practicing. I think that even beginners are easy to drive. However, if I have to drive in the middle of the city from now on, I think the difficulty level is insufficient. There was also a moped lesson and a high-speed lesson. Depending on the school, it seems that you do not do mopeds or you can do high speed with a simulator, but I am glad that I was able to do this area as well. ■ Department class We will proceed with a combination of textbooks and slightly sloppy videos. I wonder if it's better than a hard video, which tends to be better, personally, when I became disgusted with the glue of the video, I was happy with the ordinary content of the textbook, so it means that the textbook is often in my head Then there was no problem. You need to pass the academic test at the time of the first stage completion test, but I think it is enough if you can get the passing score of the mock test that you can take online at any time (probably the mock test is more difficult). This practice test requires you to pass the required number of times in each of the first and second stages. As I try this several times, I can understand the tendency of the problem, and if I take classes based on that, it is easy to think that this is the point. ■ Schedule The training camp is really busy with classes, but there are also waves in the busyness. The first stage has a relatively large amount of space, and there are times when the lessons aren't slow, so if you're going out, you should aim for that area. About 3 days after the start of the second stage is the busiest in the mountains. After that, there will be some room. ■ Facilities / equipment It's still new, and I think it's kept clean in terms of cleanliness. I used the training camp in a single room. It's like a single business hotel. We have everything you need, such as a TV, DVD player, mini refrigerator, and hair dryer. For consumables, toilet paper and non-woven slippers are placed, but since there is no tissue, those who need it should buy more at a nearby pharmacy. The slippers are quite flat, so if you have enough luggage, you may bring your own slippers (I feel the limit after about a week). There are also cups, so if necessary, you should go to the pharmacy and buy a paper cup or bring your own cup. The bath is only in the shower room and there is no bathtub. Personally, the shower room was more comfortable than the unit bath messing up the floor, but it may be painful for those who want to soak in the bathtub. There is no shampoo or soap, so you need to prepare this area as well. Also, there are washing machines and dryers on each floor, which you can use for free. It was a quiet season so I could use it anytime, but it was written somewhere that it would be a little crowded during the busy season. You will need to prepare the detergent yourself. I went to a nearby pharmacy to buy a small amount of detergent, but I don't have a lot of small amounts of detergent, so it may be sold out (I looked at the same pharmacy at a later date). It was sold out). If you can afford it, you should prepare the detergent in advance and bring it with you. ■ Meals It was very easy every day with 3 meals. It's usually delicious. It is available from 7:30 to 9:00 in the morning, from 11:30 to 14:00 in the daytime, and from 18:30 to 20:30 in the evening. The first period starts at 8:35, so if you eat from 7:30, you can afford it. At night, the last class is until 20:35, so if you think about eating after that, you will miss it. The timetable is set so that you can eat properly somewhere, so be careful yourself. I'm happy that my aunt is fine. ■ Location It is about 15 minutes by shuttle bus from Shin-Kurashiki Station. I used a taxi only once, but it costs about 2300 yen because it is farther than I expected. It is recommended to manage by bus as much as possible. There is nothing in particular around me, but if you rent a bicycle and go a little, you will find a pharmacy, a supermarket, a convenience store, and a pastry shop (Ogura cream puffs were delicious). ■ Other I forgot because I don't usually watch, but it's better to have a watch. I couldn't even look at the time on my smartphone while driving, and I wish I had a moment. Even if there are no wall clocks everywhere, it can be managed. ■ Summary I entered the school thinking that I didn't like driving and I was worried about the training camp, but overall it was a comfortable two weeks. However, in my case, I feel that this comfort also includes a lot of elements that are "comfortable without a lot of people." Students may have no choice but to take long vacations, but those who plan to take a combination of consecutive holidays and vacations are recommended during the off-season. However, even during the off-season, I think there is an upper limit for acceptance at that time, so it is recommended to check availability and make reservations early.
on Google

施設も綺麗でご飯がとても美味しくて、指導員の方から食堂のおばちゃんまで皆優しい!!ほんとに楽しい合宿免許でした。 ただ1つ残念なのは、みんな親切だけれど受付のおばさんが本当に高圧的で質問してもその答え方や態度が怖くて何も質問出来ないことでした。みんな優しいのでその受付の人だけ怖くて驚きました。せっかく素敵な免許所なのに勿体ないと感じました。 それ以外は全部素晴らしい教習所なので是非迷ってる方は行ってほしいです!
The facilities are clean and the rice is very delicious, and everyone from the instructor to the aunt in the cafeteria is kind! !! It was a really fun training camp license. The only unfortunate thing was that everyone was kind, but the aunt at the reception was really overwhelmed and I was afraid of the answer and attitude, so I couldn't ask anything. Everyone was kind, so I was scared and surprised only by the receptionist. I felt that it was a waste even though it was a wonderful license. Everything else is a wonderful driving school, so if you're wondering, please go!
046 on Google

夏休みに合宿免許で利用しました。 ・ご飯が美味しい ・教官が全員優しい ホントに素晴らしい場所でした 特にご飯が朝昼晩全部美味しいです。合宿免許なので授業を詰め込んで大変な時もありますがご飯のために頑張れます。
I used it with a training camp license during the summer vacation. ・ Rice is delicious ・ All instructors are kind It was a really great place Especially the rice is delicious all morning, day and night. Since I have a training camp license, it can be difficult to pack up classes, but I can do my best for rice.

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