Shinkojimachi Law Offices - Chiyoda City

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shinkojimachi Law Offices

住所 :

秩父屋ビル 3 Chome-7-4-5F Kojimachi, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 102-0083, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 102-0083
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:30AM–5:45PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–5:45PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–5:45PM
Thursday 9:30AM–5:45PM
Friday 9:30AM–5:45PM

秩父屋ビル 3 Chome-7-4-5F Kojimachi, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 102-0083, Japan
杏胡桃 on Google

Mr. Toyohama is a very kind, kind and strong lawyer.
kaz. bigboy on Google

It is the best law firm ❗️ He / she really listens to the consultation from the client's point of view and responds. I am grateful.
kazuyoshi horikoshi on Google

I was kind enough to work on lawsuits several times. We have obtained satisfactory results in all lawsuits. A reliable lawyer.
良いたま on Google

完全の負けの刑事事件を、思ってた 半分の量刑になった。 そして、決して依頼人の話を 良く聞いてくれる
I was thinking of a complete losing criminal case I was sentenced to half the sentence. And never talk about the client Listens well
Asu “cosblue” on Google

I accompanied the client several times. The person in charge was sincere, and he was working on solving all the parts other than the requested case.
sumuhito ebarani on Google

弁護士さんは30名弱いる。 事務所内は派手さはなく堅実な感じが伝わる。 相手の弁護士さんが話しやすく誠実な方だった
There are less than 30 lawyers. The inside of the office is not flashy and conveys a solid feeling. The other attorney was easy to talk to and sincere
T Gaki on Google

この事務所の弁護士とのやり取りはgmailの個人アドレスが使われていました。 個人情報を扱う企業なら漏洩リスクが高いとの理由で業務でのフリーメールの使用禁止は一般的と聞く。 レピュテーションリスクも含めこの業界のガイドラインとかプラクティスに照らしてどうなのか知りたいです。
The personal address of gmail was used for communication with the lawyer of this office. I hear that it is common for companies that handle personal information to ban the use of free e-mail in business because of the high risk of leakage. I would like to know what it is like in the light of the guidelines and practices of this industry, including reputational risk.
count daniell on Google

受付の方は物腰が柔らかく、相談者への配慮をして下さるとても良い方でしたが、当事務所の運営方針に落胆しました。 これは私の所感ですが、まず、当事務所への無料電話相談、更には相談そのものもする意味がないように思います。 受付の際に用件を伝え、それに詳しい弁護士への引き継ぎをお願いしましたが、同サービスに対応下さる弁護士は一般的な問題を取り扱っている者に限るとのことでした。 そして更に、弁護士に電話が引き継がれ用件を説明するも、管轄外の用件とのことで、全て調べてみないと正確にお答えできないとばかり解答をいただきました。(対応の印象として、終始返答に困っている様子でまるで信頼性、安心感を感じることができませんでした) 最終的に、一度来所して詳しくお話をした方がいいとの結論になるも、初回の来所の際に弁護士の指名や用件に詳しい弁護士の方を担当にしていただけるかと確認したところ、今電話口で対応している弁護士が引き続き同用件を担当する決まりになっているとのことでした。唖然としました。 仮に相談を継続した場合、相談者ごとの用件の把握に時間を要し、それに対価を支払うのは当然かとは思いますが、なぜ、担当して下さる弁護士の管轄外の法律の熟知に要する時間まで対価を支払う必要があるのでしょうか。 規模の小さい一般人の相談事であっても、心底参っており、こちらの事務所様の評価も良く期待していた分、非常に残念でなりませんでした。また途方にくれなければならないと思うと苦しくてなりません。
The receptionist was very soft and considerate of the counselor, but I was disappointed with the management policy of our office. This is my impression, but first of all, I don't think it makes sense to have a free telephone consultation with our office, or even the consultation itself. At the time of reception, I told them the matter and asked a lawyer who was familiar with it to hand it over, but he said that the lawyer who handles the service is limited to those who handle general problems. Furthermore, even though the lawyer took over the phone and explained the matter, he answered that it was out of the jurisdiction and that he could not answer accurately unless he checked everything. (As an impression of the response, I could not feel the reliability and security as if I was having trouble responding from beginning to end.) In the end, I concluded that it would be better to visit the office once and talk in detail, but when I visited the office for the first time, I confirmed that I would be in charge of a lawyer who is familiar with the appointment and requirements of a lawyer. It was said that the lawyer who is currently responding by telephone will continue to be in charge of the same matter. I was stunned. If the consultation is continued, it will take time to understand the requirements of each consultant, and it is natural to pay for it, but why is it necessary to familiarize yourself with the law outside the jurisdiction of the lawyer in charge? Do I have to pay for the time? Even if it was a small-scale consultation for the general public, I was deeply concerned, and I was very disappointed because I had high expectations for the evaluation of this office. It doesn't hurt to think that I have to be at a loss again.

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